0  81  89  95  99  105  107  111  117  119  125  131  135  137  141  147  149  155  159  161  165  167  171  173  175  176  177  179  180  181  183  185  189  191  195  197  201  207  209  215  219  221  225  231  237  239  245  249  251  257  261  267  275  3002 











相對原子質(zhì)量:H-1  Ba-137   O―16   C―12    S―32     Na-23    Al-27




語  文                    







英 語 試 題







例:How much is the shirt?

  A. & 19.15.     B. & 9.15.         C. & 9.18.

  答案是 B。

1. Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

A. In a shop.                              B. In a bank.                     C. In a hospital.

2. How does the woman usually go shopping?

A. By bus.                                     B. By car.                                   C. On foot.

3. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

       A. Mother and son.                      B. Teacher and student.        C. Boss and employee.

4. What time does the train leave? 

  A. 8:30.                                B. 8:00.                 C. 8:15.

5. What season is it now?

A. Autumn.                                    B. Spring.                           C. Winter.




6. What is the trouble?

  A. There is something wrong with the engine.   B. There is no gas.       C. They are lost.

7. Where are they going?

  A. To the airport.                          B. To the station.        C. To the museum.


8. Why does the man ring?

A. To ask for information about business.        B. To inform the woman of his arrangement.

C. To get permission to talk with Mr. Hall.

9. Where will the man go when he arrives?

A. To the hotel.                       B. To the factory.                 C. To the office.


        1. 2,4,6

          A. A high school student.          B. A college student.               C. A lifeguard.

          11. What is the girl discussing with her father?

          A. Life of a lifeguard.      B. Interruption of her father.   C. Her plan for the summer holiday.

          12. What can we learn from the dialogue?

          A. Children interrupt their parents anytime they like.

          B. Parents are always ready to help their children.

          C. Youngsters all like to be lifeguards during summer holidays.


          13. Why does Mr. David want to see Mr. Ryan?

          A. To deal with his insurance for his car.          B. To show his consideration for his health.

          C. To praise him for his hard work in the office.

          14. Who is the woman?

          A. Mr. Ryan’s wife.                  B. Mr. Ryan’s workmate.       C. A secretary in the office.

          15. What does the woman think of Mr. Ryan’s health?

          A. He seldom gets ill.               B. He is in poor health.         C. He never takes a sick leave.

          16. What is the main point of the dialogue?

          A. Mr. David wants the woman to read the form carefully.

          B. Mr. David wants the woman to give the form to Mr. Ryan.

          C. Mr. David wants the woman to ask Mr. Ryan some questions.


          17. How long does the man work at the present company?

          A. 13 years.                                 B. 3 years.                        C. 30 years.

          18. What is the man now?

          A . A clerk at the airport.         B. A travel agent.              C. A salesman in Spain.

          19. According to what the man said, what caused him to decide to take the job?

          A. His father loved it.                  B. He had experience.           C. He loved traveling.

          20. Why does the man make the speech?

          A. To make an announcement.  B. To answer the questions from an interviewer.

          C. To introduce something about himself.




          例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their     _   and weaknesses.

          A.strengths      B.benefits        C.techniques          D.values


          21. We have completely different ________ for TV programs. He likes NBA while I like MTV.

          A. shares                          B. tastes                       C. smells                      D. manners

          22. The building project will be ________ by the government and by public collection.

          A. completed                  B. provided                  C. financed                   D. supposed

          23. Now that they have not done anything ________about the situation, it shows no evidence to return to normal.

          A. effective                    B. attractive                  C. creative                   D. sensitive

          24. The way teachers treat the students will ________ affect their growing up in the future.

          A. especially                   B. extremely                 C. peacefully                D. vitally

          25. ----Hello, this is Frank speaking. Is Miss Smith in?

             ----Sorry, sir, but she is on the phone at the moment. Do you want to ________ until she finishes or will you ring back later?

