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I was born as poor boy and grew up in the street without the care, guidance and supervision of your beloved parents. I have been experienced a hard life, being almost naked(赤裸的) with an empty stomach and exist without secure shelter and proper education. Now, as a young man with some sadly experiences of early life, I have a dream. I want to become a great man who have power and authority, like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill or so on. Yes, I dream to be like these great man. I want to change and developed my beloved country, when people in need can live a happy and peaceful life.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 As a famous doctor, Sigmund Freud has problems telling his left from his right. He writes in his diary: I do not know whether it is obvious to other people which is their own or other’s right or left. In my case, I have to think which is my right and no organic feeling tells me. To make sure which is my right hand, I have to make a few writing movements quickly.

Neuroscientist Eric Chudler at the University of Washington referred to a recent study where 71 of 364 (19.5 percent) college professors and 311 of 1,185 (26.2 percent) college students said that they occasionally, frequently or all of the time had difficulty when they had to quickly identify right from left. Chudler told The Washington Post that 95 percent of the 3,719 people who tried his test reported more difficulty with left/right than with up/down.

In most cases, left/right confusion is rarely a big deal. But knowing your directions obviously can be critical if you’re a surgeon or a pilot. That’s why in key situations, there are plans in place to minimize(使減到最少)the chance of problems. In a health care situation, someone may write “not this leg” on a limb(肢), for example. And in the air, because distractions(分心)can cause any number of errors, pilots must avoid all non—essential conversation during the critical phases of flight.

Experts say that right/left confusion doesn’t mean you’re not smart. But scientists aren’t totally sure what causes the right/left confusion. There does, however, seem to be a link between right/left confusion and brain lateralization(偏側(cè)性)—the fact that the right and left halves of the brain each control unique functions.

There may, however, be an association with gender(性別). Several studies have found that women are more likely than men to say they are sometimes unable to distinguish between their right and their left. But some researchers say that’s only because women are more likely than men to admit they may have a problem.

1According to Sigruund Freud’s diary, he .

A.can’t tell the right directly

B.doesn’t know which is his right hand

C.is more foolish than other people

D.isn’t satisfied with his organic feeling

2Eric Chudler mentions the numbers in Paragraph 2 to tell us that .

A.it is easy to tell up from down

B.left/right is as important as up/down

C.many people have trouble with left/right

D.most people can judge left/right easily

3Which of the following may be the important moment of flight according to the text?

A.When the plane is taking off.

B.When the plane is coming down.

C.When the pilot is talking with others.

D.When the pilot is judging the directions.

4Where can you probably read the text?

A.In a private diary.B.In a science fiction.

C.In a latest newspaper.D.In a fashion magazine.


科目: 來源: 題型:


The annual Dalian International Sand Cultural Festival ended in September and 1 three-month festival attracted 3.1 million tourists both from home and abroad to Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort(度假勝地).

According 2 the organizing committee, the festival promoted tourism consumption by 1.55 billion yuan for the national 5A-level resort in Dalian Jinpu New District, Northeast China's Liaoning province. “We're promoting the tourism industry 3 (build) Jinshitan into a world-famous tourist resort," said Shang Shuchen, 4 (direct) of Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort.

5(know) as Golden Pebble Beach, Jinshitan is famous for its beautiful 6(nature) scenery. During the festival, 18 themed activities 7 (hold) , showing international youth culture and art exchange, seafood cuisine, beach volleyball match, model contest, environmental protection and so on, 8 provided more choices for citizens and tourists to enrich the beach life.

Over the years, Dalian Jinpu New District has 9 (successful) held a number of special tourism festivals with its rich culture and tourism resources. The International Sand Cultural Festival at Jinshitan 10 (become) a well-known brand in Northeast China and even Northeast Asia.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Many famous churches as listed below have a long religious history, inventive architecture and dedicated craftsmanship.

Sagrada Familia

This church located in Barcelona, Spain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site(世界文化遺址). It is a Roman Catholic Church planned by architect Antoni Gaudi and its construction began in 1882. However, it remains incomplete till today. This is mainly because of its huge size and the process to return the earliest construction to its original condition would never end. A tour of the whole church would take about a week.

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

This famous church is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia and marks the exact center of the city. It was completed in 1561 under the rule of Ivan the Terrible and has a very colorful architecture unusual for a church. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is perhaps one of the most famous churches in the world because it appears in many movies.

