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科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

11.D:doctor     P:patient
D:Good morning,Mr Lewis.What (61)canI do for you?
P:Hello,Doctor.This side of my face is swollen and I've got an itchy(皮疹) on it.
D:(62)Whendid it first appear?
P:Three days ago.And this is the second time that I have been here to see you about it.
D:Hmm.I remember I (63)gave(give) you some cream.What happened to the rash when you put it on?
P:It cleared up after a month or so.(64)However,it's come back again.
D:I see.Are there any animals in your house?Have you got a cat,for example?
P:Well,I (65)have been taking(take) care of my neighbor's cat since they left.
D:It may be that you're allergic (66)toit.
P:So what do you advise me(67)to do(do) about it?
D:Try to avoid the cat.And I'm going to prescribe(給…開) you two (68)medicinesa cream and some tablets.The tablets should reduce the swelling and the cream should clear up the rash.
P:How long is(69)itlikely to be before the rash clears up?
D:If you don't feel any(70)better(well) in two weeks,come back and see me.
P:Thank you,Doctor.


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

10.Fay:Hi,Jerry.I'm thingking of applying(61)fora job with a multinational(跨國(guó)的) company,but I'm worried about having an interview in English.Can you give me any good tips?
Jerry:Hmm.That's a tough one.I guess the first thing is to try to make(52)agood impression.
Fay:That sounds good.But(63)seriously(serious),how canI do that?
Jerry:To begin with,you should firmly shake the interviewer's hand and keep eye contact while(64)greeting(greet) him or her with a smile.
Fay:Ah,"body language"is really important,isn't it?
Jerry:Yes.The second thing is to be confident.You gain (65)confidence(confident) from being prepared.You should learn a little bit about the company before the interview.Find out what they do,how long they've been in business,(66)whattheir business motto is,that kind of thing.
Fay:I never (67)thought(think) about that before.You're smart,Jeery!But what should I do(68)ifI can't remember an English word when I'm answering a question?
Jerry:In(69)thatcase,you have to paraphrase.In other words,you have to explain what you want to say.
Fay:That's very (70)helpful(help),Jerry.Thanks very much.Ah,one more thing.Should I ask about the salary during the interview?
Jerry:No,either let them bring up the topic of money,or wait for a second interview.Good luck!


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

9.There are a variety of techniques used to bring about success in selling.Here are the most important ones (33)that are often mentioned by successful salespeople.
•Find out (34)what your customers'real wants and needs are.Listen as they tell you their favours.
•Know all about your product and what it can do for your customers.Product knowledge is a"must"in personal selling because it creates confidence,builds enthusiasm,and makes the situation more professional.Lay emphasis on the unique advantage of your product (35)over others.
•Take a confident attitude in selling your product.It is (36)more effective (effective) when the salesperson says,"May I help you?"than when he or she says"You wouldn't like to see our model,(37)wouldyou?"
•Prepare yourself (38)to deal (deal) with objections.If the customer says the price is too high,you might reply,"Yes,the price may be a little higher than (39)planned (plan).However,actually,you will save money(40)because of high quality of this product."Don't disagree with your customer in any case when he or she says the price is too high.
•Use praise wisely.


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

8.We all hope to enjoy harmonious relationships with our parents.In real life,however,this is not always possible.The poem Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden expresses the speaker's regret over the way the speaker,when he was young,(33)treated(treat) his father.It is only when he looks back on how he has grown up (34)thathe begins to understand his father's unselfish love.
In remembering the small things his father did (35)forhim and his family,such as lighting a fire in the morning and polishing his shoes,the speaker begins to understand an aspect of parental love that escaped (36)hisnotice in the past.
As he recalls how his father warmed the house,the speaker's coldness toward his father starts to melt away.In its place is love and gratitude.It dawns on him that love is not just hugging and kissing,or always warm and affectionate,but (37)maywell be cold and stern in appearance.In fact,mature love often requires self-discipline and self-sacrifice.
During our stressful teen years,we may find that our parents,especially our fathers,have difficulty(38)showing(show) their love for us verbally-sometimes when we need it most.This is certainly very discouraging.However,if we remember (39)to be(be) grateful or not so self-centered,we will see that their love has always been there,only (40)expressed(express) in ways different from what we may have expected.


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

7.Alan and Linda always dreamed of living"the good life".Both from poor working-class families,they married young and set out to fulfil their mutual goal of becoming wealthy.They both worked very hard for years.(25)Having earned(earn) enough money,they finally could move from their two-bedroom home to a seven-bedroom home in a rich neighbourhood.They focused their energies on trying to have (26)what/somethingthey considered important for a good life:membership in the local country club,luxury cars,designer clothing,and high-class society friends.(27)Howevermuch they earned,it never seemed to be enough.They were unable to remove the financial insecurity that (28)wasacquired(acquire) in childhood.Then the stock market crashed in 1987,and Alan and Linda lost a considerable amount of money.Alan also suffered from heart attack,(29)whichcost the family much.One thing led to (30)another,and they found themselves in a financial disaster.Their house needed to be sold,and eventually they lost the country club membership and the cars.It was several years (31)beforeAlan and Linda managed to land on their feet,and though they now live a life far from wealthy,they have learned a valuable lesson from their lives and felt quite blessed.Only now,as they think of what (32)remains(remain)-a solid,loving marriage,a dependable income,and good friends-do they realize that true abundance comes not from gathering fortunes,but rather from appreciating.


