0  670  678  684  688  694  696  700  706  708  714  720  724  726  730  736  738  744  748  750  754  756  760  762  764  765  766  768  769  770  772  774  778  780  784  786  790  796  798  804  808  810  814  820  826  828  834  838  840  846  850  856  864  3002 


第I卷 選擇性試題(126分)








D、先天性行為與神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的調(diào)節(jié)作用無直接聯(lián)系w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m





C、③→⑥→②→④→①→⑤w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m




A、肌肉松弛、肌肉僵直        B、肌肉僵直、肌肉松弛

C、肌肉松弛、肌肉松弛w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m        D、肌肉僵直、肌肉僵直

4、動物細(xì)胞體外培養(yǎng)時,通常要在培養(yǎng)基中補充一定濃度的某些物質(zhì) 右圖是血清對正常細(xì)胞和癌細(xì)胞培養(yǎng)影響的實驗結(jié)果。對該圖提供的信息分析錯誤的是w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m












6.在通常條件下,下列各組物質(zhì)性質(zhì)排列不正確的是                      (  )

  A.熔點:CO2>KCl>SiO2                                                        B.沸點:HF>HBr>HI

C.熱穩(wěn)定性:PH3<H2S<HCl                D.硬度:鋁>鎂>鋁鎂合金

7.下列各組固體物質(zhì)中,在加水或加熱的條件下,都能放出CO2的是             (  )

  A.NaHCO3和Al2(SO4)3                            B.NaHCO3和Na2CO3

C.MgSO4和CaCO3                                  D.Na2CO3和Al(NO3)3

8. 根據(jù)下表的信息,判斷以下敘述正確的是                                                   (  )




























9.下列敘述正確的是                                                                                      (  )





10.對于醋酸溶液的下列說法中,不正確的是                                                 (  )





11.下列各組離子在給定條件下能大量共存的是                                             (  )







X(g) + Y(g)Z(g) + W(s);∆H>0

  下列敘述正確的是                                                                                        (  )





13.下列說法中,正確的是                                                                             (  )










第 Ⅰ 卷(單項選擇題,共140分)







D.探索月球的危險性最小w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m



A.此時太陽直射點在西半球       B北京的晝長于倫敦

C.華北地區(qū)正值雨季w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m            D.地球公轉(zhuǎn)速度最快




A.赤道地區(qū)氣溫年較差最小    B.南北緯60度氣溫年較差最大

C. 赤道上最小,隨緯度的增加,氣溫年較差不斷增大w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m

D. 赤道上最大,隨著緯度的增加,氣溫年較差不斷減小


A.緯度較高,陸地面積廣闊    B緯度較高,海洋面積廣闊

C.地勢高,溫差變化大w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m        D.冬季有寒流通過,夏季有暖流通過





C.丙圖上的M點位于山脊上     D.丁圖上的M點可能位于四川盆地中




A.日照較強,輻射收入多     B.蒸發(fā)較少,土壤水分條件較好

C.氣溫較高,且日變化大     D.降水較多,水源充足














  A.長途電話   B.電報  C.國際互聯(lián)網(wǎng)    D.寄信



A.(1)A.④   B.⑥   C.⑤   D.③   E.①   F.②

B.(1)A.⑥   B.④   C.⑤   D.③   E.①   F.② 

C.(1)A.④   B.⑥   C.①   D.③   E.⑤   F.②

D.(1)A.④   B.②   C.⑤   D.③   E.①   F.⑥











   A、①②③   B、①②④   C、②③④    D、①③④

14、19世紀(jì)六七十年代資產(chǎn)階級革命和改革在世界許多地區(qū)展開,并產(chǎn)生了深遠(yuǎn)的影響 以下論斷正確的有






  ①進(jìn)行專權(quán)統(tǒng)治           ②頒布資產(chǎn)階級憲法

  ③對外征戰(zhàn)               ④改共和制為帝制

  A、①②③        B、②③④       C、①②④       D、①③







  A、北美獨立戰(zhàn)爭的勝利         B、法國軍隊占領(lǐng)西班牙

  C、海地贏得了獨立             D、拉美經(jīng)濟(jì)的迅速發(fā)展


  A、取得政治獨立                  B、推翻封建殖民統(tǒng)治

  C、建立共和國                    D、廢除封建土地制度






  A、①②③   B、①②④     C、①③④   D、①②③④






















發(fā)行了250億元紙幣,導(dǎo)致商品價格上漲25%,則當(dāng)年該國流通中實際需要的貨幣量應(yīng)是         億元,該年每l元貨幣平均流通          次。下列答案正確的是

A.1000  6       B.1200  3       C.1000  3       D.1200  6




















①聯(lián)系具有普遍性,事物在系統(tǒng)中的作用是確定不變的 ②聯(lián)系具有客觀性,具體事物之間的聯(lián)系是復(fù)雜多變的 ③聯(lián)系具有普遍性,事物之間的聯(lián)系是無條件的 ④聯(lián)系具有條件性,事物之間的聯(lián)系是具體的有條件的

A.①②        B.②③          C.①③        D.②④


胞生成。從而使 “大腦越用越靈”的觀點找到了確切的科學(xué)依據(jù)。“大腦越用越靈”的事實表明

A.物質(zhì)是運動的主體       B.運動是物質(zhì)的存在方式和根本屬性

C.人腦是意識的物質(zhì)器官   D.量的積累會引起質(zhì)的飛躍



①發(fā)揮主觀能動性與尊重客觀規(guī)律和客觀條件的關(guān)系 ②城市布局要深刻地把握人與自然的聯(lián)系 ③城市布局要追求各自的個性 ④依山傍水是城市選址應(yīng)遵循的一般規(guī)律

A.①②       B.②③          C.③④         D.②④









①堅持對人民負(fù)責(zé)原則  ②自覺接受人民群眾的監(jiān)督  ③履行社會公共服務(wù)職能  ④認(rèn)真履行管理經(jīng)濟(jì)的職能

A.①③         B.②③         C.②④           D.③④









①國家保障公民的文化教育權(quán)利  ②繁榮民族文化是實現(xiàn)共同繁榮的根本途徑  ③我國堅持民族平等原則  ④共同語言是民族最穩(wěn)定的基本特征

A.①②        B.①③          C.②④         D.①④







    A.①③        B.②③      C.②④         D.①④


第 Ⅱ 卷(非選擇題,共160分)





(1)       簡要分析上海港建港并成為我國第一大港的區(qū)位條件。(10分)












(1)       文藝復(fù)興倡導(dǎo)的人文主義的核心內(nèi)容是什么?(5分)


(2)       簡要說明文藝復(fù)興與新航路開辟之間的關(guān)系。(5分)
















材料一  重慶和成都是我國中西部地區(qū)特大中心城市,重慶3100萬人



材料二  成渝城鄉(xiāng)綜合配套改革新試驗區(qū)與深圳、浦東等沿海開放老試驗區(qū)的比較







打造中國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長“新極點”。以GD P增長速度、吸引外資數(shù)量等為主要評價指標(biāo)。



















        (2分)。其主要功能有             (2分)










材料一  家庭聯(lián)產(chǎn)承包責(zé)任制被稱為現(xiàn)代中國農(nóng)村的“第二次革命”。



1978年12月,十一屆三中全會通過的《關(guān)于加快農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展若干問題的決定(草案)》允許“包工到作業(yè)組,聯(lián)系產(chǎn)量計算報酬,實行超產(chǎn)獎勵”,但強調(diào)“不許包產(chǎn)到戶” 。幾乎同時,安徽省鳳陽縣小崗村18戶農(nóng)民神情隱秘而帶悲壯地簽訂了一份契約:“我們分田到戶,每戶戶主簽字蓋章。如此后能干,每戶保證完成每戶全年上交和(的)公糧,不在(再)向國家伸手要錢要糧;如不成,我們干部作(坐)牢、殺頭也干(甘)心。大家也保證把我們的小孩養(yǎng)活到18歲!













