【題目】 Asymptomatic infections(無癥狀感染)of the COVID-19 can be hard to track and chances of such virus carriers spreading the virus are simply equal. 1 Therefore, to protect yourself from those potential infections, you need some basic protective measures to take care of your health and the others' as well.

Wash your hands frequently.

Cleaning your hands regularly and thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand rub or washing them will soap and water can help kill viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing.

Maintain at least I meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. 2 Being loo close, you expose yourself to the risk of breathing in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus.


Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated(弄臟), hands cam transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. 4

Seek medical care early if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority who may have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. 5

A.This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.

B.Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

C.Thus, the goal of preventing the possible spread of COVID-19 can be easily achieved.

D.From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

E.Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.

F.Many people who are infected experience mild illness or no symptoms at all, but it can be more severe for others.

G.When people cough or sneeze they spray small liquid droplets from their noses or mouths which may contain virus.


















最后一空是總結(jié)句。容易錯選“C”。本文著重還是介紹如何“保護(hù)(protective measures)”,而不是“避免傳播”,呼應(yīng)第一段。故選A


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:





注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從11處起)不計分。

Last Friday our school hold a sports meeting successfully. As a sports lover, I took a active part in it. Of so many kinds of events, I signed up for the 800-meters running race. I took it for granted that I would win the race, because I thought it was my strong point. Beside, I had spent much time making preparations for it. However, much to my surprise, I was just on the point of arriving the finishing line while a boy went ahead of me. The boy, that was running so fast, finally got the first prize. At that moment, I couldn’t help feel a little disappointed. But under the help of my teachers and classmates, I cheered up soon. Although I missed the chance to get the first prize, but I benefited a lot from the experience.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


China is the global host of the 2019 World Environment Day celebrations, and the main event is being held in Hangzhou in East China.

Over the past decade, Hangzhou government 1(improve) bike-friendly infrastructure, such as lanes and traffic signals 2 (create) for cyclists and has provided almost 86,000 public bikes. In Hangzhou, a smart card allows users to 3 (easy) access all forms of public transport,4bikes to buses. Apart from leading the Chinese cycling resurgence, Hangzhou is also home to an innovative way to encourage more 5 (sustain) lifestyles, with an app 6is helping to stop desertification, cut air pollution and plant millions of new trees.

The “Ant Forest”mini-program, a Hangzhou-based project from giant Chinese payments and lifestyle app Alipay, encourages users to make small, environmentally friendly 7(decide) in their daily lives, such as cycling rather 8driving to work, or recycling clothes. If users perform any carbon-reducing activities, they 9(reward) with “green energy” points. If they accumulate enough virtual points,10 real tree will be planted. According to Ant Financial, more than 100 million trees have been planted, thanks to the low-carbon actions of 500 million individuals, roughly 5% of the world’s population.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 The great thing about libraries is that they house all types of books—from mysteries to biographies to dramas—all in one location. The bad thing about libraries is that they house all types of books in one location, and if it’s a location you can’t get to, you’re out of luck. Now, mobile library solutions are appearing quickly around the country to bring books to people who need them.

A few years ago, when the Little Free Libraries Movement launched, more people of all ages could have access to books. Now, more than 15,000 free book stands can be found around the world, bringing books to unexpected places. But many folks simply can’t get to the places where the books are. Bookmobile buses are a good solution, but they can be expensive to fund and to operate.

Books on bikes programs are popping up(出現(xiàn))in areas where there is a strong bike culture, such as Seattle, or a strong need to bring books to the masses, such as in San Francisco.

The Seattle Public Library’s Books on Bikes program is made up of three bike/trailer combos(復(fù)合)that librarians bring to community events. The trailers are even Wi-Fi enabled so that visitors can sign up for a library card and browse(瀏覽)the library’s card catalog on the spot.

“Seattle has a really strong bike culture so we want to tap into that and provide full service library programs but do it in a way that is quick and smart.” librarian Jared Mills said in an interview.

San Francisco’s program, called Bibliobicicleta, was launched in 2013 by librarian Alicia Tapia. Her trailer can hold about 100 books and attracts readers of all ages and income levels. It’s an independent, donation—based library—ike a Little Free Library, but on wheels.

When asked why she would launch a free library on a bike, Tapia answers, “Why not? Bikes are cool, and can go anywhere.”

1According to the writer, the traditional libraries .

A.are popular among the readers

B.are large enough to hold any book

C.are not very convenient to the readers

D.can bring books to people who need them

2Which of the following may be the disadvantage of the bookmobile buses?

A.They are full of many travelers.

B.They cost a large amount of money.

C.They hold the limited number of books.

D.They bring books to unexpected places.

3The writer mentions Seattle to tell us that .

A.bikes are popular in it

B.visitors can use free Wi-Fi in it

C.it is the same as the city of San Francisco

D.the library card is useful to the visitors

4Tapia’s answer suggests that she .

A.enjoys showing off by bike

B.shows impatience to the readers

C.is eager to make the readers happy

D.thinks libraries on bikes are practical


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







On July 5th my little dog Milo escaped from my yard fencing by bars. I suspected it was the fireworks on July 4th which frightened him. He headed for miles to the 1-5 freeway, running in and out of the traffic on it. A young couple spent several hours driven him away by car and on feet and rescued him. Having been noticed my phone number on his collar, they called me. They waited me in a supermarket parking lot after I came to pick him up. If it hasn't been for them, he would sure have been killed on the freeway. Their kind will never be forgotten!


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】How to Survive Anything

Stay calm. We're going to get through this together. Here, our experts' guide for dealing with life's everyday frustration and scariest danger.