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

6.Self care is necessary for our physical and mental health,yet often it's the first thing we drop when we find ourselves (33)stretched(stretch) for time.While we're on the subject of time,let's talk about priorities.When we feel like we don't have time to do something important,it is (34)eitherbecause we're not making time or because our priorities are not what we actually need.Everything we do with our time is a choice.It (35)mightfeel like we"have to"do certain things,but,in reality,we have complete control over (36)howwe spend our time.
(37)No matter howbusy you are,you can fit self care into your schedule.Whether this means making it the first thing you do each morning,giving up TV or Facebook time,saying"no"to certain commitments,or potentially displeasing (38)others,you can fit self care into your weekly routine (39)as long asyou prioritize(優(yōu)先考慮).
Self care doesn't have to involve a lot of money,nor does it require a lot of time.If you (40)are struggling(struggle) to fit self care into your routine,start small,prioritize,and listen to your heart.


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

5.WeChat was launched on Jan 12,2011,and took more than a year(16)to draw (draw) 100million users.By September,2012,it (17)had reached (reach) the 200million mark,Tencent said.
The number of people (18)using (use) WeChat,a voice-messaging service developed by the Internet giant Tencent Holdings,has hit 300million in the less than two years (19)since the service was released,the Shenzhen-based company said on Wednesday.
"The 300million number is (20)a milestone for WeChat,and we hope the service will be ready to perform(21)on the global stage in 2013,"Pony Ma,Tencent chairman and chief executive officer,said on his microblog on Wednesday morning.
The function of WeChat is very similar to the text messaging and voice call services(22)that/whichare provided by telecom carriers.Late last year saw the(23)introduction(introduce) of an English version of WeChat in a bid to draw more international users.Tencent has released versions in Arabic,Italian,Vietnamese,Japanese and Thai.
Tencent said it is (24)mostly(most) pursuing its expansion plans in emerging and Asian markets.It said the company finds(25)iteasier to reach its goals in such places,in part because they have cultures that are similar to China's.


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

4.A couple had been married for over 60years.They shared everything,talked about everything and kept no secrets (16)from each other except that the woman had a box in a drawer (17)that/which she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.
He'd never thought about it ever since.One day (18)the woman got very sick and the doctor,said she wouldn't recover.To sort out their affairs,the husband took down the box and (19)brought(bring) it to his wife's bedside.She agreed it was time that he should know (20)whatwas in the box.
(21)Opening(open) it,he found two small table mats and a sum of money totaling﹩25,000.He asked her about the contents."When we were to be married,"she said,"my grandma told me the secret of happy (22)marriage(marry) was never to argue,and I should just keep quiet and make a mat (23)if/when I got angry with you."
The man was so (24)moved(move) that he had to fight back tears.She had only been angry with him twice in all those years of living and loving!"Honey,"he said,"that explains the mats,but what about the money?Where did it come from?"
"Oh,"she said,"that's the money I made from selling (25)them."


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

3.There was once a small boy who would never get dressed when his parents told him to,(16)nor/neither would he wear what they wanted him to.He preferred unusual clothes,but above all,he liked taking his time.His parents were always in a rush,and wanted him to be much (17)quicker (quick),but the boy didn't like this,(18)and he would slow down even more.
One day,his parents got so angry when he refused to dress,that they told him to go out without any clothes at all.(19)Amusingly (amuse),the boy followed his parents out of the door.He held a belief (20)that nobody could do anything to him.
As the boy stood outside his house with nothing on,waiting for his parents'car,along came the local pig farmer.The farmer,(21)who was almost deaf,had very poor eyesight.Not only that,but also he(22)had forgotten/forgot (forget) his glasses that day.When he saw the boy's pink skin,he thought it was one of his pigs.Shouting and pushing,the farmer forced (23)him into a pig cage.
The boy begged him to stop but the deaf farmer couldn't hear.
When found by his parents,the terrified boy never again wanted to be mistaken(24)for anything other than a human being.Now he's the first (25)to get (get) dressed,and always looks neat.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

2.I had made up my mind a long time ago that I would not give a homeless person money,because Icould never be sure what that money would be used for.Instead,I decided,I would buy them a sand-wich,a cold drink on a hot day,a cup of coffee,whatever I could manage.
I was out recently and saw a homeless man outside of a Starbucks.So I dropped another few coinsin and went into the Starbucks.I decided I would buy this man lunch.I bought a sandwich and soda.
    Just as I was leaving the store,two policemen were approaching the man.Obviously the shop owners had complained of his wandering and the police were there to draw him away from the storefronts.Just as they were ahout to wake him,I asked one of the officers if it was all right if I just gave the mansomething before he went.I was not sure why I asked the permission hut the policeman said sure and Ijust left the bag in the man's cart,got in my car and drove off.
    As I was driving off I remember thinking,"I hope people saw that".Then I had to seriously askmyself why I hoped people had seen me give the man a sandwich from Starbucks.Was it because I wanted people to think,"She's such a nice person!"?Why did I hope others had seen me do it?continued to wonder this all evening.
    The next moning it came to me.I wanted people to have witnessed that small act of kindness not so that I would receive credit and praise but so that they might be inspired to do the same and in so doing that others still would witness their acts of kindness.Thus the whole spirit of pity and giving would be lasting.

56.The underlined word"Starbucks"in the second paragraph is the name of aA 
A.shop.B.hookstore          C.hank           D.man
57.When the author saw the homeless man,he wasD
A.begging outside    B.buying goods      C.staying awake   D.falling asleep
58.What's the purpose of the passage?B
A.To show the author is great..ks5u
B.To encourage people to help others.
C.To introduce an experience that changed the author.
D.To call on people not to give money to a homeless man.
59.The author can be best described asC
A.bad-tempered    B.hard-working       C.kind-hearted     D.self-confident.

