0  765  773  779  783  789  791  795  801  803  809  815  819  821  825  831  833  839  843  845  849  851  855  857  859  860  861  863  864  865  867  869  873  875  879  881  885  891  893  899  903  905  909  915  921  923  929  933  935  941  945  951  959  3002 












如果事件A、B互斥,那么              球的表面積公式

P(A+B)=P(A)+P(B)                       6ec8aac122bd4f6e


P(A?B)=P(A)?P(B)                   其中R表示球的半徑

如果事件A在一次試驗中發(fā)生的概率是    球的體積公式

P,那么n次獨立重復試驗中事件A恰        6ec8aac122bd4f6e

好發(fā)生k次的概率                       其中R表示球的半徑

















如果事件A、B互斥,那么              球的表面積公式

P(A+B)=P(A)+P(B)                       6ec8aac122bd4f6e


P(A?B)=P(A)?P(B)                   其中R表示球的半徑

如果事件A在一次試驗中發(fā)生的概率是    球的體積公式

P,那么n次獨立重復試驗中事件A恰        6ec8aac122bd4f6e

好發(fā)生k次的概率                       其中R表示球的半徑




1.      Fireworks add to the attraction of the festival night.

2.      "We're having a class," she said, adding that "it was a newly open kindergarten sponsored by the church."

3.      Can you tell us the main point of the story?

4.      "that's the man who did it," she said, pointing to me.

5.      The robber pointed a gun at the bank clerk.

6.      You will tell your friend that you are concerned bout him but you have to go to class.

7.      Present at the meeting were leading members of the departments concerned.

8.      This book deals with questions concerning Anti-Japanese War.

9.      I will take my share of the expenses.,

10.   He is the only person who shares my opinion.

11.   I wonder if it's because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

12.   You'll have to work like crazy to get this finished.

13.   There is so much suffering in this world.

14.   The collapse of the World Trade Center has put US economy in a difficult situation.

15.   you will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.

16.   Please keep still while I take photos of you.

17.   Please keep quiet when you're listening to your teacher.

18.   All present were shocked by what the little girl went through when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.

19.   I would not go to London for the mere purpose of buying a new hat.

20.   It is the first time that she has talked with an English.

21.   ---How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

a)         ---We have included in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

22.   ---Will $200 cover the cost of the damage?

a)         ---I'm afraid not. I need at least 100 more.

23.   Actually, it was based more on German than present day English.

24.   They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.

25.   The officer commanded his men to open fire.

26.   He has good command of the French language.(掌握)

27.   They recognized him as / to be a great leader.

28.   Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another.

29.   I give Mary full directions to enable her to find the house.(說明)

30.   Generally speaking, when taken according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

31.   More than one official has served the people heart and soul.

32.   He is more lazy than stupid.

33.   The role that our army played in flood control is very important.

34.   The question came up at the meeting whether we had enough money.

35.   She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.

36.   We should think of the problems that may come up in the future.

37.   It came out that he had been stealing from his friends.

38.   She wondered uneasily what use she would make of this opportunity.

39.   You are really very kind. I'll never forget the favour you have done for me.

40.   If better use is made of your spare time, you'll make great progress in it.

41.   Imagine that you live in Qinghai Province.

42.   There are ten to choose from.

43.   She did nothing but  go away. / He has no choice but to lie down and lie down and sleep

44.   We choose him as our monitor.

45.   While shopping, people sometimes can't help being persuaded into buying something they don't really need.

46.   He insisted on his correctness.

47.   Jane insisted that she had done noting wrong and that she should be treated properly.

48.   I insisted that a doctor be sent immediately.

49.   The man insisted on finding a taxi for me even if I told him I lived nearby.

50.   She gave me a determined look-the kind that said she wouldn't change her mind.

51.   Determined to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, "Wanted, an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl."

52.   He finally gave in to my view.

53.   Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance, but her trembling voice gave her away.

54.   Tom works very hard. His brother, on the contrary, doesn't do much at all.

55.   The climate here doesn't agree with her.

56.   Doctor don't agree about the medical effects of cold water swimming.(醫(yī)生們就冷水浴的醫(yī)療作用持不同態(tài)度)

57.   You are silly not to have locked your car.

58.   They were badly shocked by the news.

59.   The peasant boy lay on his back on the ground with his hands trembing.

60.   He burst into tears at the sad news./ He burst out crying at the sad news.

61.   In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.

62.   He ruined his prospects by carelessness.

63.   I judge it better to tell her the truth.

64.   ---I apologize to you for my rudeness yesterday, Mary.

---Never mind, and I think little of it.

65.   He got here earlier than usual.

66.   The government is determind to put an end to terrorism.

67.   He didn't go there by bike; he walked there, instead.

68.   Instead of seeing sights, Edison would spend the time reading in the public lirary.

69.   It is too long a journey to make in one day.

70.  Her father advised her against marrying in haste.




1.      What he said led us to believe he was right.

2.      Success lies in hard work while laziness can lead to failure.

3.      All the leading newspapers reported the news.

4.      Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.

5.      His answer was so confused that I could hardly make sense of.

6.      The mother didn't know who to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.

7.      Mr. Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel.

8.      So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an earthquake outbreak.

9.      He bought a computer the day he got his salary.

10.   Not a single mistake did he make.

11.   The flowers smelling sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

12.   How do you suggest we(should)go to Beijing for our holidays.

13.   Puzzled by his problem I didn't know how to answer.

14.   You can easily clarify any problems if you study British history.

15.   He divided his time between reading and writing. (在…之間平分)

16.   England can be divided into three main areas.

17.   As we joined the big crowd I got separated from my friends.

18.   Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.

19.   I kept my reference near my desk for convenience.

20.   Under the influence of my friends, I bought a coat, too.

21.   However, these industrial cities do not have historical attractions of other places.

22.   Attracted by the beauty of nature, the girl form London decided to spend another two days on the farm.

23.   These tickets are available on the day of issue only.

24.   Complete the exercise without referring to a dictionary.

25.   Nowadays many farmers want to break away from their lands and make a living in the cities.

26.   In copying this paper, be careful not to leave out any words.

27.   The manager is in charge of the factory; that is to say, the factory is in the charge of him.

28.   There seems to be something wrong with her.

29.   My first impression of him was favorable(討人喜歡的).

30.   My father impressed value of hard work on me.

31.   You reminded me of your father when you say that.

32.   Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff.