How to Survive an Awkward Conversation

Somehow, you're sitting next to the only person at the party you've never met, and the mood is definitely uneasy. How do you draw him or her out?

1. The other person will fell a wave of positive feelings, and you will be more likely to remember him or her later as the person with the 'nice hat'. Win-win.

Have an escape plan. The phrases 'I won't keep you' and 'Give my regards to mutual acquaintance' are your friends. 2

How to Survive a Plane Crash

The smallest bump (顛簸) feels like an earthquake at 35,000 feet. 3-----and with a few simple precautions, you can make it a little lower.

Forget first class. Passengers seated behind the wings had a 69 percent chance of survival,4 That’s the finding of a recent study of 20 commercial jet crashes. If you truly fear flying, it's worth giving up the legroom for some peace of mind in the back.

Don't take masks lightly. During a loss of cabin pressure, 5 Listen to your flight attendants: Always secure your oxygen mask before helping others. You can't help if you can't breathe.

A.Open with praise

B.Try to like the other person

C.But the plane crash death rate is at an all-time low

D.compared with just 49 percent for those in first class

E.When the conversation reaches a dead end, employ them

F.you ought to pull yourself together and stay calm under such situation

G.the drop in oxygen can knock you unconscious in as little as 20 seconds


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


When Albert was five years old, his father gave him 1 compass. Albert was filled with wonder when he discovered that the compass needle always pointed in the same 2 (direct) ---the north. He asked his father and his uncle 3 caused the needle to move. Their 4 (answer) were difficult for Albert to understand. Yet he spent a lot of time 5 (think) about them. He said later that he felt something must 6 (hide) behind things.

Albert didn't like school. The German schools of that time were not pleasant. Students couldn't ask questions. Albert said he 7 (feel) as if he were in prison.

One day Albert told his uncle Jacob how much he hated school, 8 (especial) mathematics. His uncle told him to solve mathematical problems by pretending 9 (be) a policeman. 'You are looking 10 someone, ' he said, 'but you don't know who he is. Call him X. Find him by using your mathematical tools. '

Albert learned to love mathematics. He was studying the complex mathematics of calculus while all his friends were still studying simple mathematics.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 November not only marks the publication of Toni Morrison's eagerly anticipated (期待) eighth novel, Love, but it is also the tenth anniversary of her Nobel Prize for Literature. Morrison is the first black woman to receive a Nobel, and so honored before her in literature are only two black men.Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian playwright, poet and novelist, in 1986; and Derek Walcott, the Caribbean-born poet, in 1992. But Morrison is also the first and only American-born Nobel Prize winner for literature since 1962, the year novelist John Steinbeck received the award.

Like Song of Solomon, Love is a multigenerational story, revealing the personal and communal legacy (遺產(chǎn))of an outstanding black family. As Morrison scholars will tell you, love is the third volume of a literary masters trilogy (三部曲) investigating the many complexities of love. This trilogy began with Beloved (1988) , which deals with a black mother's love under slavery and in freedom ; Jan (1993) ,the second volume, tells a story of romantic love in 1920s Harlem. This latest novel looks back from the 1970s to the 1940s and 50s.

The emotional center of Love is Bill Cosey, the former owner and host of the shabby Cosey's Hotel and Resort in Silk, North Carolina, described in the novel as " the best and best -known vacation spot for colored folk on the East Coast. We get to know Cosey through the memories of five women who survive and love him: his granddaughter, his widow, two former employers, and a homeless young girl.

The latest novel, Love, had been described in the promotional material from her publisher as "Morrison's most accessible work since Song of Solomon1. This comparison to her third novel, published in 1977, was an effective selling point.

1What can we learn about John Steinbeck?

A.He was a black writer.

B.He was born in America.

C.He received the Nobel Prize after Morrison.

D.He was the first American novelist to win a Nobel.

2The similarity between Love and Song of Solomon is that they both .

A.belong to the same trilogy together with Beloved

B.concern families of more than one generation

C.deal with life of blacks under slavery

D.investigate life in 1920s Harlem

3What does the novel Love mainly describe?

A.The best-known vacation spot for blacks.

B.The life of an outstanding black family under slavery.

C.The miserable experience of the five women in Harlem.

D.The memories of five women about Bill Cosey.

4What would be the best title for the text?

A.Toni Morrison's latest novels.B.Toni Morrison and her trilogy.

C.Toni Morrison and her novel Love.D.Toni Morrison, the Nobel Prize winner.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


When the pandemic started, some people were wondering if the internet could stand up to the rise in demand. The answer is not only a clear “yes” but this whole period made it even stronger.

How would our world survive without Internet in pandemic situation? The answer is simple: differently but not better or worse. We know that the internet available is changing a lot of things. Thanks to it, people were able to keep on working from their home, others were able to keep contact with their loved ones and friends and most found their entertainment relief through it. Had it not ever existed, people would have stayed at home and enjoyed their family or created more since they would have had more time on their hands.

But in today’s world, the internet has become the one link that unites us all. It is the reason why people were able to forget for minutes and hours at a time through the use of Internet. It is the reason why so many companies will survive and most probably grow stronger afterwards, since they were able to plan through Skype and Zoom. It is the reason why lovers did not fall into full depression, having to live away from their partner for a few months, since they were at least able to talk and see each other while sharing moments of their lives. There cannot be any doubts anymore: The internet is the one link that unites us all.

In the first three months of this year, internet use has grown by 25% in most major cities around the world. This number is reflected in the use of various applications and websites. One of the clearest jumps up is the use of video calls. This should not be surprising since it is used both for business and for personal purposes. PC Game stores have also seen a huge increase in their sales during this period. A bit more surprising maybe, is the increase of online grocery stores usage as the stores were breaking down under the demand.