            A. go on                               B. keep on                 C. carry on                D. hold on

          26. Having been told ________ where he lived, I had no difficulty in finding Peter’s house.

            A. exactly                    B. relatively              C. appropriately        D. approximately

          27. Many football fans attached great importance to the two matches, because China needed to

           beat Iran to ensure ________ for the Asian Cup semi-finals.

            A. outcome                    B. conservation         C. qualification          D. occupation

          28. She is, how shall I ________ it, not fat, but rather well- built for her age.

          A. make                          B. put                          C. see                           D. suggest

          29. With frequent storm disasters affecting all ________ of human life, it is evident that global warming becomes a big threat to mankind.

          A. results                       B. approaches            C. methods                D. aspects

          30. Being a skilled secretary, she is good at ________ the mind of her boss.

           A. seeing                         B. reading                   C. realizing                 D. recognizing



          例:We _________ (起床) before dawn. It was still dark outside. (get)

           答案:got up

          31. Having been teaching for more than 20 years, he is more experienced _____________(比其他任何老師) in our school. ( than )

          32. We have noticed that _________        (有趨勢) for people to choose to work at home instead of in offices. ( trend )

          33.                      (多么糟糕的天氣) we are having these days! (weather)

          34. This allowance, however, is only ________________ (夠解決) the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing. ( cover )

          35. “Hi, John.” I greeted him and gave him a big smile __________(趁他還沒來得及說) something rude. ( say )

          36. But for your support, we __________(不可能實施) the plan last month. (carry)

          37. The village is no longer                 (從前的樣子). (what)

          38. At present, we are in doubt about _________(他是否會被錄入) a key university. ( admit )

          39. ____________ (不要讓水白流) while you brush your teeth. ( leave )

          40. By no means _______(她會同意) move to a new place far away from her workplace. ( agree )



          A friend and I had arranged to spend a whole Sunday taking a long walk in the country. We set off on an early train, each carrying a     41     bag filled with sandwiches, cakes, fruit and bottles of lemonade. I     42     how two people would be able to finish it all.

          Soon we had left     43     the smoky air of the city and had reached the country station where our     44     was to begin. We were     45    , because the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze to make it just right for walking.

          We decided to go on a walk called the Four Mile Square: it has four     46     sides, each about four miles in length and on a map looks like a rough square. It is     47     because each side passes through a different kind of country.

          We     48      in high spirits along the first side, which     49     a river, planning to have a swim and our first meal before we left it. Before long, we came to a gate near which there was a(n)    50     “Beware(當心) of the Bull (公牛)”.We were very     51    . Our path ran through this field, and, as it was a public footpath, the farmer had no     52      to put a dangerous animal in it. “Oh, but it’s all right,” my friend said. “This bull is tied up. Come on.”

          I followed, because I could see for myself a strong rope     53     to the ring in its nose at one end and round a large tree at the other. We felt very bold and walked nearer,    54     a red handkerchief just to show that we weren’t afraid.

          The bull began to walk towards us---and did not stop. “He     55     to have a long rope.” I said, walking more quickly. The bull too was walking more quickly. Then, at the same moment, we both saw that the rope was broken, and without     56     we began to run.

          We were halfway across the field but it didn’t take us long to reach the gate again. We jumped over, very much out of     57    , and looked back to see the bull quietly     58     a bag of food. “That was a clever     59     of mine, wasn’t it?” said my friend: “I dropped the food on purpose to     60     away the bull’s attention.”

           “No,” I cried,“it was not clever! I dropped mine-----accidentally.”