33.   The hospital aims to ease the sufferings of the dying.

34.   He lacks confidence.

35.   The trip was cancelled for lack of time.

36.   The book is completely lacking in originality.

37.   Though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university.

38.   I have been known to faint at the sight of blood.  

39.   Out of sight, out of mind.

40.   He assisted us to establish a new company.

41.   Two students assisted me with the experiment.

42.   They came to our assistance soon after they received our phone.(以上用法同aid)

43.   These pets require a lot of care and attention.

44.   The house requires(needs/ wants)cleaning / to be cleaned.,

45.   All passengers are required to show their tickets.

46.   All of us required of him whether he had heard form Helen recently.(require sth.of sb.)

47.   They are working against time to get people out of the rubble alive.

48.   When his parents died he had to learn to stand on his own feet.

49.   Make sure that no one finds out about this.

50.   We must study English hard, or we are not good at English, are we?(并列句的反意疑問句就近一致)

51.   We are good friends though he is ten years senior to me.

52.   Please state your name, age and occupation below.

53.   He occupies himself in collecting stamps.

54.   In case it rains, the picnic will be put off to next week.

55.   I shall stay at home all day in case there is news of my daughter.

56.   Stop talking and concentrate on your work.

57.   I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.

58.   The police had to employ(use)force to break into the building.

59.   He often accuses me of my carelessness.

60.   The door opens and closes of itself.

61.   We say a good reporter must have a "nose" for a story.

62.   It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.

→Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.

63.   John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized(承認功績等)the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.

64.   Most students have been present at the speech by Mr. Smith but some naughty boys were absent form it.

65.   It's so hot today, but the electric fan isn't working.

66.   His father is electrical engineer.

67.   It so happened that I had no money with me.(碰巧)

→ I happened to have no money with me.

→ As it happens, I had no money with me.

68.   I finally managed to get the car working again.

69.   When did you get knowing him?

70.   The teacher got us to discuss the problems by ourselves.

71.   You will get to understand the importance of learning English soon.

72.   Look! That Mr. Smith gets drunk again.

73.   You'd better get your hair cut. It's too long for a boy student.






(3)白磷在一定條件下可被HClO3的水溶液氧化,生成磷的最高價態(tài)化合物,而氯元素被還原為最低價態(tài)    ______________________________________                


(5)在火箭推進器中裝有強還原劑肼(N2H4)和強氧化劑H2O2,當它們混合時,即產生大量氮氣和水蒸氣,并放出大量熱。已知0.4 mol液態(tài)肼和足量液態(tài)H2O2反應,生成氮氣和水蒸氣,放出256.65 kJ的熱量。寫出此反應的熱化學方程式:                                        。


(1) 2AsH3+3O2= As2O3+3H2O    (2)2NaNO3+8HI=2NO+3I2+2NaI+4H2O

(3)3P4+10 HClO3 +18H2O=12H3PO4+10HCl   (4)6Zn+As2O3+12H+=6Zn2++2AsH3↑+3H2O

(5)N2H4(l)+2 H2O 2(l)= N2(g) + 4H2O(g); △H= -641.625 kJ.mol-1

2.(重慶北山中學高2009級08~09學年度上期期末) (14分)反應A(g)+B(g)C(g) +D(g)過程中的能量變化如圖所示,回答下列問題。







.(14分) (1)放熱。




3.(重慶北山中學高2009級08~09學年度上期期末)工業(yè)上制備純硅反應的熱化學方程式如下: SiCl4(g)+2H2(g)===Si(s)+4HCl(g);△H=+QkJ?mol1(Q>0)某溫度、壓強下,將一定量的反應物通入密閉容器進行以上的反應(此條件下為可逆反應),下列敘述正確的是(  D  )





4.(飛龍中學2009屆理科復習班第四次理科綜合 )(17分)現(xiàn)有A、B、C、D、E、F六種短周期元素,原子序數(shù)依次增大。已知A與D、C與E分別同主族,D、E、F同周期;A、B的最外層電子數(shù)之和與C的最外層電子數(shù)相等,A與C形成的化合物常溫下均為液態(tài),A分別與E、F形成的氣體分子電子總數(shù)相等。



(2)A、D、E 3種元素形成一種離子化合物,其水溶液呈堿性,試用離子方程式表示該溶液中存在的所有平衡______________________________________




(5)化合物B2A4和B2C4的液體曾被用作火箭推進劑,燃燒反應的生成物是一種氣態(tài)單質和一種化合物,它們對環(huán)境無污染。1 mol B2A4與B2C4完全反應生成兩種氣體時放出熱量516.8 kJ,則該反應的熱化學方程式為





5.(綿中高2009級第五期第三次學月考試)已知一定溫度和壓強下,合成氨反應:N2(g)+3H2(g) 2NH3(g);△H=-92.0KJ?mol-1

將1mol N2和3mol H2充入一密閉容器中,保持恒溫恒壓,在催化劑存在時進行反應,達到平衡時,測得N2的轉化率為20%。若在相同條件下,起始時在該容器中充入2mol NH3,反應達到平衡時的熱量變化是( C。﹚ww.ks5u.com

A.吸收18.4KJ熱量         B.放出18.4KJ熱量

C.吸收73.6KJ熱量         D.放出73.6KJ熱量

6.(江寧高級中學08~09學年度第一學期高三年級12月月考三 校 聯(lián) 考 )中學化學教材中有大量數(shù)據(jù),下列為某同學對數(shù)據(jù)的利用情況,其中不正確的是( C )





7.(河南省鄭州市一中2009屆高三年級11月期中考 )下列關于熱化學反應的描述中正確的是(   B )

    A.HCI和NaOH反應的中和熱ΔH=-57.3kJ/mol,則H2SO4和Ca(OH) 2反應的中


    B.CO(g)的燃燒熱是283.0kJ/mol,則2CO2 (g)=2CO(g)+O2 (g)反應的









______                                 _。

(3) PCl5分解成PCl3和Cl2的熱化學方程式__________________            _     。


________________ ___                                             __。



(2) P(s)+Cl2(g)=== PCl3(g);△H=-306kJ?mol1   (3分)

(3) PCl5(g)===PCl3(g)+Cl2(g);△H=+93kJ?mol1    (3分)






10.(石家莊二中2008―2009學年度高三第一學期期中考試)已知反應:①101kPa時,2C(s)+O2(g)=2CO(g); △H=-221kJ/mol





下列結論正確的是                                                                                           ( B   )





11.(自貢市高2009級高三理科綜合能力測試“一!)第29屆奧運會已在北京舉行,體操王子李寧凌空點火舉世矚目。2008年北京奧運會“祥云”火炬采用的是環(huán)保型燃料---丙烷(C3H8),悉尼奧運會火炬所用燃料為65%丁烷(C4H10)和35%丙烷,已知丙烷的燃燒熱為:2221.5kJ/mol,下列有關說法正確的是( B )





12. (重慶八中高2009屆級高三周末檢測 )下列說法中正確的是( A )

A.已知:2H2O(l) = 2H2(g) + O2(g);  

