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第Ⅰ卷(選擇題 共50分)




如果事件 A , B 互斥,那么P( A+ B )= P( A)+ P( B) , P( A+ B)= P( A)P( B)

如果事件A在一次試驗中發(fā)生的概念是p,那么n次獨(dú)立重復(fù)試驗中恰好發(fā)生 k次的概率:

球的表面積公式:S=, 其中 R 表示球的半徑






07年高考數(shù)學(xué)北京卷應(yīng)該是在06年北京卷成功的基礎(chǔ)上,穩(wěn)定的發(fā)展,復(fù)習(xí)中要對各區(qū)題目(尤其東城、西城、海淀)文科理科中重點板塊不僅要明確知識點,而且還要掌握結(jié)構(gòu)特點,要用聯(lián)系的思想看知識間的綜合,用運(yùn)動的觀點看能力的要求. 高考數(shù)學(xué)試題是以思維能力考查為主體的,試題展現(xiàn)數(shù)學(xué)關(guān)系常常選取不同展示形式(圖表、圖象、曲線圖、表格、符號、等等)之一,同學(xué)們要善于利用數(shù)學(xué)信息的多種表述分析問題,聯(lián)系已有知識方法,提高分析問題、解決問題能力.



1.〖理科〗 已知函數(shù)f (x)=6lnx―ax2―8x+b  (a,b為常數(shù)),且x =3為f (x)的一個極值點.

    (Ⅰ) 求a;

    (Ⅱ) 求函數(shù)f (x)的單調(diào)區(qū)間;

    (Ⅲ) 若y = f (x)的圖象與x軸正半軸有且只有3個交點,求實數(shù)b的取值范圍.

解: (Ⅰ) ∵ f ′ (x) =―2ax―8, ∴ f ′ (3) =2―6a―8=0,則a = ―1.  

(Ⅱ) 函數(shù)f (x)的定義域為(0,+∞).             

由(Ⅰ) 知f (x) =6lnx+x2―8x+b.

       ∴ f ′ (x) =+2x―8=.  

由f ′ (x)>0可得x>3或x<1,由f ′ (x)<0可得1<x<3.

∴函數(shù)f (x)的單調(diào)遞增區(qū)間為(0,1)和(3,+∞),單調(diào)遞減區(qū)間為(1,3).


   (Ⅲ) 由(Ⅱ)可知函數(shù)f (x)在(0,1)單調(diào)遞增,在(1,3)單調(diào)遞減,在(3,+∞)單調(diào)遞增.

且當(dāng)x=1或x=3時,f ′ (x)=0.

∴ f (x)的極大值為f (1)=6ln1+1―8+b=b―7,

f (x)的極小值為f (3)=6ln3+9―24+b=6ln3+b―15.   

∵當(dāng)x充分接近0時,f (x)<0,當(dāng)x充分大時,f (x)>0,  

∴要使f (x)的圖象與x軸正半軸有且僅有三個不同的交點,只需









,            。1)

,          (2)          



,                         (3)         


故其判別式得      ,或,    (4)           


















3.對于數(shù)列{an}, {cn}數(shù)列,其中cn=an+1a(nÎN*).

(Ⅰ) 若數(shù)列{an}的通項公式 (nÎN*),求{cn}的通項公式;

(Ⅱ) 若數(shù)列{an}的首項是1,且滿足cnan=2n

(1) 求證:數(shù)列為等差數(shù)列;

(2) (理) 若(nÎN*),求證:

 (文) 求數(shù)列{an}的前n項和Sn


∴ cn=






.                       ∴




              ∴ Sn = a1+a2+…+an=1?20+2?21+…+n?2n-1,  ①       

              ∴ 2Sn=1?21+2?22+…+n?2n.               ②        

①―②得:― Sn=1+2+22+…+2n-1― n?2n =― n?2n

∴ Sn= n?2n― 2n+1=(n― 1)?2n +1.                            