          41. A. small                    B. light                  C. heavy               D. huge

          42. A. wondered                B. knew                  C. doubted              D. ensured

          43. A. over                   B. away                  C. out                 D. behind

          44. A. destination              B. walk                   C. adventure            D. race

          45. A. unfortunate             B. thirsty                  C. lucky               D. tired

          46. A. equal                  B. pretty                  C. short                  D. strange

          47. A. quiet                   B. cosy                   C. remote              D. famous

          48. A. started off             B. took up               C. ran off              D. turned up

          49. A. connected               B. followed             C. surrounded            D. reflected

          50. A. announcement           B. report                 C. evidence             D. notice

          51. A. scared                  B. excited                C. annoyed              D. ashamed

          52. A. chance                  B. right                 C. space                 D. duty

          53. A. tied                   B. applied                  C. contacted                 D. stuck

          54. A. waving                  B. wearing               C. folding              D. throwing

          55. A. fails                      B. needs                          C. seems              D. happens

          56. A. difficulty               B. hesitation            C. permission           D. trouble

          57. A. question               B. danger               C. sight                D. breath

          58. A. weighing               B. examining           C. considering            D. inspecting

          59. A. trap                   B. game               C. trick                  D. schedule

          60. A. pay                   B. give                C. take                  D. draw



          閱讀下列短文,并從每篇短文后所給各題的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項, 并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。


          Children are turning away from schoolwork because they see education as unhelpful to their ambition to become rich and famous as reality TV stars, a teaching union declares today.

          Their role models include David and Victoria Beckham and WAGs――wives and girlfriends of highly paid footballers――according to the Association of Teachers and Lecturers.

          It has put forward a suggestion for its annual conference this weekend saying that members are “terrified at the extent of the decline in this country into the admiration of celebrity(名人), which is perverting (扭曲) children’s ambitions and expectations”. It adds: “This compounds the after sense of failure and low self-respect when celebrity status is not achieved.”

          The union asked 300 teachers about whom their pupils modeled themselves on. More than half said David Beckham. Victoria Beckham, the former Spice Girl and self-professed fashion expert, was a role model for almost a third of girls.

          Almost two thirds of teachers said children they taught desired to be sports stars or pop singers. Many said their pupils sought to be famous with no recognizable talent. A third of teachers said that Paris Hilton, the heiress (繼承人)of  Hilton hotel, was a favorite role model.

          Julie Gilligan, a primary school teacher in Salford, said that she had seen and heard pupils imitating the behavior and language of footballers and pop stars in the playground and in school, “including disturbingly age-inappropriate acts by young girls in school talent shows”.

          Another member, Elizabeth Farrar, who teaches in a primary school near Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, said: “Too many of the pupils believe that academic success is unnecessary, because they will be able to access fame and fortune quite easily through a reality TV show.”

          Robert Sanders, a junior school teacher in Bath, said: “One girl said that she wished to be a WAG.”

          Mary Bousted, the general secretary of the association, said: “We are not surprised about the spread of celebrity culture in schools――it reflects the current media obsession (著迷) with celebrity and the effect of celebrity culture on society as a whole. Celebrities can have a positive effect on pupils. They can raise pupils’ ambitions for the future.

          “However, we are deeply concerned that many pupils believe celebrity status is available to everyone. They do not understand the hard work it takes to achieve such status and do not think it is important to be actively engaged in schoolwork as education is not needed for a celebrity status.”

          61. Most children think that _________.

            A. it is easy to be celebrities                                  B. it is difficult to be celebrities

            C. education is very important                               D. Victoria Beckham is their role model

          62. According to the members of Association of Teachers and Lecturers, which of the following statements is NOT true?     .

            A. Children they taught desired to be sports stars or pop singers

            B. Paris Hilton was a role model for almost two thirds of girls.

            C. Celebrities can have a positive effect on pupils.

            D. Many children desired to be sports stars or pop singers.

          63. The author wrote this article _________.

          A. to criticize the celebrities' negative effect on children 

          B. to discuss the proper way to build the children's right view of value

          C. to praise the effort made by Association of Teachers and Lecturers

          D. to show that children want to be famous and rich without good education and hard work

          64.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “compounds” in Para. 3?