材料二  農(nóng)村改革30年來一共邁出了三大步。第一步,實行以家庭承





A.             B.              C.             D.


A. w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m               B.               C.                D.


A.{} w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m                B.{}               C.{}           D.{}


A.若, 則                       B.若, 則

C.若, 則 w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m                      D.若 , 則      


A.奇函數(shù)且在上單調(diào)遞減                B.偶函數(shù)且在上單調(diào)遞增

C.奇函數(shù)且在上單調(diào)遞減                D.偶函數(shù)且在上單調(diào)遞增


A.24 w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m             B.20             C.16             D.12


A.             B.           C.          D.


A.                B.               C.           D.


A.         B. 

C.         D. 


A.               B.               C.               D.


A.1條             B.2條              C.3條             D.4條


A.                 B.                 C.            D.

12. 現(xiàn)代社會對破譯密碼的難度要求越來越高.有一種密碼把英文的明文(真實文)按字母分解,其中英文的的26個字母(不論大小寫)依次對應(yīng)1,2,3,…,26這26個自然數(shù)(見下表):






















































  將明文轉(zhuǎn)換成密文,如,即變成; ,即變成.按上述規(guī)定,若將明文譯成的密文是,則原來的明文是

A.            B.                   C.                           D.






16.公比為的等比數(shù)列中,若是數(shù)列的前項積,則有也成等比數(shù)列,且公比為;類比上述結(jié)論,相應(yīng)地在公差為的等差數(shù)列中,若的前項和,則有一相應(yīng)的等差數(shù)列,該等差數(shù)列的公差為__________ ;














(1) 求證:;

(2) 求平面與平面所成角的正弦值.



(1) 求證:數(shù)列是等差數(shù)列;

(2) 設(shè)⊙的面積為,求證:

(文) 在等差數(shù)列中,,前項和滿足條件,



21. (本小題滿分12分)





精選精練2009年高考英語單選擇選模擬預(yù)測題 5

1. Jack fell in love with Catherine ___________ he met her in the university.

A. for the first time                B. first time

C. the first time                   D. a first time

2. ?Would you please take a message for me when you see Kate?

  --_____________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. By no means     B. By this means     C. By means of      D. By all means

3. ?I’m sorry but I must be going off now.

  --Ok, __________.

A. So long      B. Walk slowly      C. Be careful       D. Take your time

4. There ____________ nothing to talk about, everyone in the room remained silent.

A. was          B. had              C. being          D. having

5. Do you know the man ___________ himself ___________ the disabled won the Nobel Prize for Peace yesterday?

A. devoted; to help   B. devoted; to helping   C. devoting; to help D. devoting; to helping

6. _____________ late, but also he forgot his books. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Not only did he turn up           B. Not only he turned up

C. Not only did he turn out           D. Not only he turned out

7. You should read the ___________ first when using the new washing machine.

A. introductions     B. explanations      C. directions     D. expressions

8. We arrived home at 9:00 in the evening, __________most people had already had supper.

A. at that time     B. by that time     C. at which time     D. by which time

9. __________ the fact it was raining, she still went out hurriedly.

A. Though         B. However        C. Although       D. Despite

10. ?Will $200 ___________?

  --I’m afraid not. I need at least $100 more.

A. do          B. contain        C. include        D. cover

11. ?Does Betty know where his violin is?

  --She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesn’t know __________.

A. whose        B. it          C. what         D. which

12. _____________the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

A. As          B. Because       C. With        D. While

13. ?Jack is ill in hospital. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

  --Really, I __________ him right now.

A. will visit     B. am going to visit     C. am to visit     D. am about to visit

14. ___________ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.

A. Caught       B. Having caught      C. Being caught      D. To catch

15. There was a teapot shaped like a duck, out of ___________ mouth the tea was supposed to come.

A. whose         B. which         C. its        D. that

16. I’m going to find a part-time job and earn some money, __________ I think I could afford that beautiful MP4.

A. in case         B. in that case        C. in which case     D. in the case

17. At yesterday’s meeting lots of questions __________.

A. brought up       B. went up        C. came up      D. broke up

18. You __________ football after school. Why not go home and do your homework first?

A. always played                  B. have always played

C. are always playing              D. have always been playing

19. The meeting is to begin at 4:00 pm, but as assistants, we’re _________ to be there a bit earher. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. invited      B. supposed       C. encouraged      D. hoped

20. __________ different good manners may be in different countries, the principles of good manners is always the same.

A. Although      B. However      C. Despite      D. No matter

21. When asked what original intention would lead them to volunteer, about _________ said they were “willing to do something for the Games.”

A. half of them     B. half of which     C. half of whom     D. half of who

22. Oranges are usually sold by __________weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by _________ dozen.

A. the; the     B. /; the      C. /; a      D. the; a

23. _________Shenzhen is a beautiful modern city. But __________ Shenzhen before the year 1979 was a fishing village.

A. The; the       B./; /     C. /; the      D. The; /

24. Though_________ came that he was completely defeated, he didn’t lose __________.

A. the word; his heart    B. the word; heart     C. word; his heart    D. word; heart

25. Be careful! Don’t get the orange juice on your shirt, for it ___________.

A. isn’t washing out  B. won’t be washed out    C. isn’t washed out   D. won’t wash out

26. ?Does your brother serve in the army?

  --No, not now. But he ________ in the army for 8 years.

A. would serve    B. served     C. had served     D. was serving

27. Studies show the MP3 people have made much use of _________mustic may be causing hearing loss in many people.

A. enjoy       B. to enjoy      C. enjoying      D. enjoyed

28. The artist made up his mind to devote all the could __________ his English before going abroad. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. improve     B. to improve    C. improving     D. to improving

29. It was a pity that the famous painter died _________ his painting unfinished.

A. of     B. with      C. from       D. for

30. English words are not always spelt __________.

A. the way which they sound        B. by the way they sound

C. the way they sound             D. as they are sounded

31. ?Where is Jim? He said he would meet me here at 3:00 pm.

  --He seems ___________ with Mr Black in the office.

A. to talk       B. to be talking     C. to have talked      D. talking

32. The teacher suggested the dictionary ___________ at once.

A. be referred to be bought          B. be referred to being bought

C. referred to be bought            D. referred to being bought

33. We shouldn’t have the wrong attituade towards the disabled people. It is probable that one day we will end up __________ a disability.

A. in          B. as         C. with           D. for

34. Without facts, we can’t form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge _______ our thinking.

A. which to base on                    B. which to be based on

C. upon which to base                  D. upon which to be based

35. ?Is there any possibility of the film ___________ in Paris International Festival?

  --Not in the least, because the audience generally think little of it.

A. trying out    B. tried out     C. to try out     D. being tried out

36.--Did you remember to pay the telephone bill?     

--The telephone bill ? __________ w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. That isn’t due yet.                B. Are you sure ?   

C. My telephone is out of order.       D. Please remember the amount.

37.You can have _____ second try if you fail _____ first time.