4.〖理科、文科〗 設(shè)數(shù)列的各項都是正數(shù),記Sn為數(shù)列的前n項和,且對任意nN+,都有.



   (Ⅲ)若為非零常數(shù),n∈N+),問是否存在整數(shù),使得對任意 nN+,都有bn+1>bn.


    ∵a1>0   ∴a1=1……………………………………1分

    當(dāng)n≥2時,  ①



    ∵an>0  ∴=2a1+2a2+…+2an-1+an

    即=2Sn-an  ∵a1=1適合上式


   (Ⅱ)解:由(1)知=2Sn-an(n∈N+) ③

        當(dāng)n≥2時, =2Sn-1-an-1  ④

        ③-④得=2(Sn-Sn-1)-an+an-1=2an-an+ an-1= an+ an-1

        ∵an+an-1>0   ∴an-an-1=1……………………8分




成立 ⑤……………………11分

當(dāng)n=2k-1,k=1,2,3,…時,⑤式即為  ⑥


當(dāng)n=2k,k=1,2,3,…時,⑤式即為  ⑦





 2007 高三英語查漏補(bǔ)缺題





1. --- Jack, you have earned so much in such a short time!

   --- Yes, I have. But I am still _______, in terms of fortune, than you.

   A. better off    B. more worse off   C. less well off   D. less badly off

2. --- Who is singing and dancing in the gym now?

   ---_______ the students from the art department.

A. They are   B. It is    C. There are   D. That is

3. ---The plane is due to take off at 7:50 from the airport. ______ we fail to arrive there in time?

  ---Try to take another flight then.

  A. What if    B. As if    C. Even if   D. Only if

4. It was the early 2000s ______ mobile phones were widely used in China,

______  it was considered the patent of the rich.

  A. that; in which          B. when; before which 

C. that; after which        D. when; in where

5. He realized his mistakes and took measures to reduce the loss _____ it was too late.

  A. until   B. when    C. before   D. as

6. ―What about        film last night ?

   ―It is too moving , I think ,       film for me .

       A./; the                B.a(chǎn); a                  C.the ; /                D.the ; a

7. We trust you ; only you can        him to give up smoking .

       A.persuade         B.make               C.a(chǎn)dvise              D.let

8. The news that Chinese athletes won 19 gold medals pleased us greatly ,      ?

       A.did they          B.did it               C.didn’t it           D.didn’t they

9. ―How will you go home , Tom ? It is raining .

   ―I’m waiting for my brother’s car to        me        .

       A.send …up      B.pick…up         C.give…up         D.call…up

10. I was driven by a    to learn and determined to be ahead of my classmates .

       A.desire              B.wish                C.hope                D.expect

11. ―My son failed the exam again ! Is he a little bit slow , Miss Li ?

    ―In my opinion , your son is        than slow .

       A.much lazy       B.lazier rather     C.quite lazy        D.more lazy

12. Now we realize        problem of pollution is.

       A.so serious a     B.how serious the  C.such serious a        D.what serious

13. ―Who broke the window ? Anybody you know ?

    ―Well, it       be Jackson , but that’s just a guess .

       A.must                B.would               C.might               D.should

14. E-shopping , when properly       ,can save us a lot of time and energy .

       A.to do               B.is done            C.doing               D.done

15. Not only       to stay at home , but he was also forbidden watching TV.

       A.that he was forced                         B.he was forced

       C.was he forced                                                                D.was forced he

1-5 CBABC    6-10 DACBA   11-15 DBCDC


1.Human beings are different from animals_____they can use language as a tool to communicate.

       A.in that              B.for that             C.in which           D.on which

2.You have to be very careful with the dry wood. It ___________ very easily.            A.is lighted      B.lights       C.will be lighting    D.is lighting

<td id="twr90"><nav id="twr90"></nav></td><pre id="twr90"></pre>

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           A.should be         B.must be            C.shall be             D.could have been

    4.A: What do you mean __________ “too hot”?