          A. enriches                    B. worsens                        C. lightens                       D. reduces


          Corned Beef  &  Cabbage

          From Quick Cooking

          "I've been making this meal for more than 40 years," remarks Ruth Warner of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. "It is so easy and so delicious. It's especially good served with a salad of peaches and cottage cheese."

          4 cups water

          1 corned beef brisket with spice packet (2 pounds)

          1 medium head cabbage, cut into 8 wedges

          2 large red potatoes, cut into 2-inch chunks

          1 can (14-1/2 ounces) chicken broth                                                    

          4 large carrots, cut into 2-inch chunks

          1 medium onion, cut into 2-inch pieces

          SERVINGS, 4-6

          CATEGORY, Main Dish

          PREP, 10 min.

          METHOD, Pressure Cooker

          COOK, 45 min.

          TOTAL, 55 min.


          In a 6-qt. pressure cooker, combine water and contents of corned beef seasoning packet; add beef. Close cover securely; place pressure regulator on vent (排氣) pipe. Bring cooker to full pressure over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-high and cook for 45 minutes. (Pressure regulator should maintain a slow steady rocking motion; adjust heat if needed.)
               Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, combine the cabbage, potatoes and broth. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add carrots and onion. Cover and simmer 20-25 minutes longer or until vegetables are tender; drain.
               Remove pressure cooker from the heat; allow pressure to drop on it's own. Remove beef to a serving platter. Discard cooking liquid. Serve beef with cabbage, potatoes, carrots and onion. 

          Yield: 4-6 servings.
              For more recipes, click here.


          65. Which of the following materials are not needed in this course?

          A. cabbage and onion                                  B. carrot and potato

          C. beef and water                                        D. flour and vinegar

          66. When cooking corned beef, one thing you should pay attention to is _________.

          A. to use the seasoning packet                      B. to adjust heat from time to time

          C. to bring cooker to full pressure                 D. to place it on vent pipe

          67. How long will it take to get cabbage, carrots and other materials cooked?

          A. About 10 minutes.                                         B. About 35 minutes.    

          C. About 55 minutes.                                        D. About 60 minutes.

          68. Where can you probably find this passage?

          A. In a newspaper.          B. In a magazine.          C. On the internet.         D. In a book.


          The Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) is to open on moonlit evenings 20 years after security fears ended night visits.

          India’s Supreme Court will allow the famous monument to love to open four nights a month, at the beginning for three months.

          The Taj, built in the 1600s by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a shrine (神殿) for his wife, is a World Heritage site.

          Only 400 visitors will be let in each night, and parking limitations will be strictly controlled around the marble mausoleum(陵墓).

          The Supreme Court announcement came as state officials in Uttar Pradesh were celebrating the Taj’s 350th anniversary close to its site in the city of Agra.

          State tourism minister Kaukab Hamid described the ruling as "heartening".

          "This reopening of the Taj for moonlight viewing is going to draw fantastic crowds from across the globe," he said.

          "We will ensure strict security and follow visitor guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court."

          Tourist chiefs said more than 300,000 foreigners visited the Taj Mahal site in 2003, but numbers are down since the terror attacks in the US on 11 September 2001.

          Night visits to the Taj, once a romantic highlight of any visit to India, were banned in 1984 for fear that militant(好戰(zhàn)的)Sikhs battling the government would attack the shrine.

          The Sikh insurgency (錫克教叛亂) ended in the mid-1990s, but Indian authorities have remained unwilling to let visitors back to the Taj after sunset.

          During the height of tensions between India and Pakistan in 2001, officials drew up plans to camouflage (偽裝) the Taj to hide it from possible Pakistani air attacks.

          Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as an expression of love for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

          Located on the banks of River Yamuna, the shrine is largely made of white marble that reflects the changes of colour visible during sunset and clear, moonlit nights.

          It became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983, meaning the Indian Supreme Court must rule on major works or changes likely to influence the site.