H2O(l) = H2(g) +O2(g);   則


C.因為常溫下白磷可自燃,而氮氣須在放電時才與氧氣反應,所以非金屬性:P> N

D.1 mol H2SO4與 1 mol Ba(OH)2反應生成 BaSO4沉淀時放出的熱叫做中和熱

13. (2008~2009學年度第一學期高三期中聯(lián)考) (8分) (1).1840年,俄國化學家蓋斯(Hess)指出:“一個化學反應,不論是一步完成,還是分幾步完成,其總的熱效應是完全相同的!边@就是著名的“蓋斯定理”。現(xiàn)已知在101KPa下CH4、H2、C(固)的燃燒熱分別為890.83KJ ?mol-1、285.83 KJ?mol-1和393.51 KJ?mol-1,則反應C(s)+2H2(g)=CH4(g)的反應熱△H=           ,根據(jù)以上信息,你認為“蓋斯定理”在我們確定一些化學反應的反應熱時有何重要意義              。


25℃時,氯化銀的Ksp=1.8×10-10,F(xiàn)將足量氯化銀分別放入:①100 mL蒸餾水中;②100 mL 0.1mol?L-1鹽酸中;③100 mL 0.1mol?L-1氯化鋁溶液中;④100 mL 0.1mol?L-1氯化鎂溶液中。充分攪拌后,相同溫度下,銀離子濃度由大到小的順序是          (填寫序號)。在0.1mol?L-1氯化鋁溶液中,銀離子的濃度最大可達到            mol?L-1。



(1)-74.34 KJ ?mol-1 


(2)①>②>④>③    6×10-10w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

14.(09屆南陽三倉高三化學聯(lián)考)下列敘述中,不正確的是(D )






15.(09屆南陽三倉高三化學聯(lián)考) (14分)⑴北京奧運會“祥云”火炬燃料是丙烷(C3H8),亞特蘭大奧運會火炬燃料是丙烯(C3H6)。


      已知:C3H8(g)→CH4(g)+HC≡CH(g)+H2(g)  △H1=156.6 kJ?mol-1

      CH3CH=CH2(g)→CH4(g)+HC≡CH(g)  △H2=32.4 kJ?mol-1 

  則相同條件下,反應C3H8(g)→CH3CH=CH2 (g)+H2(g)的△H=         kJ?mol-1

文本框: 能量②以丙烷為燃料制作新型燃料電池,電池的正極通入O2和CO2,負極通入丙烷,電解質是熔融碳酸鹽。電池反應總方程式為                      


向電池的          (填“正”或“負”)極。

⑵反應A(g)+B(g) C(g)+D(g)過程中的能量變化如圖所示,回答下列問題。




______________________________________________________________________  ____。


.(14分)⑴   ①124.2(2分)  ②C3H8+5O2=3CO2+4H2O(2分)    負 (2分)  

            ⑵   ①放熱 (2分)    ②減小 (2分)   減。2分)

                 ③不影響(1分)    催化劑不改變平衡的移動 (1分)

16.(湖南汝城二中09高三第四次月考 )(6分)火箭推進器中盛有強還原劑液態(tài)肼(N2H4)和強氧化劑液態(tài)雙氧水,它們混合反應,生成氮氣和水蒸氣。已知混合物共1摩爾且恰好完全反應時放出256.6kJ的熱量。

(1)該反應的熱化學方程式為                                                。

(2)又已知H2O(l)=H2O(g);ΔH=+44kJ/mol。則16g液態(tài)肼與足量液態(tài)雙氧水反應生成液態(tài)水時放出的熱量是            kJ。

(3)此反應除釋放大量熱和快速產生大量氣體外,還有一個很大的優(yōu)點是           。















   (2)    472.9KJ 

   (3) 產物為水和氮氣,不會污染環(huán)境   每空2分)

17.(鄭州市101中學2009屆高三9月月考試卷)下列有關熱化學方程式的敘述正確的是( C )

A.已知2H2(g)+O2(g)=== 2H2O(g);△H=-483.6kJ/mol,則H2的燃燒熱為241.8kJ/mol


C.含20.0g NaOH的稀溶液與稀鹽酸完全中和,放出28.7kJ的熱量,則表示該反應


D.已知2C(s)+2O2(g)==2CO2(g);△H1   2C(s)+O2(g)==2CO(g);△H2   則△H1>△H2

18.(鄭州市101中學2009屆高三9月月考試卷) (7分)在化學反應中,只有極少數(shù)能量






   (1)圖中所示反應是________(填“吸熱”或“放熱”)反應,該反應_______(填“需要”或“不需要”)加熱,該反應的△H =________(用含E1、E2的代數(shù)式表示)。

   (2)已知熱化學方程式:H2(g)+1/2O2(g) = H2O(g)  △H = - 241.8 kJ?mol-1,該反應的活化能為167.2 kJ?mol-1,則其逆反應的活化能為____________________。



 (1)放熱;      需要;     -(E1 - E2) kJ?mol-1

(2)409 kJ?mol-1;       (3)使用了催化劑。


SiCl4(g)+2H2(g)可逆符號 Si(s)+4HCl(g); △H=+QKJ /mol(Q>0),某溫度、壓強下,

將一定量反應物通入密閉容器進行以上反應,下列敘述正確的是       ( C  )


       B、若反應開始時SiCl4為1 mol,則達平衡時,吸收熱量為Q kJ

       C、當反應吸收熱量為0.025Q kJ時,生成的HCl通入100 mL 1 mol/L的NaOH溶液恰好反應

       D、反應至4 min時,若HCl濃度為0.12 mol/L,則H2的反應速率為0.03 mol/(L?min)

20、(2009年高考理綜12月化學考試題)、最近羅馬大學Fulvio Cacace等人獲得了極具理論研究意義的N4分子,N4分子結構如右圖所示(與白磷P4相似)。已知斷裂1mol N―N吸收167kJ熱量,生成1mol 放出942kJ熱量。由此判斷下列說法正確的是( D )

 A.N4屬于一種新型的化合物     B.N4與N2互為同分異構體

 C.N4沸點比P4(白磷)高       D.1molN4氣體轉變?yōu)镹2將放出882kJ熱量

21. (通遼一中08-09學年度高三第一學期第一次考試) (4分)  ①甲硅烷(SiH4)是一種無色氣體,遇到空氣能發(fā)生爆炸性自燃,生成SiO2和水,已知室溫下1g甲硅烷自燃放出熱量44.6kJ,其熱化學方程式是_____________________________________________________