        B: I mean it’s too hot _________ this time of year.

           A.for; with           B.by; for              C.for; by              D.by; to

    5. When you listen to people talk or read something without a title, try to invent _______ title that summarizes ________ main idea.

       A. a; a            B. the; the           C. a; the              D. the; a

    6. ― Have you seen your nephew lately?

       ― Yes, in fact I saw him yesterday. I ________ him for three years.

       A. haven't seen      B. didn't see      C. hadn't seen        D. don't see

    7. Sailing down the Yellow River, ________.

       A. the boat hits a rock                     B. an accident had happened

       C. the boat hit a rock                     D. a terrible accident happened

    8. ― Do you have ________ at home now?

       ― No. I still have to get a bottle of milk and some vegetables.

       A. everything        B. nothing         C. something       D. anything

    9. He never doubted ________ they would succeed.

       A. where              B. whether         C. when             D. that

    10. ― ______ matters to do the job well ― what you are or where you come from?

       ― Neither. It depends on whether you put your heart into it.

          A. Which is it that       B. What it is that    

    C. Which it is that       D. What is it that

    11. The classroom is big enough _______, but we’ll have to move if we have more students.

       A. at any moment     B. in a moment 

       C. for the moment    D. for a moment

    12. There are two small rooms in the beach house, ________ serves as a kitchen.

        A. a smaller of which                   B. the smaller of which

    C. a smaller of that                        D. the smaller of them

    13. ― Show me your permit, please.

       ― Oh, it's not in my pocket. It ________ out of my pocket.

       A. might fall                             B. could fall

       C. should have fallen                      D. must have fallen

    14. Children under six are not ________ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.

    A. permitted       B. received        C. admitted          D. accepted

    15. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will ___ fresh for several days.

       A. be stayed   B. stay   C. be staying   D. have stayed

    1-5 ABABC    6-10 CCADA    11-15 CBDCB


    1. Mrs. Green has three children, one of whom is a boy, ___ twin girls.

       A.a(chǎn)nother    B.other         C.the other          D.the others

    2. Technology is developing so rapidly that _______for only a year, my cell phone is out of date.

       A.using      B.having been used  C.having used      D.is using

    3. After the party, I wrote a letter to show my _____ of his thoughtfulness.

       A.a(chǎn)chievement B.a(chǎn)greement     C.a(chǎn)ttention       D.a(chǎn)ppreciation

    4. --- _______we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?

        --- I couldn’t agree more.

          A.What do you think             B.What if    

           C.Even if                      D.Only if

    5. Compared with the nervousness of driving in the rain or snow, it is_______ to sit in a train and look out of the windows without any worry of bad weather.

       A.more tired    B.less tiring      C.less tired    D.even more tiring

    6. ―How is the case?

    ―A hair and some drops of blood were found, in the light of _____ the murderer will soon be found out.

          A. that                  B. which                            C. what                      D. when

    7. The moment I opened my eyes, I found the day ______. It was almost midnight again.

         A. has gone         B. is gone            C. would be gone              D. had gone

       8. Displaying feelings, at one point, ____ expressing those feelings through a facial reaction.

         A. is meant          B. mean                      C. are meant               D. means

    9. ―I told him to take _____ he considered helpful to him and his family from everything ____ I was having then.

          ―You were really kind to him.

           A. what; what     B. what; whichever    C. whatever; that       D. whichever; that

    10. If you are sent to work ____ you are not used to the people’s life style, be sure to adapt yourself to them as soon as possible.

         A. what                B. in which                 C. in the place that            D. where

    11. Anyone who knows about the world-famous scientist Steven Hawking can see that within his small and weak figure, he _____ a big heart.

        A. is carrying        B. has carried             C. was carrying        D. carries

    12. ---Did you get the prize for the high jump?

    ---Yes, even I myself didn’t believe I could make _______.