A.the; 不填      B. 不填;a       C. the; a          D. a; the

38.After the Shenzhou VI capsule (太空艙 ) touched down, two astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth, thus again __________ China is a global space power.

A. proving      B. to prove     C. to have proved      D. being proved   

39.The way he did differed _____ what we were used to______ some aspects.

A. from, in      B. in, from        C. from ,to         D. at, in

40.Many difficulties have ______ as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel.

A. risen         B. arisen         C. raised       D. arose

41.Each of the 400 people received from their boss ______ gift - “Who moved my cheese?” , ______ best-seller in the US, which helped them understand how to deal with changes in their lives and work.

A. the; /         B. a; /     C. a; a     D. the; a

42.The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I am paying ______ here.

A. as three times much                 B. as much three times

C. much as three times                 D. three times as much

43.Clothing made of man-made fibres has certain advantages over           made of natural fibres like cotton ,wool or silk.

A. the ones             B. one                       C. that                    D. what

44.-----How about the book you are reading?

    -----Good indeed. It______ many problems we have come across in our study.

A. says   B. talks    C. covers     D. refers w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

45..We waited and waited. ______we had been looking forward to .

A. Then came the hour            B. Then did the hour come

C. Then the hour came            D. The hour then came

46. To his disappointment, the opinion he had stuck ______ out wrong.

A. to turn               B. to turning     C. to turned        D. to be turned

47. In a sports team each player has a clear role, and there are few occasions _______ members are confused or uncertain of their roles.

A. which    B. when      C. that      D. how

48. ______and I’ll get the work finished.

A. Having one more hour              B. One more hour  

C. Given one more hour               D. If I have one more hour

49. AIDS is said ______ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.

A. that it is                 B. to be      C. that it has been     D. to have been

50.The small mountain village       we spent our holiday last month lies in        is now part of Hubei. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. which; where      B. where; what      C. that; which      D. when; which




1-5 CDACD    6-10 ACDDA    11-15 ACACA    16-20 CCCBB    21-25 ABCDD 

26-30 BBDBC  31-35 BCCCD    36-40 ADAAB   41-45 CDCCA    46-50 CBBDB





精選精練2009年高考英語單選擇選模擬預(yù)測題 4

1. The officials soon realized that, __________, things would get worse.

A. unless dealt wi高考資源網(wǎng)th it properly            B. if not properly dealing with it

C. unless properly dealt with               D. if dealt not properly with

2. what if we meet with a situation ___________ none of us are able to deal with?

A. where      B. in which       C. what      D. that w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

3. The process of curing a disease is like a war _________ different soldiers fight against an enemy.

A. where      B. when         C. as        D. while

4. I hold the view ___________ she stated was true.

A. that       B. what         C. that what     D. which

5. ?Where have you been all day?

  --We _________ some lovely children and we couldn’t get away from them until it was dark. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. met       B. meet         C. have met      D. have been meeting

6. ___________ what to do, I decided to ask the teacher for advice.

A. knowing not                                  B. Having not known

C. Not knowing                                 D. Not having known

7. You can hardly imagine the great trouble I took ____________ your house.

A. to find      B. finding     C. found     D. having found

8. Now I’ll present the facts __________.

A. on which to be based my opinion     B. which to base my opinion on

C. upon which to base my opinion              D. which to base my opinion upon

9. ?It cost me 30 yuan to get here.

  --Well, it was crazy of you to take a taxi __________you would come by bus as well.

A. unless      B. if       C. when       D. because

10. ___________ is no wonder that he passed the maths exam.

A. It         B. There      C. As       D. Which w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

11. At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and __________ down to eat our picnic lunch.

A. sitting     B. having sat     C. to sit     D. sat

12. Yesterday evening when going to the cinema I frequented, I went in a wrong direction ________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. somehow     B. anyhow      C. somewhat      D. someway

13. Fiat _________ a tiny “city car” especially for Europe’s narrow, crowded streets.

A. explained     B. tried       C. settled        D. launched

14. Nowadays in most hospitals, information records, for examples, of patients with the same illness, are ___________ in the computer.

A. made          B. sent         C. set          D. kept

15. ?Will you __________ our pet dog while we’re on vacation?

  --Well, that ought to be no problem. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. keep an eye of                               B. keep an eye on

C. have an eye for                              D. have an eye on

16. Bob used to be a lazy boy, but he is __________ doing his homework very seriously tonight.

A. setting out    B. preparing for    C. going about     D. putting on

17. ?You _________ here all the way through the thick snow last night. There was nothing important.

  --Yes, but I didn’t know.

A. didn’t need to come                       B. don’t need to come

C. needn’t have come                         D. needn’t come

18. It’s important that enough money _________ for the project.

A. be collected    B. must be collected    C. was collected     D. can be collected

19. ?Could I make a few remarks on the discussion?

  --Yes, of course you _________.

A. should      B. must       C. can       D. could

20. ?Are you a teacher?

  --No, but I ________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. used to        B. was used to      C. used to be      D. used to do

21. They keys were __________ to our neighbours during our absence.

A. given out      B. given away       C. given over     D. given up

22. Was it near the white building, if I may ask, __________ Martin Luther King gave a speech “I have a dream”?

A. where        B. that           C. why         D. in which

23. ?Did you come back early yesterday?

  --No, it was midnight ___________ I arrived home.

A. before       B. after           C. that        D. when

24. I would appreciate __________ if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “Hello” to her. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. that        B. it          C. you          D. her

25. Mr Brown has a strange way of writing. Here is a notice from him, but no clear ___________ of what he has written can be made at all.

A. explanation    B. sense     C. meaning     D. idea

26. Since I don’t like many vegetables, can I eat fruits every day instead __________ the nutrients I need?

A. to get        B. of getting      C. of to get      D. of get

27. The skier’s red clothes stood out clearly ___________ the snow.

A. in           B. over          C. above       D. against

28. Having now ___________ 40, he feels that his footballing career is coming to an end.

A. gone       B. turned        C. become      D. entered

29. Fully __________ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in the club.

A. attached      B. occupied      C. contributed      D. devoted

30. ?Would you like to go to Paris with us next year?

  --I’d like to, but my mother ____________ that I’m too young.

A. is against     B. opposes      C. objects       D. explains

31. ?Jack, you play chess with Kate. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

  --What! ___________ to play with her at chess? No.

A. I           B. Me        C. Mine          D. My

32. Mr White, who comes from ___________ European country, has formed _________ habit of attending ______________ church on Sundays.

A. an; ×; the   B. a; the; ×   C. an; the; ×    D. a; a; a

33. Would you like __________ knife and fork, or would you rather use __________ chopsticks, sir? w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. the; the     B. a; /      C. /; the        D. /; /

34. The chairman felt very angry because no notice was __________ of what he said at the meeting.

A. made       B. taken     C. done       D. brought

35. ?It’s getting dark earlier than before, isn’t it?

  --Yes, I think so. I see _________ is on already.

A. the street’s light                             B. the light of the street

C. the street’s light                             D. the street light

36. Though it’s a challenging job, he did it ________ it took me.

A. one-third a time                             B. one-third time

C. the one-third time                          D. one-third the time

37. The editor-in-chief asked me to write another article for them, ________ about how to prevent bird flu. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. that       B. one      C. it      D. what

38. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his writing that he felt ________ lonely.

A. nothing but    B. anything but     C. all but     D. everything but

39. The next day, the group of villagers had not gone very far ________ they entered a very narrow passage between two mountains.