. (4分)① SiH4(g)+2O2(g)==SiO2(s)+2H2O(1)  △H==-1427.2kJ/mol

②C2H2(g)+2.5O2(g)=2CO2(g)+ H2O(1);△H=-1300kJ/mol

22. (通遼一中08-09學年度高三第一學期第一次考試) 1gH2(g)燃燒生成液態(tài)水放出





  D.H2(g)+ O2(g)=H2O(g);  △H=-285.8kJ/mol

23.(湖北省天門中學08-09學年高三年級(實驗班)十一月考試卷)將V1 mL 1.0 mol/L HCl溶液和V2 mL未知濃度的NaOH溶液混合均勻后測量并記錄溶液溫度,實驗結果如圖所示(實驗中始終保持V1+V2=50 mL)。下列敘述正確的是( B  )

A.做該實驗時環(huán)境溫度為22          B.該實驗表明化學能可以轉化為熱能

C.NaOH溶液的濃度約是1.00 mol/L     D.該實驗表明有水生成的反應都是放熱反應

24.(2008年秋季湖北省部分重點中學期中聯(lián)考)根據(jù)熱化學方程式:S(s)+O 2(g)====SO 2(g);△H= kJ?mol297.2)分析,下列說法不正確的是(B  )

A.S (s)在O2(g)中燃燒的反應是放熱反應w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

B.S(g)+O 2(g)====SO 2(g);△H= kJ?mol,則

C.16 g固體硫在空氣中充分燃燒,可放出148.6 kJ的熱量

D.1 mol SO 2(g)所具有的能量低于1 mol S(s)與1 mol O 2(g)所具有的能量之和

25、( 廣東天河中學09高三模擬)下列表述中正確的是( A )

A.1mol NaOH分別和1mol CH3COOH、1molHNO3反應,后者比前者放出的熱量多



D. 任何能使熵值增大的過程都能自發(fā)進行

26、( 廣東天河中學09高三模擬)(12分)工業(yè)制硫酸生產流程如下圖:

    • <td id="9grc6"></td>



      A.升高溫度                 B.減少壓強      

      C.不斷補充空氣             D.及時分離出SO3


      A、凈化氣體                            B、控制溫度在400~500℃

       C、增大催化劑與反應氣體的接觸面積      D、不斷補充空氣

      (3)已知2SO2(g)+O2(g)2SO3(g),ΔH=-196 kJ?mol-1。在450℃、常壓和釩催化條件下向一密閉容器中充入2molSO2和1molO2,充分反應后,放出的熱量______(填“<”“>”“=”)196kJ,理由是______________________________________________________。 


      (5)生產硫酸過程中的尾氣通常用氨水吸收,請寫出該反應的化學反應方程式                               。


        (1)C、D(2分)  (2)ABC(3分)

      (3)① <(1分),在1atm和298K條件下,2mol SO2和1mol O2完全反應生成2mol SO3,放出196kJ熱量,該反應為可逆反應,不可能進行完全,又因為反應溫度為450℃,所以放出的熱量小于196kJ (2分)(4)93.4%  (2分)

      (5)2NH3?H2O+SO3= (NH42SO4+ H2O(1分)2NH3?H2O+SO2=(NH42SO3 + H2O(1分)

      27.( 廣東天河中學09高三模擬)能源與人類的生活和社會發(fā)展密切相關。下列關于能源開發(fā)和利用的說法錯誤的是






      28 (哈爾濱市第九中學2008―2009學年度高三第三次月考 )蓋斯定律在生產和科學研究中有很重要的意義,有些反應的反應熱雖然無法直接測得,但可以利用蓋斯定律間接計算求得。已知3.6 g碳在6.4 g的氧氣中燃燒,至反應物耗盡,并放出X kJ熱量。已知單質碳的燃燒熱為Y kJ/mol,則1mol C與O2反應生成CO的反應熱△H為                                                   (   C )

             A.-Y kJ/mol                           B.-(10X-Y) kJ/mol  

             C.-(5X-0.5Y) kJ/mol                  D.+(10X-Y) kJ/mol

      29.(哈爾濱德強中學2008―2009學年度高三第三次月考)已知熱化學方程式2SO2(g)+ O2(g)2 SO3(g) ;△H= -Q kJ/mol(Q>0),則下列說法正確的是 ( A   )

      A.2molSO2(g)和1mol O2(g)所具有的能量大于2 molSO3(g)所具有的能量

      B.將2molSO2(g)和1mol O2(g)置于一密閉容器中充分反應后放出QKJ的熱量


      D.如將一定量SO2(g)和 O2(g)置于某密閉容器中充分反應后放熱QKJ,則此過程中有2molSO2(g)被還原


      (1)A與B結合成的化合物甲中既有離子鍵又有共價鍵,A與C結合成的化合物乙難溶于水,乙溶于甲的水溶液得無色透明溶液,C離子的結構示意圖為                    ,

      該反應的離子方程式為                                      。

        (2)任何水溶液中都有A、D兩種離子,D離子的電子式是                     。

        (3)B與E結合成化合物丙,其中離子數(shù)之比為2:1,A與D結合成化合物丁,丁跟丙反應產生無色無味的氣體,該反應的化學方程式為                                  。

       (4)“神舟七號”飛船上的能量主要來自于太陽能和燃料電池,H2、O2和甲的水溶液可形成氫氧燃料電池,負極的電極反應為                             ,電極反應產生的水經冷凝后可作為航天員的飲用水,當?shù)玫?st1:chmetcnv UnitName="l" SourceValue="1.8" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0" w:st="on">1.8 L飲用水時,電池內轉移的電子數(shù)約為                 。

        (5)有一種液態(tài)氮氫化合物戊,與E的電子數(shù)相同,是 “神舟七號”飛船發(fā)射時使用的高能燃料之一,結構分析發(fā)現(xiàn)該分子結構中只有單鍵,戊的電子式為                      ,8 g該液態(tài)戊與液態(tài)雙氧水恰好完全反應,產生兩種無毒又不污染環(huán)境的氣態(tài)物質,放出375 kJ的熱量,寫出該反應的熱化學方程式                                             。


      (1).           (2分)    Al(OH)3 + OH== AlO2 + 2H2O (2分)


      (2).(2分)       (3).2Na2O2 + 2H2O == 4 NaOH + O2↑(2分)

      (4).   2H2+4OH-4e====4H2O (2分)     1.204×1026或200NA(2分)


       N2H4(l) + 2H2O2(l) = N2(g) + 4H2O(g);  △H=?1500 kJ/mol(2分)


      31.(洪雅中學高200910月份月考試題)通常人們把拆開1 mol某化學鍵所吸收的能量看成該化學鍵的鍵能,化學反應的△H等于反應中斷裂舊化學鍵的鍵能之和與反應中形成新化學鍵的鍵能之和的差。有關鍵能數(shù)據(jù)如下表:











      晶體硅在氧氣中燃燒的熱化學方程式為Si(s)+O2(g)=SiO2(s);= -989.2/kJ?mol-1,則X的值為( B )