          69. Why were visitors banned on visiting the Taj Mahal in the evening 20 years ago?

          A. Because the Indian government feared that the increasing visitors would destroy it.

          B. Because there were the terror  attacks in the US.

          C. Because the Indian authorities were unwilling to let visitors visit at night.

          D. Because the Indian authorities were afraid their conflict with Sikhs would lead them to attack

          the shrine.

          70. What is the attitude of State tourism minister Kaukab Hamid when he described the new rule?

          A. disapproving                B. uncertain                  C. cheerful                   D. disappointing

          71. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

          A. The Taj Mahal will be open 48 nights a year.

          B. The number of visitors at night is strictly limited.

          C. It’s the Indian Supreme Court that is responsible for the security of the Taj.

          D. The project of the Taj Mahal was completed 350 years ago.

          72. What would be the best title for the text?

          A. The reopening of the Taj Mahal          B. The Taj Mahal--- moonlit viewing again

          C. The glorious history of the Taj Mahal     D. The Taj Mahal--- A World Heritage Site


          For most of us, dieting is an annoying fact of life. With so much information available, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work. Let’s start by taking a look at some confusing myths (荒謬).

          1. All calories are created equal

          What you eat, not how much, is the main factor behind weight gain. In fact, the body burns many more calories digesting carbohydrates than it does digesting fat. For every 100 calories of carbohydrates we consume in excess(超過) of our daily requirement, only 75 are turned into body fat. But 97 of every 100 excess fat calories are turned into body fat.

          2. Desserts and fast foods are forbidden

          Some experts advise against describing foods as “good” and “bad.” Even cakes, pies, and ice cream can be worked into a diet. Moderation is the key. Besides, a plain hamburger on a bun is still a healthful choice. So is baked chicken or a green salad with low-cal dressing. But watch out for French fries, and fried chicken or fish.

          3. It makes no difference whether you’re top or bottom-heavy

          In fact, where weight is distributed makes all the difference. Recent studies suggest that people who store fat on the upper body (apple shape), rather than on hips and thighs (大腿) (pear shape), may have an increased risk of heart disease. There is probably little you can do to change how your body is genetically programmed to store fat. But you can lose excess weight overall.

          4. Fasting is the fastest diet

          Some studies suggest that suddenly reducing calorie intake puts the body into “starvation mode”, which causes it to conserve calories and decreases the rate of digestion. The more often you deprive yourself of food, the better your body may get at storing calories. So, in the long run, repeated fasting may actually weaken your weight-loss efforts.

          5. To keep weight off, simply watch what you eat

          According to studies, exercise combined with dieting ensures weight loss better than dieting alone does. Experts also agree that having regular, moderate exercise is more important than occasional exercises. Researchers encourage patients to take the stairs instead of the elevator and park the car far from where you are going and walking.

          6. It’s all your fault that you’re fat

          Research at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine indicates that body shape and size are in large part decided by a person’s genes. In short, some people are naturally more likely to be fat than others. Moreover, someone who was fat in childhood will have more fat cells than a person of average weight. Once made, the cells may enlarge or shrink (縮小), but they never disappear.

          Yet genes don’t have to control your shape. The size of your fat cells depends on you --- on your eating habits and lifestyle. Most important, before getting caught up in dietary myths, let good sense shape your eating habits. Your body will thank you for it.

          73. Which of the following statements is true?

          A. All calories are created equal.

          B. You can decide whether fat will be stored on your upper body or lower body.

          C. While you are on a diet, never eat desserts and fast food.

          D. The size of fat cells is decided by our eating habits and lifestyle.

          74. Which of the following statements is true about fat cells and genes?

          A. Everyone has the same amount of fat cells.

          B. The size of fat cells is fixed. They won’t become bigger or smaller.

          C. Genes have nothing to do with obesity.

          D. Where you store your fat is genetically decided.

          75. The main reason why the author writes this article is to _________.

          A. give new ideas                    B. correct certain misunderstandings

          C. encourage the readers to keep fit      D. explain the concept of calories, fat cells, and genes

          76. This article is ________.

          A. descriptive                   B. creative             C. persuasive        D. educative


          In one of the strongest indications of the power of the mind to influence the body, a growing collection of evidence finds that people who are depressed have a greatly higher risk of developing heart disease.