A. after       B. when        C. until       D. while

40. As we all know, _________ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.

A. normal     B. general      C. common      D. regular

41. A short, thin man, __________ past middle age, visited the manager and applied for the job.

A. much      B. well       C. too       D. highly

42. __________ you are familiar with the author’s ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as possible. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Now       B. Ever since      C. So that     D. As long as

43. The famous painting that is __________ so much praise can be seen in the museum.

A. with       B. beyond        C. without     D. within

44. Helen, when you receive some e-mails, don’t answer any e-mail ________ your private information, however official they look.

A. seeking     B. asking      C. requesting     D. accepting

45. _________ is known to us is that the old doctor, for _________ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his late life.

A. As; whom     B. What; whom     C. It; whose     D. As; whose

46. I had hoped to catch the flight, but at length I found that I couldn’t ____________ it.

A. help      B. make     C. work      D. want

47. Had it been at all possible, I would have gone to attend her in the hospital, but I ________ fully occupied last week.

A. was       B. had been     C. am       D. have been

48. My English teacher insisted that the exercises _________ very difficult and that we ________ it carefully. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. were; must finish    B. be; finish    C. were; finish    D. be; finished

49. The ground is slippery. Hold on to the rope and don’t _________.

A. put off     B. turn up     C. let go     D. take apart

50. ?Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it.


A. Made it     B. Got it     C. Understood it     D. Remembered it




1-5 CDACA    6-10 CACCA    11. A    12. A/D    13-15 DDB    16-20 CCACC

21-25CBDBB  26-30 ADBBC   31-35 BBBBD    36-40 DBBBBD   41-45 BABCB

46-50 BACCB





精選精練2009年高考英語單選擇選模擬預(yù)測題 3

1. Was        Bill,        played the piano very well,        helped the blind man out? w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. he; who; that     B. it; that; that              C. it; who; who      D. he; that; who

2. In area it is abou高考資源網(wǎng)t the same size as the USA(without Alaska), which has         .

A. three times more than as many people     B. as more than three times many people

C. more than as three times many people     D. more than three times as many people

3. New ideas sometimes have to wait a long time            .

A. before fully accepted                             B. before being fully accepted

C. till are fully accepted                             D. until being fully accepted

4. ―The work will take me another week. I’m really tired.

―I think you          as well consult an experienced worker.

A.may                    B.can                     C.need                   D.must

5. Your speech given at the meeting, ______ everyone is taking into careful consideration, means much to us all.

A. where         B. what         C. as        D. which

6. ______ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Examining                 B. Examined

C. Being examined             D. Having been examined

7.By the year she arrives in London, scientists probably ____ a cure for bird flue.

A. will be discovering                        B. are discovering

C. will have discovered                       D. have discovered

8. --- Mom, I can’t see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.

--- Come on, dear. Years of hard work will surely _____ in the future of your career.

A. make sure     B. pay off     C. bring back       D. pay back

9. They notice that plants don’t grow well _______ is much shade.

A. where                      B. which                      C. where there                     D. there

10. ________ it is to jump into the river to swim in summer! w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. What a fun               B. What fun                  C. How fun                  D. How funny

11. ---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.

   ---- Where did you _______?

A. pick that up                     B. put that up                C. make that up             D. take that up

12. I came home very late last night, _______, early this morning.

A. at the latest               B. on the whole             C. in a word                 D. or rather

13. Life is like sport,            I mean it’s a hard competitive business.

A. in which           B. by which           C. for which          D. of which

14.―I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.

    ―I’m afraid that              me for the moment.

A. reminds            B. puzzles              C. disturbs             D. escapes

15.―Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?

    ―No,               only the two passengers who got hurt. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. it was        B. there was                  C. there were         D. there had

16. The exercise is not                  difficult but just needs care and patience.

A. by itself            B. of itself             C. in itself             D. for itself

17.―Is there any particular soup you would like to have?

 ―          you select is all right with me.

A. Whatever   B. Anyone             C. No matter what         D. Whichever

18. He narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not______, by the explosion.

A. killed                      B. being killed     C. be killed                 D. to be killed

19. Few people paid full attention to their health conditions _____ they were seriously ill.

A. when               B. if                    C. until                       D. before

20. The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ______ of forced entry.

A. scene           B. show             C. sign            D.  sight

21. ―What did you think of _____ president?

   ―I didn’t care for him at first, but after ______ time I got to like him.

A. the, a                B. /, the               C. the, the       D. /, a

22. ―I can’t find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

   ―It was in the hotel _____ he stayed. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. that                   B. where                 C. which           D. the one

23. Mr and Mrs Scot prefer a restaurant in a small town to _____ in so large a city as New York.

A. that                  B. the one           C. one                  D. it

24. Written in a hurry, ______. How can it be satisfactory?

A. They found many mistakes in the report 

B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the report

C. There are many mistakes in the report      

D. The report is full of mistakes

25. ―Are you free after school?

―Sorry, I’ve planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner ______ for help.

A. in order         B. in return     C. in turn     D. in honor

26. The soldiers soon reached ______ was once an old temple ______ the villagers used as a school. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. what , where    B. what , which  C. where , which   D. what , where

27.The boy the teachers considered _____ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

A. to be the best, cheating   

B. as the best student, to cheat

C. being the best, cheating    

D. as a good student, to cheat

28. ---What's the matter with Jane? She has been sitting there for hours.

    ---A letter from her mother     an attack of home sickness in her.

A. set out                  B. set off             C. sent off               D. sent up

29. - Tom, I'm afraid I can't go to the picnic with you.

   -But you ___ me you would.

A. had told        B. have told       C. told               D. tell

30. --Tom, you feed the rabbit today,       ?

    --But I fed it yesterday. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. do you         B. will you       C. didn’t you    D. don’t you

31. She comes to school every day        it rains heavily.

A. besides        B. except for     C. except that    D. except when

32.            , the mountain climbers conquered Mount Qomolangma in the end.

A.As the difficulty was great                    B.Great as the difficulty was

C.Great difficulty as it was                          D.The difficulty was great

33. As we all know, apples are sold by ______ weight, and socks are sold by _______ dozen.

A. the; a                    B. /; a                C. /; the                     D. the; the

34. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ____ to its burning temperature.

A. is heated     B. will be heated      C. be heated       D. would be heated

35. _____ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

A. As        B. Since        C. Provided        D. While

36. _____ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving(興旺的) as it is.

A. Had it not been      B. Were it not     C. Be it not    D. Should it not be

37.When you go by train, make sure you take an express,          stops only at big stations.

A.one                    B.one that              C.that                    D.what

38. Much to the disappointment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese government refuses to admit ________ crime they did in _______ World War II in the history.

A. the; the      B. /; the        C. /; /            D. the; /

39. ------ Mr White is strongly against the plan.

   ------ ________ ? It was he who suggested it. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Why not      B. Is that right  C. What for       D. How’s that

40. ------What’s the problem, officer?

   ------You ________ at least 75 in a 55 zone.

A. are driving   B. drove        C. were driving      D. have been driving

41.------How did you spend the holidays?

  ------I went nowhere but stay at home. I’d like to ________ to the beach, but my mother was ill.

A. go       B. having gone      C. be going         D. have gone

42.---I wonder why Mr Green hasn’t showed up at the meeting yet.

 ---I’m not sure, but he _______ in a traffic jam driving here.

A. could be stuck                            B. might stuck

C. might have been stuck                  D. must have stuck w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

43.The factory produced many famous cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.