          A.423.3         B.460            C.920       D. 1165.2


      32.(北京市朝陽區(qū)2008~2009學年度高三年級第一學期期中統(tǒng)練)關于中和熱的說法正確的是                                             (  C  )


          B.1 mol酸與1 mol堿完全反應放出的熱量是中和熱

          C.在稀溶液中,酸與堿發(fā)生中和反應生成1 mol H2O時的反應熱叫做中和熱

          D.表示中和熱的離子方程式為:H+(aq)+OH-(aq)=H2O(1);ΔH = 57.3 kJ/mol


              2H2(g) + O2(g)== 2H2O(l);         △H = -571.6 kJ/mol

              2CO(g) + O2(g)== CO2(g);         △H = -566 kJ/mol

              CH4(g) + 2O2(g) == CO2(g) + 2H2O(l);△H = -890.31 kJ/mol

      當使用管道煤氣的用戶改用天然氣后,在相同條件下燃燒等體積的可燃氣體,理論上可獲得的熱量,后者大約是前者的                                         (  C  )

          A.1.3倍            B.1.6倍          C.3.1倍            D.0.8倍

      34.(北京五中2008―2009學年第一學期高三期中考試)下列說法正確的是                                   (  A  )

             ①用25 mL酸式滴定管可以準確放出8.00 mL的稀鹽酸;






      一定為: c(Na+)? c(CH3COO)?

      c(OH)? c(H+


      生反應的熱化學方程式可表示為:( )

      2 A(g)+ B(g) = 2 C(g);△H=Q kJ?mol-1(Q<0 =。 

             A.①③⑥        B.②④⑤            C.①③④               D.③⑤⑥

      35.(2008年呂叔湘中學高三化學試卷11月期中)設反應①Fe(s)+CO2(g)FeO(s)+CO(g);△H=Q1的平衡常數(shù)為K1,反應②Fe(s)+H2O(g) FeO(s)+H2(g);△H=Q2的平衡常數(shù)為K2,在不同溫度下,K1、K2的值如下:







      1 173



      (1)從上表可推斷,反應①是       (填“放”或“吸”)熱反應。


      ①根據(jù)反應①與②,可推斷反應③是          (填“放”或“吸”)熱反應。要使反應③在一定條件下建立的平衡右移,可采取的措施有        。

      A.縮小容器體積   B.降低溫度   C.使用合適的催化劑 

      D.設法減少CO的量  E.升高溫度

      ②根據(jù)反應①與②推導出Q1、Q2、Q3的關系式Q3=      。






      .吸   吸   DE    Ql-Q2

      36.(2009屆黃岡市外國語學校高三10月質量檢測)已知反應:①101kPa時,2C(s)+O2(g)=2CO(g);ΔH=-221 kJ/mol

      ②稀溶液中,H(aq)+OH(aq)=H2O(l);ΔH=-57.3 kJ/mol


      P4(s)+5O2(g)=P4O10(s)              ΔH=-3093.2 kJ/mol

      4P (s)+5O2(g)=P4O10(s)             ΔH=-2954.0 kJ/mol

      下列結論正確的是( B )


      B.碳的燃燒熱大于110.5 kJ/mol

      C.稀硫酸與稀NaOH溶液反應的中和熱△H=57.3 kJ/mol

      D.稀醋酸與稀NaOH溶液反應生成1 mol水,放出57.3 kJ熱量

      37.(09黃岡八測化學試卷一)已知25℃、101kPa時,2H2(g)+O2(g)=2H2O(g);△H= 一483.6kJ/mol。下列說法或表達正確的是



        C.H2(g)+ O2(g)=H2O(g);△H<一483.6kJ/mol

        D.1 mol H2與0.5 mol O2總能量小于1mol H2O(g)的總能量

      38.(湖南省張家界市2008-2009學年度高三10月份聯(lián)考 )甲醇質子交換膜燃料電池中將甲醇蒸氣轉化為氫氣的兩種反應原理是                              



      1.      She whispered to me that she would resign.

      2.      It is whispered that she is very particular about her way of life.

      3.      You can't imagine how excited I was when I bump into(knocked into)my old school friend on the train.

      4.      We shouldn't complain about being poor---many families are much worse off than we are.

      5.      His speech inspired them with much confidence.

      6.      We are inspired to spend more time in writing in English.

      7.      The telephone rang during the night, but they hang up before I could pick up the receiver.

      8.      While traveling in France, he picked up some French words.

      9.      They again threatened to cut off aid to this nation.

      10.   Pay special attention to intonation and try to bring out the humorous meaning.

      11.   Settlers from all over the world bring in different customs and habits in 1850s.

      12.   Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on banana skin?

      13.   An old man was seated under a tree, with several dog running around.

      14.   There are chances of students being killed by guns in Am. Schools.(幾率,可能性)

      15.   I'm confused to hear that he refused to take the job.

      16.   Set in the 1930s, the film gives a vivid description of the people living at the bottom of society.  以…為背景

      17.   How about the two of us taking a walk down the garden?

      18.   .My mother keeps a dog, treating it as if it were her dear son.

      19.   Even today the report of the noodle harvest is remembered as one of the best April Fool's jokes ever.

      20.   The car needs major repairs.

      21.   Her major is biology.

      22.   We heard the approach of the train.

      23.   All the approaches to the town are blocked.

      24.   At last she decided on the three possible approaches.

      25.   We are anxious about the approaching examination.

      26.   Don't be too curious about what you are not supposed to know.

      27.   A student should always be curious to learn.

      28.   There was a note of optimism in what he said.

      29.   These are all things worthy of note.  注意

      30.   Did you take note of his changes.

      31.   The officer told the soldiers to stand at ease.   稍息

      32.   Take this medicine; it will ease the pain.

      33.   What is the likeliest time to meet him?

      34.   I will be interviewing the conference president this time tomorrow.

      35.   Teaching in school can in no way be separated from practice.

      36.   The work is well done in a / one way.

      37.   ---Will you see(to it )that my rooms is cleaned during my absence?

      ---No problem.

      38.   ---Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.

      ---Yes, that might account for why he didn't do well in the test.

      39.   ---Do remember to write us an email as soon as you arrive in London and take good care of yourself!

      ---I've got it. Please set your heart as ease.