        A. that                    B. it                  C. myself              D. them

    13. I _______ you’re wondering why I asked you all to come here today. Well, let me explain.

    A. expect        B. have expected   C. am expecting          D. was expecting

    14. ---My main consideration is _______ the growth of tourism actually helps people.

    ---That’s not a problem.

    A. whether                       B. if                  C. why                       D. how

    15. My grandmother _______ roses all her life: whenever I see flowers, I’ll always think of her.

    A. has been growing        B. grows        C. is growing     D. would grow  

    1-5 DBDBB  6-10 BDDCD   11-15 DBAAA


    1.People of all races should hold such a common belief that one’s value lies in what he/she can give          what he/she can get.

           A.except for        B.rather than        C.in case              D.even though

    2.In        , most people in         were not able to resist the temptation of make economy.

           A.1990s; their twenties                       B.1990s; the twenties

           C.the 1990s; their twenties                 D.the 1990s; the twenties

    3.           English at an early age, the boy can speak it quite fluently now as a primary school student.

           A.Taught             B.Having taught  C.Teaching          D.Being taught

    4. Only when he was asked to see the boss          that he had made a serious mistake in his business decision.

           A.realized David B.David realized

    C.did David realize                              D.David did realize

    5.No one can tell          on earth that created so colorful and amazing a world full of vitality.

           A.how is it           B.how it is          C.what is it          D.what it is

    6.         ,he does not know the answer.

           A.As he is a teacher                                                            B.As he is teacher

           C.A teacher as he is                                                            D.Teacher as he is

    7.Lily was so badly ill, as was known to us all, that she couldn’t help         the meeting room.

           A.clean                B.cleaning            C.being cleaning  D.to be cleaned

    8.It was         we were having dinner at the table         there was a knock at the door.

           A.where; while    B.which; as          C.when; after       D.when; that

    9.―Could you tell me why he was arrested?

    ―He happened to         on the train for Shanghai.

           A.be stepping                                      B.be seen picking   

    C.be caught to pull                               D.catch damaging

    10.Around the shopping center         a lot of buildings,         many residents live.

           A.a(chǎn)re; in which                                    B.has; next to which     

           C.is; where                                          D.have; that

    11.  _____ that we all had to stay at home.

         A. So terrible was the weather     B. So the weather was terrible

         C. The weather so terrible was     D. So was the terrible weather

    12.--The boy cares too much about himself

       ―Yes, he's never interested in what _____ is doing

         A. anyone else   B. someone else   C. no one else     D. other people

    13. As darkness _____, I made my way over to the city park _____ on Park  Street.

       A. fell; locating       B. falling; located   

    C. falling; locating    D. fell; located

    14. Beijing _________ so rapidly that maps of the city go out of date almost as soon as they are published.

       A. changes           B. has changed        C. is changing            D. has been changed

    15. It is none of my business _________ you don’t like him.

       A. that                  B. whether                 C. how                       D. when

       1-5 BCACD   6-10 DADBA   11-15 AADCA



    NO. 1

       A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt  1   and worried. Late in the afternoon she   2 courage to approach her employer. To her   3   , the boss agreed to a raise.

        The woman arrived home that evening and found a beautiful table set with the best dishes. Candles were softly burning. Her  4   had come home early and was preparing a festive meal. She wondered if someone from the office had   5   it out to him or did he just   6   know that she would not get turned   7  ?

    She came into the   8   and told him the good news. They shared the joy, then sat down to the wonderful meal.   9   her plate the woman found a   10   lettered card. It   11   ," Congratulations, darling! I knew you'd got the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you."

    The next day, her husband put on his coat to go out to work. She noticed that a (an)   12   card had fallen from his   13 . Picking it   14  from the floor, she read, "Don't worry about   15   getting the raise! You should get it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you."

      16   has said that the measure of love is   17   you love without measure. What this man feels for his wife is total acceptance and unselfish   18   , whether she succeeds or fails. His love celebrates her   19   and soothes (撫平)her wounds. He stands by her, no matter what life throws   20   their direction.