A. them                      B. which                     C. it                           D. what

44.The Indian Ocean tsunami at the end of 2004 is believed _____ more than 160,000 people and made millions homeless, _______ it perhaps the most destroying tsunami in history.

A. to kill; making                  B. to have killed; making

C. having killed; to make            D. killing; made

45. Is it true _____ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?

A. when                            B. that when               C. whenever                D. that

46.Mike, as far as I know, _______ like to play music. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. seems                            B. appears                   C. feels                       D. does

47._______, Jack couldn’t get the door open. He had to dial 911.

A.As he might try                B.Try as he might               C.As might he try          D.Might as he try

48.They traveled by ______ day without a rest in order to reach the destination by ______ day of July 4.

A.a(chǎn); /                     B./; /                     C./; the                   D.the; /

49.He is such a lazy man       nobody wants to work with         .

A.a(chǎn)s; him               B.that; whom          C.a(chǎn)s; 不填             D.whom; him

50.When ______ at the ticket office, my brother and I found we didn’t have enough money to buy tickets for ______ of us. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A.a(chǎn)rrived; the two   B.a(chǎn)rrived; two         C.a(chǎn)rriving; the two  D.a(chǎn)rriving; two




1-5 CDBAD    6-10 CCBCB    11-15 ADBDA    16-20 CDACC   21-25 ABCDB 

26-30 BABCB  31-35 DBCCD   36-40 ABDDC    41-45 DCABB   46-50 DBCCC





精選精練2009年高考英語單選擇選模擬預(yù)測題 2

1. ______ others might have been satisfied, Dawson had higher ambitions.

A. What      B. Why       C. Which          D. Where

2. ---I haven’t seen you for ages. Haven’t you graduated from college?

---Yes. I _____ English for four years in Nanjing. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. study                B. have studied      C. am studying       D. studied

3. The word “media ”basically refers to _____ we commonly call newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions.

A. which               B. what                 C. 不填                D. that

4. Eating too much fat can _____ heart trouble and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from        B. attend to            C. contribute to      D. devote to

5. Do you expect _____ to be a possibility that Palestine and Israel will make a peace agreement after Yasser Arafat died.

A. that                         B. there                 C. one                   D. it

6. Most children in Britain are educated at public _____.

A. cost                         B. price                 C. expense             D. salary

7. --- You don’t like this oil painting, do you?

---______. I like it better _____ I look at it. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Yes, the moment                                   B. No, as

C. No, when                                             D. Yes, the more

8. Dr Brown has the habit of _____ the room when  he is thinking about something troublesome.

A. pacing                     B. stepping            C. walking             D. marching

9. I'm afraid we'll have to work extra hours for there are still some problems ________.

A, remaining to settle            B. remaining to be settled

C. remained to be settled         D. to remain to settle

10. The newly-founded expedition was __ lots of trouble, __ the financial problem is not the worst.

A, up against; of which     B. faced with; which

C. facing; to which        D. up with; among which

11. ---Mum, have you seen my mobile phone?

   ---_______ you bought last week? I’m afraid I haven’t seen _______.

A. The one; it               B. The one; one             C. One; it                         D. One; one

12. The woman was _______ by the business man’s offer of marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. taken on                   B. taken in                    C. taken off                  D. taken out

13. The____________ house smelled as if it hadn't been lived in for years.

A. little white wooden                           B. little wooden white

C. white wooden little                           D. wooden white little

14. My teacher of English is really very kind. I’ll never forget the _______ he has done me.

A. favor                       B. deed                        C. help                         D. value

15. ---What do you think of the five doll mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games?

   ---_______, they are lovely, but we can’t figure out what they mean easily.

A. To tell the truth                                            B. I’m afraid

C. Unfortunately                                              D. As a matter of fact

16. ---How did your students express their thanks to you on Teachers’ Day?

   ---A gift together with many flowers _______ sent to me .

A. is                                   B. are                           C. was                          D. were

17. ______ from other continents for millions of years, so it has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Having been separated                           B. Separated

C. It has been separated                              D. Having separated

18. It was until October that they _____.

A. finished their long journey                    B. paid off the debts

C. reached an agreement                                  D. worked on the project

19. On the top of the hill      ,       the old man once lived.

                                 A. a temple stands there; in which                B. a temple standing; on which

                                 C. does a temple stand; where                   D. stands a temple; where

20. ――Why haven’t you asked her to come here?

   ――She _______ an important experiment when I found her and she _____ it.

A, had done ; didn’t finish                         B. was doing ; hasn’t finished

C. did ; wouldn’t finish                              D. has done ; hadn’t finished

21. We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it _____ easy.

A. turned                                               B. resulted

C. appeared                                              D. proved

22. No one in the department but Tom and I_________ that the director is going to resign.

A. know           B. am to know     C. knows                 D. have known

23. When a giraffe(長頸鹿) has ______ drink, it has to stand with its front legs wide apart in order to reach ______ water.

A. /; /             B. a; the          C. the; /          D. /; the

24. ― How beautiful the dress looks ____ you! Don’t you want _____, Madam?

― Please show me _______.

A. in; one; another            B. on; it; another  w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

C. in; it; the other             D. on; one; the other

25. If you feel tired and sick of fat food, that is ________ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination.

A. why             B. when         C. which        D. what

26. ---You should have prepared your speech for the meeting , Mr. Smith .

   ---Yes , I know . But how could I _______ the meeting date fixed so soon?

A. while                B. as             C. after        D. with

27. I wonder what will become of my daughter. ________endless homework ,she also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation.

A. As well as B. With   C. Except       D. Rather than

28. How did you like the ________ of the interpreter at the Chinese FM press conference of 6-party talks on TV?

A. performance          B. achievement    C. material     D. words

29.---I ____ to your birthday party last Sunday.

---Unfortunately, you were out on business.

A. had come        B. came      C. would come         D. would have come

30. ---- Did he tell you all about the accident? w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

   ---- No, I got the feeling that he was ______ something from us.

A. keeping off                                          B. keeping back           

C. keeping out                                          D. keeping up

31. ________, I think, and the problem could be settled.

A. So long as you keep up your spirits         B. A bit more effort

C. If you doubt your efforts                           D. Making great efforts

32. The man we followed suddenly stopped as if____whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing       B. having seen       C. to see             D. to have seen

33.The passengers were sent to the nearest hospital _____the accident happened.

A: shortly   B:  nearly   C: instantly   D: almost

34. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ________.

A: takes off         B: is taking off      C:  has taken off      D: took off

35. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____ and weaknesses.

A: strengths       B: benefits         C: techniques      D: values

36.A warm thought suddenly came to me        I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

A: if      B: when    C: that     D: which w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

37. The  study  you  have  been  making ______ancient  Chinese characters is fascinating.

A, to          B. for           C. from          D. of

38. Since the mid-1980's, growing numbers of Asians  ______ in New Zeahnd, and they _____about six percent of the total population.

A, had settled; are made up of    B. have settled; make up 

C, settled; make up of          D. are settling; make up for

39. --I caught a student cheating on the exam.

--Perhaps if he had spent as much time studying as he _____on his clothes, he would have passed!

A, did writing    B. writing         C. had written     D. wrote

40. It is not yet well understood _______ has made the rainforest disappear year by year.

A, what         B. which         C. that            D. how

41. ― Sorry ,but the CDs Secret Garden have been sold out.

    ― How I wish I had bought ________ earlier!

A. this                          B. that                         C. one                          D. it

42. ― I’ve studied gardening as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?