      40.   There is a saying that actions speak louder than words.

      41.   It is a great success for him as well as for the whole family.

      42.   They charged me with neglecting my duty.  玩忽職守

      43.   He took charge of the family business when her father died.

      44.   Your reasons for not wanting to meet Smith may be many and various, but you still must meet him.

      45.   He admitted having stolen a piece of priceless treasure.

      46.   He is a teacher with 5 years of teaching experience.

      47.   Well prepared, they set out for the new destination.

      48.   Everybody laughed, but I couldn't understand what amused them.

      49.   To her amusement, the actor's false hair fell off.

      50.   Theme parks have a certain idea that the whole park is based on.

      51.   They decided to base the new company in York.

      52.   The past can come to life when we see how our ancestors dressed, worked and lived.

      53.   The new teacher really bring English to life for us.

      54.   She first made her name as a writer of children's book.

      55.   Over the next few months we'll keep a close eye on sales.

      56.   They were more than happy to see us come back form the expedition.

      57.   He takes care of us like our father. He is more than our teacher.

      58.   Not only did they break into the house, but they also stole all the money.

      59.   Who do you think will take the place of our teacher?

      60.   I hear that the minority of our club have been to the small village of Tibet.

      61.   ---Shirley, I'll leave for Beijing this afternoon. Do you have anything to be taken to your brother?   ---No. Thank you.

      62.   She has two nurses attending on her.(照顧,看護)

      63.   Are you being attended to?(招待)

      64.   Attend carefully to what she is saying(注意)

      65.   Being exposed to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants(變異體)of genes in human bodies.

      66.   That day Tom lost control of himself and hit Jack, but later, Tom made an apology.

      67.   I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear your call.

      68.   The secretary was more to blame than the boss..

      69.   Do you blame him for the accident?

      70.   He put forward a better plan.  /  We shall have to put the meeting forward.(提前)

      71.   Shall we put her forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee?(推薦)


      1.      Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling frustrated.

      2.      He couldn't have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.

      3.      Thank you for giving me a hand. I would otherwise fail in the experiment without your valuable help.

      4.      Much to the couple's comfort, their income is now double what it was five years ago.

      5.      We won't permit smoking in the office.

      6.      Please account for your own conduct.(行為)

      7.      They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.

      8.      People are confused about all the different labels on food these days.

      9.      To avoid confusion, please write the children's name clearly on all their school clothes.

      10.   Water here is in short supply.

      11.   For certain personal reasons, I shall not be able to attend.

      12.   I can't say for certain / for sure when we will arrive.

      13.   I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party.

      14.   It's a small house but it suits our needs.

      15.   Will this plan work?

      16.   I spotted a friend in the crowd.

      17.   There appears to be a mistake in his composition.

      18.   He ran out directly he heard the terrible noise.

      19.   I ran into a friend of mine on the street by accident.

      20.   If only she had known about it.

      21.   What if it rains tomorrow?

      22.   I really don't know where it was that Tom lost his wallet.

      23.   John was absent from school this morning. It was because he was hit by a bike on his way school

      24.   I'm sorry to have taken your umbrella by mistake, because I mistake it for mine.

      25.   There is a desert spreading for hundreds of miles.

      26.   Now that you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

      27.   As time went by/ With time going by, he got nothing.

      28.   Much as the young people needed money to make the down payment for the apartment, they wouldn't ask their parents for help.

      29.   With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

      30.   Have you figured in the cost of food for our holiday?  ----算進去

      31.   The document was written in official style.

      32.   He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers.

      33.   The oil painting looks better at a distance.

      34.   One can see the ancient ruins from a distance of 20 miles.

      35.   He could see the tall chimneys of the factory in the distance.

      36.   I have done most of the work. Could you please finish the rest in two days?

      37.   So curious were the couple about wild plants that they decided to make trip to Madagascar for further research.

      38.   Some passengers complain that it usually takes so long to fill in travel insurance documents.

      39.   A story goes that Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever an qualified noblemen at court.

      40.   I will come on condition that Peter is invited.

      41.   After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.

      42.   It's worthwhile taking / to take the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.(句式)

      43.   It's really a worthwhile task.(做定語)

      44.   We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets.(做表語)

      45.   She argued me into buying a new car.

      46.   His noble example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts. / to make greater efforts.

      47.   I have just struck on a good idea.

      48.   I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside.

      49.   Was that remark intended as a joke?  意欲作為…

      50.   Few people will be recognized by the whole world, enjoying the title of United Nations Messsenger(使者)of Peace。享有…稱號

      51.   The children have a strong hunger for knowledge.

      52.   Thousands are going hunger because of the failure of this year's harvest.

      53.   He has been struggling for success in business.

      54.   The lion tried to struggle to his feet, but failed.

      55.   The eagle expanded his wings.

      56.   Could you expand on that point, please? 闡述

      57.   He worked out a good plan.

      58.   How can I get rid of the flies in the kitchen?

      59.   I'd rather you had stayed at home last night.

      60.   If you don't know what this means, refer to the dictionary.

      61.   The production now it is 3 times what it was 10 years ago.

      62.   Whatever you think of Rose, we have to admit that she's a specialist in this field.

      63.   The couple were content with their life in the countryside.

      64.   The children are singing to their hearts' content. 盡情地;心滿意足的

      65.   She is very particular about what she wears.

      66.   I noticed his eyes in particular because they were very big.

      67.   His plan ended in failure.

      68.   His failure to explain his being so late made his boss annoyed.

      69.   What astonished me most was that no one had thought of that.

      70.   She was astonished to hear he should have behaved like that.

      71.   He stood there, looking astonished.

      72.   He will entertain his friends to dinner this evening.

      73.  How did he make a sad situation entertaining?


      1.      When congratulating John, Mr. Alan Southern, Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said.(同位語)

      2.      We made Tom monitor of class.(賓補)

      3.      He is chairman of the meeting.(表語---以上三種情況的表具體官銜,職位的名詞前不加冠詞)

      4.      There is no doubt that John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learn at school saved Ms. Slade's life.

      5.      It is a must to have a knowledge of English in international trade.

      6.      It is strange that the little girl over there(should)be so upset at the good news.

      7.      How can I convince you of her honesty/ that she was honest?

      8.      I was convinced of his guilt that he was guilty.

      9.      The museum also introduces you to ancient ways of life.(讓某人認識,了解某物)

      10.   My remarks were not aimed at you.(他的話不是針對你的)

      11.   We have been seeing each other a great deal lately.

      12.   Among the artists who broke away from the traditional style painting are the impressionists who lived and worked in Paris.

