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5.依次填入下面一段文字橫線處的語句,銜接最恰當(dāng)?shù)囊唤M是在儒家傳統(tǒng)中,孔孟總是形影相隨,_______  ______  _______  ________






A.④②①③⑤               B. ①②④⑤③

C.①④②③⑤               D. ④①②⑤③




15. 依次填入下面一段文字橫線處的語句,銜接最恰當(dāng)?shù)囊唤M是(3分)

  “開卷有益”是說打開書就一定會有收獲。      ,   ,   ,   。  


①    使人們不斷完善,走向進步

②    當(dāng)然,有的書是有缺點的,要善于選擇

③    確實,書是人類最好的朋友、最好的老師

④    書是人類獲得知識的重要途徑

⑤    歌德曾說過“讀一本好書就是和許多高尚的人談話”

⑥    讀書能幫助人們看清世間的美與丑

A.②⑥⑤④①③           B.③⑥②⑤①④

C. ④③①⑥②⑤          D.⑤③④⑥①②

答案: D




“中國結(jié)”的全稱是“中國傳統(tǒng)裝飾結(jié)”,____ ,_____,______, _____, ______,_____,








A.③②④⑥⑤①   B.③①②⑤⑥④    C.④①③②⑤⑥    D.④③②⑥①⑤





狗是忠義、勇敢而又聰明的動物。   ,   。   ,   。   ,   ,使狗成為人的得力助手。



③比如牧民的狗,為了保護羊群,敢于同高考 資源網(wǎng)惡狼猛斗




A.③②①⑥⑤④            B.③⑥⑤②④①

C.⑤④①③②⑥           D.⑤②④⑥①③





1)   Lily的鉆石項鏈被人搶走了。(rob)

2)   農(nóng)業(yè)在我國經(jīng)濟中起著重要的作用。(role)

3)   我們的汽油在半路上用光了。(run)

4)   據(jù)說這個歌星是個間諜。(say)

5)   他忍不住炫耀他的新車。(resist)

6)   我扔掉了所有的舊家具。(rid)

7)   老師對你的計劃非常滿意。(satisfy)

8)   我買了一個和你的一模一樣的手機。(same)

9)   橙子含有豐富的維他命C。(rich)

10) 警察正在房間里四處搜查那份絕密文件。(search)



run   right   rough  retell   satisfy   roll  scold  scene  ruin  scenery

1)     The English teacher asked us to review and _______ what had happened in the text.

2)     The best part of the trip is the ___________; you can see beautiful mountains.

3)     He ________ his car window down and said hello to me.

4)     Peter’s mistake has _________ his chances of winning the championship.

5)     She _________ a small restaurant in Boston and was able to make a living.

6)     John did badly in the exam; his dad ________ him for it last night.

7)     The police soon arrived at the ________ of the crime.

8)     The program is designed to __________ the needs of adult learners.

9)     I don’t know the ________ word to describe it.

10)   The first year was ___________, but things have gotten better.


3. 單項選擇

1)     Many of the villagers will leave, ____________.

A. never to return   B. to never return  C. never returning  D. will never return

2)     The workers were lazy and failed to finished the building ________.

A. at schedule   B. on schedule  C. behind schedule  D. ahead of schedule.

3)     I suppose I’d better ________ now --- we’ve been on the phone for over an hour.

A. rot away   B. run out   C. ring off  D. roll up

4)     I can’t drive today. Can you give me a ________ back to town?

A. sail    B. ride   C. rise   D. return

5)     We are still dealing with problems _______ errors made in the past.

A. resulted from    B. resulted in   C. resulting from  D. resulting in

6)     _________ victims were killed in the recent coal mine accident.

A. A score   B. Hundred of   C. Scores of   D. A hundred of

7)     The soldier risked ________ by his enemy when he saved the general from danger.

A. killing   B. killed   C. being killed   D. to be killed

8)     _______ until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.

A. Remain seated   B. Remaining seated

C. Remain to seat    D. To remain seated

9)     These gloves were ________ and I bought them at a lower price than usual.

A. in sale   B. for sale   C. in sales  D. on sale

10)   The manager was glad that sales __________ 20% over the Christmas period.

A. raised by    B. rose by   C. raised to   D. rose to


2. 介詞填空

1)     Dave didn’t respond ______ any of her emails.

2)     He rested his elbows _______ the table and leaned forward.

3)     The man retired ______ teaching three years ago.

4)     Parents should reward children _______ their good behavior.

5)     They aimed to make the country safe _________ terrorist attacks.

6)     It is possible to disagree with people and still treat them _______ respect.

7)     My suitcase was so full that I didn’t have room ________ anything else.

8)     Lost in the desert, Mark went in search ___________ water

9)     He reminded me to return the books _______ the library on time.

10)   He jumped into the cold river and saved the child _______ drowning.


1. 單詞拼寫

1)     The teacher gave the children some chocolate to r___________ them for behaving well.

2)     Let’s go to that r__________ and try some Chinese food.

3)     I didn’t bother to cook and just had a ham s___________ for lunch. (三明治)

4)     The dustman collect the r_________ on Wednesdays.

5)     He did very well at math and won a s___________ to Cambridge University.

6)     We all have a r___________ to protect the environment. (責(zé)任)

7)     They’re working together to solve the r_____________. (謎語)

8)     The r___________ was launched from a space research base.

9)     This broadcast comes live via s_______________ from New York. (衛(wèi)星)

10)   She works as a s___________ in a big international company. (秘書)



1)   價格降低了21%。(reduce)

2)   她拒絕接受他們的邀請。(refuse)

3)   現(xiàn)在用動物做實驗被認為是很殘忍的。(regard)

4)   在律師來之前他一直保持沉默。(remain)

5)   嬰兒完全依賴別人喂食。(rely)

6)   這首歌曲讓我想起了童年。(remind)

7)   我還記得爺爺跟我們做游戲的情景。(remember)

8)   如果你知道答案, 就請舉手。(raise)

9)   藥品應(yīng)該放在小孩夠不到的地方。(reach)

10) 這對夫妻經(jīng)常為錢而吵架。(quarrel)


(see --- small)