Westminster Abbey

This famous church is in London and is one of the iconic(標志性的) buildings in the country. It was built in the 10th century and today is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Thames River and Westminster Palace are both located near the Abbey and the Gothic(哥特式的) architecture draws many tourists each year. Westminster Abbey is also the place for important events of the royal family.

Church of the Nativity

This church is located in Bethlehem, Palestine and is believed to be the birthplace of Jesus. Its construction was started 327AD and today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This church, however, does not see many tourists because of the ongoing conflict in Palestine.

1What's the common character of the churches?

A.They're Gothic architectures.B.They are located in city centers.

C.They are UNESCO world heritage sites.D.They are visited by many tourists every year.

2Which church has the longest history?

A.Sagrada Familia.B.Saint Basil’s Cathedral.

C.Westminster Abbey.D.Church of the Nativity.

3Why is Sagrada Familia still incomplete?

A.Its construction didn't start until recently.B.Repair is needed before completing it.

C.Early buildings will be pulled down.D.People want to make it larger and larger.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假如英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中 共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。






As Grandma gets older, she is getting more and more forgetful. I went to a nearby supermarket with her on last week. I pushed the shopping cart around to load it with what we want to buy. I was looking at some snacks while I realized Grandma was missed. I looked for her everywhere and she was nowhere to be found. So I turned to security guard who was on duty with tear in my eyes. He comforted me patient and told me to wait by the apple stand when she and other guards were searching for Grandma. It was not long before Grandma was found and brought to me. I was very grateful that I decided to put it forward and help others whenever possible.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Whether you choose a relaxing vacation stay or an active adventure at Yellowstone National Park or on the Yellowstone River, Flying Pig Adventure Company can accommodate your wishes.

Overnight at the Ranch(牧場)

Check In at 2:30 pm, Daily May through August

Based at our private ranch located at an altitude of 7500 feet, bordering Yellowstone National Park, you’ll enjoy about four hours of riding over two days with an evening at the ranch—including Sue’s legendary cowboy cookout(野餐). Limited to 5 families per day. All meals included.

Day One: We’ll greet you in the afternoon and provide you with directions to the best ranch in the northern Yellowstone area, called Hells A Roarin’ Ranch. Surrounded by forest service and miles of wilderness, the ranch has 2 cabins(小屋)and 3 wall tents for guests to settle in before a delightful two-hour horse riding with attractive views overlooking Yellowstone.

Day Two: Breakfast served at 8:00 a.m.. By 9:00 a.m. you’ll be on top of your horse heading into the wilderness for a two-hour horse riding. You’ll be glad for photo stops in this Montana scenery—few people get to experience this wild country. When you return to the ranch, you can enjoy a picnic lunch and wander around to absorb all the ranch life before winding back down the hill to Gardiner Hotel. You will be content with all the high mountain fresh air!

Choose between 2 Cabins and 3 Wall Tents

Cabin Stay: $295 each for the first two people; $245 for each additional person

Wall Tent Stay: $245 each for the first two people; $220 for each additional person

1Where is the private ranch mentioned above?

A.It is 7500 feet away from a famous park.

B.It is right next to Yellowstone National Park.

C.It is just across the Yellowstone River.

D.It is close to the Adventure Company.

2After settling in the cabins or tents, the guests can .

A.enjoy four hours of riding in the ranch

B.take a wonderful view of Yellowstone National Park

C.drive a car in the forests and wilderness

D.ask about the direction to the former ranch

3If a family of 4 persons hopes to settle in a cabin, they will spend .




科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】How to Make Your Email Really Secure

Email is the most used communications medium for business and for many of us at home too, but few people outside IT know how to truly secure their email. Here's a quick look at some of the ways you can carry on encrypted(加密的) conversations.1

Your Gmail messages being sent are encrypted. However, unless the receiver is reading email using a Google browser(瀏覽器) or Gmail app, they don't stay encrypted. And, of course, Google itself freely admits that its software reads all of your email for advertising purposes. Some programs, like the paid version of Outlook, offer an encryption feature. 2 It requires that you and your receiver exchange something called a digital signature.

3 The disadvantage—and you knew there would be one—is that your receiver must also subscribe to that service, or enter a password to open each message you send. They're fine if your only secure conversations are with one or two people. 4

Another option for those wishing to send secure text correspondence: Don't use email at all. 5 These apps encrypt your messages on both ends and throughout their sending. Here again, though, they limit your communication to people who also have and use those same apps.