      13.   His letter conveys that she has a warm heart.

      14.   What are the quantities that make up his character?

      15.   Hold on to the stick and I will pull you out of the well.

      16.   We thought of selling this old furniture, but we've decided to hold on to it. It might be valuable.

      17.   The text train is due in five minutes.

      18.   The next train is due to arrive five minutes later.

      19.   She arrived late due to the storm.

      20.   Owing to the shower, the baseball game was interrupted.(due to?)

      21.   She was a person accustomed to having eight hours' sleep a night.

      22.   He was quickly accustomed to his new way of life.

      23.   Despite / In spite of her wounded leg, she managed to get up the train.

      24.   When I was a teenager, I also smoked and I became addicted to cigarettes.

      25.   When I was taken off the school football team because I was too slow, I know it was time to quit smoking.

      26.   The plane took off smoothly.

      27.   Hearing the big noise, the bird took off the branch of the tree. (注意詞性)

      28.   He decided that he would buy a new car.

      29.   He decided to buy a new car.

      30.   He decided on buying a new car.

      31.   I am not standing for it any longer.

      32.   The letter U.K. stand for the United Kingdom.

      33.   The hat stood out because of its strange shape.

      34.   I will go on and I am willing to risk losing my job.

      35.   She quitted reading to make

      36.   It is requires in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

      37.   How did it come about that you quarreled with your best friend?

      38.   I phoned to thank her for her courageous(有勇氣的,有膽量的)advice





      (1)化合物甲中所含化學鍵類型為                 。

      (2)A的單質與C的單質在強酸性條件下構成燃料電池,其正極反應式為           。

      (3)將3gB的單質在足量C的單質中燃燒,所得氣體通入1L 0.4mol/L的甲溶液中,完全吸收后,溶液中的溶質及其物質的量分別為                             ;溶液中所含離子的物質的量濃度由大到小的順序為                          。


      c(OH : c(OH=              


           (2)O2+4H++4e-=2 H2O                       (2分)

           (3)0.1 mol NaHCO3和0.15 mol Na2CO3     (2分)(對一個給1分)




      B.由水電離出的c(H+)=1×10-13mol / L的溶液:HCO3-、K+、SO42-、Cl-



      3、(浙江09屆海寧市高三9月模擬)某溶液中只含有Na、H、OH、A四種離子,下列說法正確的是:( A )

      A.若溶液中c(A) = c(Na),則溶液一定呈中性

      B.溶液中不可能存在:c(Na)>c (A)>c(OH)>c(H)


      D.若溶質為NaA、HA,則一定存在: c(A)>c(Na)>c(H)>c(OH)














      下列說法錯誤的是:(C )





      5.(四川飛龍中學09屆高三10月考)根據(jù)相關化學原理,下列推斷正確的是( A )





      6.(四川飛龍中學09屆高三10月考)將一定量的鈉鋁合金置于水中,合金全部溶解,得到20 mL pH=14的溶液,然后用1 mol?L1的鹽酸滴定,至沉淀質量最大時,消耗鹽酸40 mL,原合金中鈉的質量為( D )

      A.0.23 g           B.0.46 g           C.0.69 g                    D.0.92 g

      7、(2009屆廣東省中山一中高三第二次統(tǒng)測)在體積均為1L,pH均等于2的鹽酸和醋酸溶液,分別投入0.23g Na,則下圖中比較符合反應事實的曲線是( B )






      9.(09海淀區(qū)高三期中) (共6分)現(xiàn)有濃度均為0.1 mol/L的下列溶液:①硫酸、②醋酸、③氫氧化鈉、④氯化銨、⑤醋酸銨、⑥硫酸銨、⑦硫酸氫銨,⑧氨水,請回答下列問題:






      (4)已知t℃,KW=1×1013,則t℃(填“>”或“<”或“=”)          25℃。在t℃時將pH=11的NaOH溶液a L與pH=1的H2SO4的溶液b L混合(忽略混合后溶液體積的變化),若所得混合溶液的pH=2,則a∶b=             




         (3)C(Na+) =C(Cl-) > C(OH-) >c(NH4+)> C(H+)

          (4)  >     9:2(2分)



      A.硫化鈉水解:S2+2H2O  H2S↑+2OH

      B.碳酸鈉溶于醋酸溶液中:CO32 + 2 H= H2O + CO2

      C.次氯酸鈣溶液中通入過量二氧化碳:Ca2+ + 2ClO+H2O+CO2 =CaCO3↓+2HClO



      A.NaHCO3溶液中:c(H+) + c(H2CO3) = c(OH)



           c(H+) + c(M+) = c(OH) + c(A)

      D.在水電離出的H濃度為1×1012 mol/L的溶液中,K+、Mg2+、NO3、I一定能大量共存

      12.(四川省通江中學高三10月考).0.1mol/LNaOH溶液和0.1mol/LNH4Cl溶液等體積混合后,溶液中離子濃度關系正確的是( D )



          B.c(Na)=c(NH4)+ c(NH3。H2O)

          C.c(Na)+c(H) =c(OH)+c(Cl)        


      13. (江蘇睢寧縣2009屆高三化學10月調研試卷)已知NaHSO3溶液呈酸性、NaHCO3溶液呈堿性。現(xiàn)有濃度均為0.1 mol?L1的NaHSO3溶液和NaHCO3溶液,溶液中各粒子的物質的量濃度存在下列關系(R表示S或C)。其中正確的是(     )





      14. (河北正定中學09高三第一次月考)下列反應的離子方程式書寫正確的是(  B   )




      C.硫化鈉溶液顯堿性:S2-+2H2O == H2S+2OH-


      15. (河北正定中學09高三第一次月考)在25℃時將pH=3的CH3COOH溶液與pH=11的NaOH溶液等體積混合后,下列關系式正確的:(  A   )

      A.c(CH3COO-)>c(Na+)>c(H+)>c(OH-)        B.c(H+)= c(CH3COO-)+ c(OH-)

      C.c(Na+)= c(CH3COO-)+c(CH3COOH)        D.c(Na+)>c(CH3COO-)> c(OH-)> c(H+)

      16.(河北正定中學09高三第一次月考)下列各溶液中,敘述正確的是( C  )



            C.將0.1 醋酸溶液加大量水稀釋后,溶液的pH增大


      17.(河北正定中學09高三第一次月考)在下列溶液中,各組離子一定能夠大量共存的是(   C )

      A.使酚酞試液變紅的溶液: Na+、Cl-、SO42-、Fe3+


      C. c(H+)=10-12 mol?L-1的溶液:K+、Ba2+、Cl-、Br-


      18.(四川省綿陽南山中學高2009屆雙學月考)已知NaHSO3溶液和Na2CO3溶液混合后加熱煮沸能產生CO2氣體,F(xiàn)有濃度均為0.1mol/L的NaHSO3溶液和NaHCO3溶液,兩溶液中各粒子物質的量濃度的關系一定正確的是(R表示S或C) (  B )



      C.c(Na) >c(HRO3) >c(H) >c(OH)>c(RO32)



      19.(福建莆田四中09高三第二次月考)下列各組物質中,前者為強電解質,后者為弱電解質的是( D  )

      A.硫酸,硫酸鎂                    B.碳酸,碳酸鈉          

      C.食鹽,酒精                      D.碳酸氫鈉,醋酸

      20.(北京明光中學2008年9月高三教學檢測)常壓下,僅能在水溶液中導電的電解質是       (   D )  