― ________ w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. You will make it                                     B. Go right ahead

C. Don’t mention it                                                 D. Take it easy

43. For holidays , many people visit those islands ________ the coast of Australia.

A. in                            B. on                           C. off                         D. of

44. How long do you think ________ the computer company brings out a new product?

A. it will be before        B. will it be until           C. will it be when          D. it will be that

45. Hit by a hammer ,my foot became ________.

A. 3 times big                                            B. as big as 3 times

C. the normal size 3 times                               D. 3 times the normal size

46. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend, ___ up in no time.

A.to stand          B. standing     C. stood          D. would stand

47. If you ___ be in time for the early bus, be sure to get up before five in the morning.

A.   are to        B. are about to       C. Will              D. are due to

48.Could you ___ this 10-dollar bill so I can make a phone call?

A. divide                 B.tear       C. break              D.cut

49. ―Did you lock the door?

 ―No, I ____, but I forgot.

A. should        B. must  have        C. must          D. should  have

50. The customer didn’t choose___of the ties and went away without looking at a third one

A. many            B. any         C. all                D. either




1-5 DDBCB    6-10 CDABA    11-15 ABAAA    16-20 CCDDB    21-25 DCBBB

26-30 DAADB   31-35 BCCBA   36-40 CDBAA    41-45 CBCAD    46-50 CACDD





精選精練2009年高考英語單選擇選模擬預(yù)測題 1

1. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, ____.

A. the more for life ar高考資源網(wǎng)e you equipped       B. the more equipped for life you are

C. the more life you are equipped for       D. you are equipped the more for life   

2. ―― I can’t find Tom. Where did you meet him this morning?

  ------- It was in the hotel ______ he stayed.

A. that   B which   C the one   D where w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

3. who did the teacher ________ the exercises?

A. have done   B. have do   C. had done   D. has done

4. “We weren’t sure which way to go. In the end, we turned right.”

  “You  _____ the wrong way. You _________ left.”

A. had gone; must have turned   B. went; must turn

C. have gone; would have turned    D. went; should have turned

5. Yesterday I went to buy a computer. There were so many models for us ______ in the shop that I was at a loss which to buy.

A. to be chosen    B.to choose from      C. to choose    D.for choosing  

7. Mary has always been doing well in that company. Tomorrow she will go on a trip to Europe,  ________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. all expenses paid  B. all expenses paying C. paying all expenses   D. paid all expenses

10.Don’t ___ a risk to climb this mountain; it is too steep.

A. make      B. take       C. have        D. set

12. Come and see me whenever ______.

A. you are convenient          B. you will be convenient   

C. it is convenient to you       D. it will be convenient to you

14. A sheep _____ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than ____on ordinary. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. feeding; one    B. feeds; the one    C.  fed; that     D. feeding; it

16. The detective,____ to be reading a newspaper, glanced at the man_____ next to a woman.

A. pretending, seated  B. pretended, seated C.pretending,seat D. pretended, seating

17. To our great______, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A. anxiety   B. relief     C. view    D. judgment

18. The two birds _____ each other in shape and color. In other words, they ______ each other in shape  and color.

A. differ, are different from    B. differ from, are different to

C. resemble, are similar to     D. resemble, are similar with

19. Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to ______ the isolation(隔離)of life in Alaska. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. break down     B. break out      C. break into      D. break through

21 .She doesn’t like Mrs.Smith, so she always avoids ______ with her.

A. to leave alone B. being left alone  C,to be left alone D. being left behind

22. We shouldn’t complain about being poor―many families are _____ than we are.

A. worse off   B. badly off  C. well off    D. better off

23. If your children ____ a bit, there’d be room for another one on this seat.

A. tied up  B. turned up   C.  closed up   D. kept up

24. China is a wonderful land ____ minerals.

A. is abundant in  B. abundant in  C. in abundant   D.is in abundant

25. A: Jack is ____ a brave person. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

B: So he is .  And we can’t admire his  perseverance _____.

A. actually , very much    B. indeed, a lot  C. truly , a little   D. really , too much

26. Great changes have taken place in that school .

It is no longer ____ it was 20 years ago, ____ it was so poorly equipped.

A. what , when    B. that, which  C. what , which   D. which , that

27. Don’t believe in him; he was __with the ability to tell lies.

A. born   B. equipped    C. supplied   D. fixed

28. If you don’t try your best to learn all subjects, you will ___ behind.

A. stay        B. leave        C. fall        D. remain

32. The life here is really very difficult , to tell you the truth , I haven’t completely __to it yet.

A. agreed   B.fitted   C. adjusted   D. adopted w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

33.In order to improve my spoken English, I read ___ English ___.

A. everyday; every day     B. every day; everyday

C. everyday; everyday      D. every day; every day

35. A: what have you been doing ____? I’ve been so little of you.

B: I have to leave early for work and comes home very____.    

A. late, lately    B. late, late   C. lately , late   D. lately , lately



1-5 BDBDB     6-10 BADBB    11-15 ACBAD    16-20 ABCDA 

21-25 BACBD    26-30 AACDD      31-35 DCADC







第I卷(選擇題 共115分)學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)




21.-Excuse me , could you do me a favor and show me the way to the City Center.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

-Yes, of course.Straight down the road and you won’t miss it 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A You are so kind                 B Cheers學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C, I am so lucky to meet you        D Thank you all the same學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

22.-Hi ,Tom, why not attend my birthday held last week?學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

-I am sorry, I had meant to, but I       something unexpected學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A have met       B had met         C meet      D met學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

23. He         her, otherwise he would have married her,學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A can’t have loved           B mustn’t have loved學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C couldn’t love              D needn’t have loved學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

24.     is thought to be good for people and society is necessary     .學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A What ;to do               B It ; to be done學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C Whatever; to do             D Whichever; to be done學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

25.He has made many friends,         is helpful to him when he is in trouble.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A which          B who         C it           D that 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

26. It is clear to us that the 2012 Olympic Games         in London will once mor draw people’s attention in the world to them.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A having been held                B to hold學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C to be held                      D held學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

27.           the Financial Crisis spreads, more and more countries get involved.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A When            B As         C With          D While學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

28. Generally speaking , students         the teacher, who are knowledgeable and patient學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A look up to        B look up       C look into       D look through 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

29. Here came         word the Obama was elected         president學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A a; the          B 不填; the      C the ;不填       D , 不填; 不填學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

30.The father          his son to buy him a car if he goes abroad to further study,學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A agrees          B promises       C allows         D permits學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

31. It is playing computer games        he spends so much time that he fails all the exams.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A which         B what          C in which         D that 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

32.        abstract, Calileo ‘s theory was quite difficult to understand of his time.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A Sounding       B Sounded       C To sound         D Having been sounded學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

33.No girl likes to make friends with him,      學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A however he is a handsome boy         B however handsome a boy he is 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C however a handsome boy he is         D however handsome a boy is he 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

34.While staying in Scotland alone,         學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A loneliness was always around me      B many interesting places were visited.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C I was a bit homesick                D my friends in China encouraged me a lot學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

35.Isn’t it the time that the government         measures to prevent the environment from getting worst?學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A take            B takes          C took         D will take學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


    閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從36―55各題所給的四個選項(A B C D)中,選出最佳選項 。學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

The D-word., It’s most people’s worst fear, but , in a bittersweet way , it was my greatest joy, In divorce, you gain something and you   36   something.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

I’m thirteen years old, and I know what it  37   like when parents split up, because mine did last fall,學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