          In a study of almost 3,000 men and 5,000 women, depressed men were 70 percent more likely to develop coronary (心臟的) heart disease than those who weren't depressed. While depressed women were just 12 percent more likely to develop heart disease, those who were severely depressed were 78 percent more likely. In fact, a 1998 study found that women who are depressed have a risk of dying from heart disease equal to that of women who smoke or who have high blood pressure.

          The link works the other way around, too: While about 1 in 20 American adults experience major depression in a given year, that number jumps to about one in three among those who have survived a heart attack.

          The more severe the depression, the more dangerous it is to your health. But some studies suggest that even mild depression, including feelings of hopelessness experienced over many years, may damage the heart. Other studies suggest depression may affect how well heart disease medications work.

          Researchers aren't sure what the connection between depression and heart disease is, but theories exist. One is that people who are depressed tend not to take very good care of themselves. They're more likely to eat high-fat, high-calorie "comfort" foods, less likely to exercise, and more likely to smoke. But beyond lifestyle, there is probably also a physiological link between depression and heart disease. Recent studies found that people with severe depression tended to have a lack of heart-healthy Ω-3 fatty acids. People who are depressed also often have high levels of stress hormones (荷爾蒙). These keep the body primed for fight or flight, raising blood pressure and causing the heart to beat faster, all of which put additional stress on coronary arteries (動脈) and prevent the body's natural healing mechanisms from working properly.

          A whole branch of medicine is devoted to the complex links between mental health, the nervous system, the hormone system and so on. This science is gradually sorting out how the mind-body connection affects us, or defense against heart disease.

          Generally, an estimated 10 percent of American adults experience some form of depression every year. Although available treatments can ease symptoms (癥狀) in more than 80 percent of people treated, less than half of those with depression get the help they need.

          77. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

          A. Depression―Heart Disease Risk Factor     B. Heart Disease―Health Killer

          C. Depression―Mental Health Enemy        D. Heart Disease―Depression Factor

          78. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

          A. With high blood pressure, depression is another potential risk to women’s health.

          B. Depression, which is mild, can possibly cause damage to your health.

          C. Most people who experience depression get treated as they should be.

          D. Depression may have some influence on the function of heart disease medication.

          79. According to the passage, the possible connections between heart disease and depression are the following EXCEPT _________.

          A. Depressed ones tend to eat high fat and high-calories food, which leads to physical damage to heart.

          B. Severe heart disease may cause people to feel hopeless and depressed.

          C. Depression may result in the lack of some kind of acids, which probably affects the working of people’s heart.

          D. People with depression often have a high level of stress hormones, maybe, which will put extra pressure on one’s heart.

          80. We can infer from the passage that _________.

          A. More researches will be done to find the certain links between heart disease and depression.

          B. The percentage of adults with depression is higher than that of depressed adults with heart disease.

          C. One’s life style has relatively little relationship with one’s mental health.

          D. Those with depression have a higher risk of developing heart disease. 






          注意:   1.詞數(shù):100左右;


                    3.參考詞匯: ①人大代表   an NPC deputy 、跍p緩堵塞 ease congestion

               、畚矚馀欧   exhaust  emission

          A Bicycle Rental Proposal for Beijing Olympic Games

          An NPC deputy put forward the proposal that…







                           (命題:胡豪  朱琳琳   審題修改:蔣永亮)








          時間:100分鐘       滿分:100分             命題人:君慧


          可能用到的相對原子質(zhì)量: H:1  C:12  N:14  O:16  Na:23  K:39 

          S:32  Cu:64  Fe:56  Zn:65  Cl:35.5   Ca:40  Mg:24   Al:27   Mn:55




