0  437316  437324  437330  437334  437340  437342  437346  437352  437354  437360  437366  437370  437372  437376  437382  437384  437390  437394  437396  437400  437402  437406  437408  437410  437411  437412  437414  437415  437416  437418  437420  437424  437426  437430  437432  437436  437442  437444  437450  437454  437456  437460  437466  437472  437474  437480  437484  437486  437492  437496  437502  437510  447090 

45. Many people are still ____ the habit of writing silly things ____ public places.

A.at;at       B.in;in          C.into;of         D.during;at


44. In Hangzhou Mr Green was so struck ____ the beauty of nature that he stayed ____ another night.

A.at;on        B.with;at        C.for;in         D.by;for


43. He is running ____ the wind towards the east of the station ____ Tom is running ____ the right.

A. down; and; on   B. against; while; on    C.for;with;in   D. with; while; to


42. I don't think you can work out the maths problem ____ the teacher's help.

A. since       B. unless        C. because       D. without


41.My uncle lives ____ 105 Huanghe Street. His room is ____ the fifth floor.

A.at;on        B.td;at          C.on;in          D.of;to


40. Mr Wang went to Nanjing ____ October,1998 and came back home ____ the morning of Nov. 5.

A.at;in        B.on;at          C.in;on          D.by;from


39. My father was disappointed ____ the news.

A. by        B. about     C. at               D. on


38. His teacher was angry ____ him ____ his being late.

A.at,with      B.at,for       C.with,for    D.with,about


37. She felt disappointed when she found out they had gone swimming____ her.

A. but      B. except     C. except for   D. without


36. We left Xi' an _.___ a very hot summer afternoon.

A. on       B.in         C. during     D.by