    1. A. excited                       B. nervous                     C. happy                       D. sad

    2. A. met                           B. made                  C. took                         D. lost

    3 A. surprise                       B. expectation                C. fear                         D. delight

    4. A. father                        B. husband                    C. friend                       D. servant

    5. A. let                             B. left                           C. declared                 D. announced

    6. A. at once                       B. in some way              C. with pleasure            D. by no means

    7. A. over                       B. out                            C. off                           D. down

    8. A. sitting-room               B. kitchen                      C. study                        D. garden

    9. A. On the left                 B. On the right         C. Next to                   D. In the front of

    10. A. beautifully                B. correctly                   C. clearly                      D. brightly

    11. A. wrote                       B. expressed                  C. showed                     D. read

    12. A. second                     B. dirty                   C. fine                          D. ID

    13. A. hand                    B. office                        C. pocket                      D. towel

    14. A. over                     B. out                            C. up                           D. on

    15. A. already                     B. still                           C. even                        D. not

    16. A. Someone                  B. The man                    C. The wife                D. Everyone   

    17. A. what                    B. when                  C.  how                        D. why

    18. A. need                     B. importance                C. love                         D. value

    19. A. progress                   B. joy                            C. raise                        D. victories

    20. A. in                            B. off                            C. for                           D. about


    1-5 BCDBA    6-10 BDBCA  11-15 DACCD   16-20 ABCDA


    NO. 2

    Most mornings, Marcus Jackson is up by 6:15. A fourteen-year old in Harry Potter-style glasses, he wastes little   1   before rushing down the stairs of his home. As Mom   2   breakfast, he heads straight for a kitchen drawer and   3   out a Ping-pong paddle and ball. For the next five minutes, Marcus practices serves off the refrigerator.

    “I can hit the ball really  4   so that the other person hardly even sees it fly   5   the table,” he says. He’s so good at his game that he holds the number-one ranking in table tennis for boys under 15 in   6  .

    He   7   his success to a set of practice that goes  8   morning contests with his parents’ Kenmore refrigerator. Since he was six-and-a-half years old, Marcus has spent two hours a day, six days a week,   9   with his dad, Morris, who won the national table-tennis   10   in 1988. He also receives lessons from Cheng Yinghua and Jack Huang, two former Chinese National Team members.

    When Marcus was eight, he   11   himself to be a force in the sport by winning the United States Table Tennis Association National Championships (Under-ten). Since then, his talent has led him all over the country for competitions. Along the way, he has learned how to deal with   12   as well. “I know when to step back if I get   13  ,” Marcus says. He’s also   14   a bit of the true spirit of sports. During a match last year, when he was up 8 to 0, his dad flashed him a   15   ― a quick move of his thumb over the shoulder ― to let Marcus know he   16   allow his opponent (對手) to score   17   once. At 10 to 0, Marcus finally gave   18   a score. He took the next point, for an 11-to-1 victory.

    Apart from table tennis, Marcus enjoys Game Boy, basketball and swimming. The straight-A student hopes to study electrical engineering at an Ivy League college when he gets   19  . In the meantime he has two athletic goals: “ 20   in the 2008 Olympics in China and beating my dad on a regular basis.”