A.Protect the machine you use email on.

B.Free accounts limit the size of your messages and attachments.

C.But setting it up takes much trouble, and surely not for the masses.

D.Instead, use a chat program like CryptoCat, ChatSecure, or PQChat.

E.But you're never going to persuade the whole world to sign up to get your emails.

F.Email providers like Tutanota, and Protonmail automatically encrypt all the mail you send.

G.The concern that your words could be stolen and used against you someday will be solved.


科目: 來源: 題型:


Are you sick of going to bed late and waking up tired? Then grab your hiking boots and a tent. A new study suggests that a couple days of camping in the great outdoors can reset your circadian (晝夜節(jié)律的)clock and help you get more sleep.

The circadian clock, more commonly known as the body clock, is an internal system that tells our bodies when it's time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up. Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin(褪黑激素)circulating in a person’s blood at any given time. In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime, stay high through the night, and then settle back down when it's time to wake up.

In our modern society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could. And the trouble is that your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, which leads to grogginess(頭暈眼花). It may also have other health consequences as well, such as diabetes(糖尿病), overweight problems and heart disease

Professor Kenneth P. Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature. His team recruited (招收)14 physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s. Nine went on a weekend camping trip, while the other five stayed home. At the end of the weekend, the researchers reported that in just two days, the campers' body clocks had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip. By contrast, the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend. 'This tells us we can reset our clocks fast, ' Wright said.

Therefore, if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at night.



科目: 來源: 題型:


Scientists found that air pollution may be responsible 1 a big reduction in 2 (intelligent). Research showed that air pollution led to big falls in test 3 (score) for languages and mathematics. The study called "The influence of air pollution on cognitive (認知的)performance"4(conduct) over four years ago. Researchers analyzed speaking and mathematics tests 5 (take) by 20,000 people of all ages. They said, "Polluted air may do harm to cognitive ability as people become older. "

The study is a warning to the rest of the world ,6(particular) those in cities. Over 91 percent of the world population live in areas with polluted air,7 is the fourth biggest cause of global deaths. Researchers discovered that the 8(long) people were exposed to polluted air, the greater their cognitive ability went down. They said air pollution caused a year' s worth of lost education. For those aged over 60, this could be several years. A researcher warned, "There 9be) no shortcut to solve this issue. Governments really need to take effective measures 10(reduce) air pollution. "


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Historians and archaeologists have defined periods of human history for centuries by the technologies or materials that made the greatest impact on society. This includes the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. But what age are we in now? That question can be answered with one word for some researchers. Plastics.

“Plastic has redefined our material culture and the artifacts we leave behind. It will be found in stratified(分層的) layers in our trash deposits(沉積層). ” That’s according to John Marston, an archaeologist.

The wide variety of synthetic polymers(合成聚合物) would not exist if it weren’t for human action. About six billion tons of plastics have been made and spread around the planet. They have been spread from forests to oceans ever since the first plastic polymers were invented.

Plastics are one of the most significant changes that humans have made to the Earth’s makeup. Most plastics don’t easily degrade. This only adds to the problem. Recycling isn’t an adequate solution. Not all types of plastic are easily recyclable. And there are only a few recycling plants that can process all varieties of plastic.

According to Debra Winter, writer for The Atlantic, this means that many of the materials thrown into recycling bins can cross the planet several times before they are processed. They are made into rugs, sweaters, or they are used to make other bottles. Millions of tons of plastics are recycled every year, but millions more end up in landfills or the ocean. The problem has reached the point where it’s possible that in just a few decades there might be more plastic in the world’s oceans than fishes.

“Plastics have a supposed lifespan of over 500 years, so it’s safe to say that every plastic bottle you have used exists somewhere on this planet, in some form or another” Winter writes.

The damage may already be done. It may be too late for human populations worldwide to change their plastic using ways. So the Plastic Age might soon take its place next to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in the history of human civilization.

1Why do people call our age the Plastic Age?

A.Because plastics are not naturally made.

B.Because humans create plastics.

C.Because plastics influence the world greatly.

D.Because historians and archaeologists think so.

2According to the passage, how are most plastics dealt with currently?

A.They are recycled.

B.They are degraded.

C.They are thrown away.

D.They are made into bottles.

3What is the author’s attitude to the Plastic Age?



4What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Plastics have ruined our environment.

B.We must stop using plastics altogether.

C.Human beings are in the Plastic Age.

D.Plastics are significant to human development.