My parents had been   38   for years, When my father started cheating my mom things went downhill, I   39    they would divorce instantly, I tried to picture my life after my parents    40 up ?living at my mom’s house during the week, and my father’s  house on the weekend, But my mom decided to be the bigger person and try to  41    it out, so that my sibings and I would know     42     it was like to have a family, Things didn’t get better,      43   學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

I would always strain to hear the quiet   44   they didn’t want me to hear, They weren’t getting along and they weren’t happy,學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

My father has never really been there for me, He was there physically but not emotionally, He yelled a lot and never really showed any  45    in going to my piano recitals or watching my dance performances,    46   we asked him to do and he had another    47  -a lie,. We just ignored it and went on with our lives as if nothing was the matter.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Then last summer, there was real   48     in paradise, My siblings and I want out to Los Angeles to pursue acting and while we were out there, my father   49   my mom again , and this time my brother, sisiter, and I all found out, We decided to stay in L.A and leave my father in Florida.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Our   50    resulted in divorce, We didn’t know if we were making the right   51   or not, My mom went back and forth,. She wanted what was best for her children, She asked me if I thought we should go back to Florida or stay in Los Angeles, I replied mom “There is nothing in Florida for us any more. Out here in L.A, we have so many   52    , that can come true, We shouldn’t let him abuse us any more. Finally , we are free.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

The  53   was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the rest of my familly. I now know that taking chances is the best thing to do. I accept that   54   doesn’t always, If , in your heart, you can feel something that is not right, then follow your heart. In the end it’s going to be your only true guide, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, your heart will never  55   you down.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

36. A. lose             B. enjoy              C. give           D. own學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

37. A. smells           B. feels               C. sounds         D. looks學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

38.A.happy           B. satisfied           C. unhappy       D. unsatified學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

39. A. hoped          B. wished             C. doubted       D. thought學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

40.A. got              B. split                C. looked         D. stood學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

41.A .keep             B. run                 C. stick          D. speak學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

42.A. how             B. that                 C. which         D. what 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

43.A. though           B. however              C. meantime     D. while學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

44.A. talk             B. conversation        C. argurments     D. dialogue學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

45.A. dislike            B. care                 C. concern       D. interest學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

46.A. Everything        B. Something           C. Nothing       D. All thing學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

47.A. explanation        B. excuse               C. reason        D. cause學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

48.A. happiness          B. puzzle               C. difficulty      D. trouble學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

49.A. cheated            B. beat              C. trusted        D. scolded學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

50.A. words             B. actions               C. thoughts       D. ideas學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

51.A. Jaudgement        B. plan           C. decision     D. arrangement學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

52.A. dreams            B. imagination          C. realities        D. wishes學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

53.A. experience         B. divorce           C. conflict      D. separation學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

54.A. prejudice          B. preference            C. love           D. hate學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

55.A .get               B. set                   C. put            D. let學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


The kitten was rescued, but didn’t make it out of surgery in one piece.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

The veterinarian at Laurel Oaks Animal Hospital in Kingsland, now acting for the kitten, says she sees animal abuse more often than you might imagine,學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

This kitten is playful and affectionate, but he has already seen how cruel a place the world can be .學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Dr. Julie Clark Blount is the veterinarian treating the kitten now, “I think they were actually kicking him or throwing him or something of that nature,”said Blout, “They had damaged the whole bundle of nerves that are up in the armpit and control the fanctioning of the entire leg, and it’s not something that would get better over time.”學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Blount says they were forced to amputate his front right leg, “It doesn’t seem to bother him at all and he runs and he plays and he loves attention and he’s pretty spoiled already, and he’s eating  like a little pig, and doing fabulously for us,”said Blount學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Doing well, but Blount says other pets out there never survive abuse.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

“He’s one of the lucky one,”she said.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Blount says unless abusers like him are caught and prosecuted, they could go on to bigger and worse things.學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

‘We with there were more strict laws to protec animals because if they ‘re doing this to pets, then what would then end up doing to people, or kids, or anything else later on down the road?”wonders Blout. (243words)學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

56.From the passage, we can infer that the kitten is probably        學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A. a male cat      B. a female cat      C. a little boy      D. a little pig學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

57.From the passage, we can know that            學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A. the kitten survived abuse學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

B. the kitten received an operation and recovered very well學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C. the kitten’s front right leg was amputated because it didn’t seem to bother him at all學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

D. the kitten was damaged slightly學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

58.Which part of the kitten was damaged?學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A .the armpit               B. the entire leg學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C. the front right leg         D. the whole bundle of nerves學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

59. The underlined word”veterinarian’in the second paragraph probably means        學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A. a scientist                B. a doctor treating animals學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C. a doctor treating people     D. a lawyer學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

60. The passage mianly wants to tell us that           學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A. the world is a cruel place學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

B. the kitten was one of the lucky ones

C. the kitten abuse is common

D. it's necessary to make laws to protect animals


Having a large waistline can almost double your risk of dying prematurely(過早地)even if your body mass index is within the “normal “range, according to a new study, over 350,000 people across Europe published Wednesday in the US.magazine, New Englang Journal of Medicine.

The study provides strong evidence that storing excess(過量的)fat around the waist poses a significant health risk, even in people not considered to be overweight obese(極肥胖的). It suggests that doctors should measure a patient’s waisline and their hips as well as their body mass index as part of standard health cheeks, accorfing ot the researchers from Imperial College London , the German Institute of Human Nutrition, and other research institutions across Europe,

Comparing subjects with the same body mass index, the risk of premature death increased in a linear fashion as the waist circumference increased. The risk of premature death was around double for subjects with a larger waist (more than 120 cm for men and more then 100 cm for women) compared to subjects with a smaller waist(less than 80cm for men and less than 65cm for women). Body mass index is commonly used to assess(評估)if a person is of “normal “weight.

Each 5cm increase in waist circumference increased the mortality risk by 17 percent in men and 13 percnet in women, according to the study.

An increased risk of mortality (死亡率)may be particularly related to storing fat around the waistline because fatty tissue in this ares scerete(分泌)cytokines(細(xì)胞因子), hormones(荷爾蒙)and metabolically (新陳代謝)active compounds (混合物)that can contribute to the development of chronic (長期的)diseases, particularly cardiovascular(心臟血管的)diseases and cancers, suggest the authors.

Tobias Pischon, the lead author of the paper, said “The most important result of our study is the finding that not just being overweight , but also the distribution of body fat affects the risk of premature death of each individual,”(328 words )

61.According to a new studay of over 350,000 people across Europe, a person has more risk of dying prematurely,             

A if his body mass index isn’t within normal range

B if he has a large waistline

C if his body mass index is within normal range

D if he overweight

62.Which of the following isn’t mentioned as part of standard health checks?

A .weight       B. hip      C. body mass index    D. waistline

63.Which of the following is NOT wrong?

A. Each 5 cm increase in waist circumference increases the same mortality risk in men and women,

B. Body mass index is commonly used to assess(評估)if a person is large waistline,

C. The smaller waistline, the more mortality risk,.

D. Large waistline almost doubles risk of dying prematurely,



Barack Obama was born in Hawaii with a Kenyan father and an American mother. His father , Barack Obama Sr, married his mother, Ann Dunbarn,while studing at the University of Hawaii. The coupel separated two years after Obama was born, His father ultimately returned to Kenya, where he became a noted economist, He died in a car accident in 1982.