             A.KOH                  B.CH3OH               C.CO2                    D.KHCO3

      21.(東北育才中學2008~2009學年度高三年級第一次模擬)某溶液中只可能含有下列離子中的幾種(不考慮溶液中含的較少的H和OH)Na+、NH4+、SO42、CO32、NO3。取200mL該溶液,分為等體積的二份分別做下列實驗。實驗1:第一份加入足量的燒堿并加熱,產生的氣體在標準狀況下為224mL。實驗2:第二份先加入足量的鹽酸,無現(xiàn)象,再加足量的BaCl2溶液,得固體2.33克。下列說法正確的是                                              (   D   )

      A.該溶液中可能含有Na+       B.該溶液中肯定含有NH4+、SO42、CO32、NO3

      C.該溶液中一定不含NO3      D.該溶液中一定含Na+,且c(Na+)≥0.1 mol/L


      22.(東北育才學校2008-2009高三第二次模擬)下列反應的離子方程式書寫正確的是                      (   D  )



      Ca2++2ClO+SO2+H2O = CaSO3↓+2HClO

      C.1 mol/L的NaAlO2溶液和2.5 mol/L的HCl等體積互相均勻混合:

      AlO2 + 4H+ = Al3+ + 2H2O



      23.(東北育才學校2008-2009高三第二次模擬)已知H2SO4電離方程式是:H2SO4 = H+ + HSO4,HSO4 H++ SO42,又知0.1mol?L1NaH SO4溶液的pH = 2。則下列說法不正確的是          ( B   )

      A. Na2 SO4溶液顯堿性是因為SO42+H2O  H SO4+OH

      B.0.1mol?L-1 H2 SO4溶液中氫離子的物質的量濃度為0.11 mol?L1

      C.NaH SO4溶液中各種離子濃度的關系是c(Na+ )>c(H SO4)>c(H+)>c(SO42)>c(OH )

      D.在NaH SO4溶液中,H SO4電離的趨勢大于其水解的趨勢







      A.將NaOH固體加入熱的濃NH4HSO3溶液中:NH4 + OH? NH3↑+H2O

      B.CaCO3與醋酸(CH3COOH)反應:CaCO3 +2H=Ca2 +CO2↑+H2O








      A.①②③       B.③④       C.②③       D.②④

      27.(浙江桐鄉(xiāng)高級中學高三化學10)常溫下,向0.1mol下列物質:①過氧化鈉 ②硫酸鋇 ③硫化鈉 ④偏鋁酸鈉 ⑤氯化鋁中分別加入0.5L水后充分攪拌,則溶液中陰離子數(shù)從大到小的排列順序正確的是                                                   

      A.⑤①③④②   B.⑤②①③④    C.⑤①④③②   D.②⑤①③④

      28.“酸堿質子理論”認為凡是能夠給出質子(H+)的分子或離子都是酸,凡是能夠接受質子的分子或離子都是堿,物質酸性(堿性)的強弱取決于分子或離子給出(接受)質子能力的大 小。按照“酸堿質子理論”,下列說法正確的是
       A. 2Na + 2H2O=2NaOH + H2↑是酸堿反應

      B. ClO+ H2OHClO  +  OH是酸堿反應
      C. 堿性強弱順序:OH>ClO>CH3COO 

      D. HCO3既是酸又是堿,NH3既不是酸又不是堿


      A. Cl2的水溶液能導電,說明Cl2是電解質

      B. 濃硫酸能干燥CO氣體,因而CO無還原性

      C. CaCl2為中性干燥劑,故可干燥NH3

      D. 因為O2轉化為O3是吸熱反應,所以O2比O3穩(wěn)定







             其中可能的是( C )                                 

             A.①④                   B.③⑤                   C.①②③               D.④⑤

      31.(哈爾濱五中2009屆高三9月考)C1S03H稱為氯磺酸,是一種強酸。對于反應:ClS03H+HCOOH=CO+HCl+H2S04有如下判斷,其中較合理的是( BC) 

          A.此反應屬于氧化還原反應                   B.此反應不屬于氧化還原反應

          C.反應后溶液的pH值變小                   D.反應后溶液的pH值增大

      32.(哈爾濱五中2009屆高三9月考)40℃時,等質量的兩份飽和石灰水,一份冷卻至1℃,另一份加少量CaO并保持溫度仍為40℃,這兩種情況都不改變的是( C)       

          A.Ca(OH)2的溶解度                          B.溶液的質量

          C.溶質的質量分數(shù)                           D.溶液中Ca2+數(shù)目

      33.(杭州儒林?育英高復學校9月考)下列物質中,能夠導電的電解質是   (   B   )       

      A.Cu絲         B.熔融的MgCl2     C.NaCl溶液       D.蔗糖

      34.(四川南充市2009高三9月考)下列微粒對水的電離平衡不產生影響的是( D )

            A.                B.                  C.                 D.

      35.(四川南充市2009高三9月考)氯氣溶于水達到平衡后,若其他條件不變,只改變某一條件,下列敘述正確的是( D )








      (1)判斷是強電解質還是弱電解質?                  ,理由是                  。

      (2)已知溶液中氫離子的物質的量濃度應               (填“>”、“<”或“=”),理由是                

      (3)溶液顯                  (填“酸性”、“中性”或“堿性”)。理由是(用離子方程式表示)                   。NaHA液溶中離子濃度的大小順序是:                  。 

      (4)溶液和溶液能否發(fā)生反應?                  ,能反應的寫出離子方程式




      (2) <  (1分)因部分電離且第一步電離產生的,抑制了的電離(2分)

      (3)堿性(1分),;  (2分) 

        (2分)  (不完全正確不給分)

      (4)能;(1 分) (2分)

      37. (09屆鹽城高三9月聯(lián)考)下列各組數(shù)據(jù)中,前者一定比后者大的是(B)

      A.常溫下,pH 相同的KOH溶液和K2CO3 溶液中由水電離出的c (OH)

      B.物質的量濃度均為0.1 mol?L1的醋酸溶液和鹽酸中的pH

      C.0.1 mol?L1的Na2CO3溶液中c (HCO3)和c (OH)


      38.某二元酸(H2A)按下式發(fā)生電離:H2A=H++HA;HA H++A2。現(xiàn)有下列四種溶液:

      ① 0.01mol?L?1的H2A溶液

      ② 0.01mol?L?1的NaHA溶液

      ③ 0.02mol?L?1的HCl溶液與0.04mol?L?1的NaHA溶液等體積混合

      ④ 0.02mol?L?1的NaOH溶液與0.02mol?L?1的NaHA溶液等體積混合

      下列關于上述四種溶液的說法正確的是( CD  )

      A.溶液②中存在水解平衡:HA+H2O     H2A+OH






      C),其中正確的是(BC )。