Obama’s mother’s second marriage was to an Indonesian man named Lolo Soetoro. The family moved to Indonesia and Obama remained there until he was 10 when he moved back to Hawaii and lived with his grandparents, while studying on a schloarship at the elice Punahou Academy.

He has seven half-brothers and sisters in Kenya from his father’s other marriages, and a half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, from his mother’s second marriage.

After finishing college in 1983 , Obama worked for a New York financial consultant and a consumer organization. He landed a job in Chicago in 1985 as an organizer for Developing Communities Project, a church ?based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods.

Three years later, Obama went to Harvard Law School, where he became the first black president of the law review. He worked as a summer associate at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago, where he met his future wife. After graduation from Harvard in 1991 , Obama practiced civil rights law at a small firm in Chicago. He became a lecture in constitutional law at the University of Chicago in 1993.

Obama won a seat in the Illiao state Senate in 1996. During this time in the legislaturem he worked on welfare and ethics legislation, as well as a measure requiring electronic recording of police interogations and confessions in homicide investigations.

Obama won a heavily contested US Senate seat in 2004, carrying 53 percent of the Democratic primary vote in an eight-candidate race. He easily won the general election, In the Senae he compiled(編輯) a liberal voting record, but was one of the few Democrats to back a measure on class-action lawsuits. He opposed the appointment of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the US Superme Court

The nonpartisan(無黨派的)National Journal ranked him as the most liberal member of the Senate early this year,  based on his voting record in 2007 He was ranked 10th most liberal in 2006 and 16th most liberal in 2005 (404words)

64. What happened to Obama when he was a child?

A. His father died in a car accident

B. His mother married a Kenyan father

C. His parents separated and his mother remarried an Indonesian man

D. He studied at the University of Hawaii,

65. In which year did Obaman go ot Harvard Law School

A. In 1983       B. In 1985     C. In 1988    D. In 1991

66.Which of the following sentences in right?

A. His mother was divorced from his father when he was two years old

B. Obama moved back ot Hawaii and lived with his grandparents until he was 10

C. The nonpartisan(無黨派的) National Journal ranked him as the most liberal member of the Senate bacause he won the general election

D. He met his future wife in Chicago while studying on a scholarship at the elice Punahou Academy

67. How many sisters and brothers does Obama have?

A. 7     B.     C. 0       D. 9



I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling, I wish it were so.  At your age, you ought to be growing from your parents, You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion, It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way fo showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching (抓緊)at one another’s hands for reassurance.

They claim they want to dress as they please, but they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music, but somehow they all end up huddled round listening the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus and such a way is that the crowd is doing it . They have come at of their cocoon(蠶繭)into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his ro her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be, And many of today’s parents have come to award high marks for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over, the path is worth following . You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party, You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records, You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with you clsssmate. Well, go to it , find yourself, be yourself Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you area. That’s the only kind of popularity that reaily couats.

68.The author’s how to be popular with people around

A. readers how to be popular with people around

B. teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

C. parents how t control and guide their children

D. people how to understand and respect each other,

69. According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them          

A. have much difficulty understanding each other

B. lack confidence

C. dare not cope with problems single-handed

D. are very much afraid of getting lost

70.Which fo the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There is no popularity that really counts

B. What many parent are doing is in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths

C. It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates

D. Most teenagers claim that they want to do what they like to , but they are actually doing the same.

71.The author thinks of advertisements as       

A. convicing     B. influential      C. instructive      D. authoritative

72.During the teengage years, one should learn to           

A. differ from others in as many ways as possible

B. get into the right season and become popular

C. find one’s real self

D. rebel against parents and the popularity wave




Every time you visit Disney World , there’s something new to see. What began in 1971 as the Magic Kingdom now includes the high-techm movie-mad Disney and Aianmal Kingdom. Each time the parkk expands(擴(kuò)大), so do your chances to spend money . How can you save? As a family guide to Disney World, I’ve developed a few money ?saving plans.

n         Buy the five-day All-in One Hopper Pass(入場券). Even if you’re visiting for fewer days, it’s a deal (the pass costs $ 229for visitors ages 10 and up, $ 183for kids ages three to nine and is free for kids under age three). Without the pass, you’ll have to pay separately for Pleasure Island and the water-parks. A single trip to Blizzard Beach, for example , woukd cost a family of four $ 100.

n     Dine out at lunch. The prices at some of the nicer restaurants, especially those in Epcot’s World Showcse, are much lower at noontime than at dinner. It’s wise to make reservations (預(yù)定)before you leace home. Call 407-W-DISNEY.

n         Become a Gold Card Member, For $ 65 , you can get a Magic Kingdom Club Gold Card (call 1-800-56-DISNEY), Card hoiders get up to 20 percent off Disney hotel rooms,plus price breaks on character breakfaster, theme park (主題公園) ticket and goods from Disney stores,

n         Don’t pay extra to see a character. Character-theme dinner shows are expensive, costing a family of four about $ 140.and even a character breakfast, where Mickey or Donald Duck joins you for cakes, can set you back $ 50,If your budget (預(yù)算)is tight, try to meet the characters inside the theme parks and at free in-park shows. You can watch the Diamond Horseshoe show, for example, in the Magic Kingdom for no additional cost while the similarly themed Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue requires expensive ticksts,

n         Wait until the end o fyour trip to buy souvenires (紀(jì)念品). By then , the kids will really know what they want , and they won’t waste money on expensive things, (345 words)

73.The underlined phrase”set you back’in the passage probably means        

A. offer you      B. save you    C. return you    D. cost you

74. You should pay more money         

A. if you have a five-day All-in-One Hopper Pass while you’re visiting for four days

B. if you do not make a reservation for hotel rooms in advance

C. if you have lunch at a reataurant in Epcot’s World Showcase

D. if you are not a Magic Kingdom Club Gold Card holder

75. The economical (經(jīng)濟(jì)的) way of meeting the Disney cartoon characters is         

A. to have a character breakfast

B. to watch the Dinmond Horseshoe show

C. to pay separately for Pleasure Islang and the water parks

D. to attend the Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue


第II卷(非選擇題   共35分)








As time going by, the entrance examination to college is arriving, 76.           

Either of us is busy making preparations for it.                     77.          

We make the full use of every minute to study hard .             78. .           

All day long, we sit in the classroom, read and writing,           79.             

As the school life is a little dull, we feel happy and full             80., .           

Through the revision, the knowledge we are not clear about      81 .           

now becomes easy and clear, We become confident , strong    82 .           

believing that we are sure to get a good score and turn our      83.             

dreams realities, At the same time, we hope that We will be      84. .           

admitted to good university that we dream of .                  85.             









Dear fellow students.

Our government is aiming to build a ‘harmonious society”(和諧社會). I think at is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal,As high school students , what should we do ?










































































































































76.As 改為With 或going 改為goes

77. Either 改為 Each


79.read改為reading 或writing 改為write

80.As改為 although/though

81.aree改為 were

82.strong 改為strongly


84. dreams后加 into

85.  university改為 universities

Possible verson:

Dear fellow students,

   Our government is aiming to build a “harmonious society” I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal, As high school students, what should we do ?

學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)First , we should construct a harmonious society , in which we love our motherland, hometown and school, caring for each other,

Besides, we should construct a harmonious relation between people, Family members, teachers and students should trust and help each other,

What’s more, the construction of harmony between mankind and nature is also improtant, We should love and protect energy, environment, animals ans plants,

As for myself, dear fellow students, let’s start fight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour and every minute for the construction of a harmonious society.