    1.    A. energy                     B. strength             C. time                  D. ability

    2.    A. eats                  B. makes               C. has                   D. orders

    3.    A. pulls                 B. pushes               C. turns                 D. reaches

    4.    A. directly             B. gently               C. strongly            D. hard

    5.    A. on                    B. across               C. from                 D. through

    6.    A. the world          B. China                C. America            D. Europe

    7.    A. owes                 B. regards              C. compares           D. treats

    8.    A. beyond             B. for                    C. over                  D. after

    9.    A. fighting            B. training             C. challenging       D. advancing

    10.   A. praise               B. admirer             C. title                  D. pride

    11.   A. got                   B. turned              C. changed            D. proved

    12.   A. the match          B. pressure         C. the ball             D. victory

    13.   A. puzzled             B. sad                   C. nervous             D. excited

    14.   A. made up            B. turned up          C. kept up             D. picked up

    15.   A. signal               B. word                 C. picture                     D. pace

    16.   A. could                B. need                 C. should               D. would

    17.   A. almost                     B. at least                     C. at most              D. already

    18.   A. in                     B. away                 C. out                   D. up

    19.   A. taller                B. heavier              C. smarter             D. older

    20.   A. competing         B. winning            C. expecting          D. attending


    1-5 CBADB  6-10 CAABC  11-15 DBCDA  16-20 CBDDA




    Learning English is a great challenge, but with a little help from technology it can be as easy as a piece of cake.

         As well as the classroom, teachers and textbooks, the Internet, TV and radio programs can play an active role in helping learn English. The Internet is full of rich and up-to-date information. English learners might wish to try. This website is co-established by the British Council, the BBC World Service and Central Radio and TV University. It provides cultural information about Britain and has an example of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) that students can use for practice. Different levels of grammar tests can also be found.

    Make friends online

         Another useful website for middle school students and teachers is. Besides reading 21st Century School Edition online, students are also invited to put their views on different topics up on the website.

         Users have the opportunity to make friends with people who share their interests.

         In the teaching and learning section, there are reading and vocabulary tips for students.

         Compared with the Internet, TV programs have their own advantages: one does not have to sit at a computer and the audio and visual effects can even be relaxing.

         One popular English-learning program is called "Modern English". This focuses on oral English in practical situations such as taking photos and shopping.

         The short dialogues and useful phrases may help students to express themselves if they go abroad or meet foreigners in China. More than 50 TV stations in about 300 cities have aired the program.

    Word to World

         If you watch Beijing Television Channel 8, you might see a program titled "Study Abroad". On this show Professor Wang Qiang from New Oriental School hosts "From Word to World".

         He selects words with a deep cultural background and teaches useful phrases related to that word. Cartoons are also used to explain how to use the word in daily life. Listening to the radio may not be a new way to learn English but it is easy.

         China Radio International airs a program called "Studio Classroom" at 6:30 a.m. every day. This 25-minute program is aimed at middle school students and covers subjects from current news to travel and history, all in simple language.

    1. This passage is written to ______.

         A. introduce some new websites and TV and radio programs

         B. focus on advantages and disadvantages of different medium forms

         C. recommend technological help in learning English

    D. aim at advertising various English courses

    2. If you want to read an English newspaper and make comments on different topics, you try_____.

          A. www.in2english.com.cn.                             B. www.21se.com.cn.

          C. Modern English                                          D. Studio Classroom

    3. One can practise oral English in everyday situations in _____.

          A. Studio Classroom                                       B. From Word to World

          C. Study Abroad                                             D. Modern English

    4. According to the author, one advantage of TV programs over the Internet is that they ____.

          A. offer more English learning resources                

    B. cost you nothing

          C. have better audio and visual effects                 

    D. have English courses available whenever you need them

    5. The author wants the readers to know that learning English ______.

          A. is difficult       

    B. is easy                

    C. is neither easy nor difficult

          D. can be made much easier with a little help of modern technology

    1-5 CBDCD



    A cactus(仙人掌) stood all alone in the desert, wondering why it was stuck in the middle of nowhere. "I do nothing but stand here all day," it sighed. "What use am I? I’m the ugliest plant in the desert. My spines (脊骨) are thick and prickly (多刺), my leaves are rubbery and tough, I can't offer shade or juicy fruit to any passing traveler. I don’t see that I’m any use at all." All it did was stand in the sun day after day, growing taller and fatter. Its spines grew longer and its leaves tougher... It truly was strange-looking.

    "I wish I could do something useful," it sighed. By day, hawks circled high overhead. "What can I do with my life?" the cactus called. Whether they heard or not, the hawks sailed away. At night, the moon floated into the sky and cast its pale glow on the desert floor. "What good can I do with my life?" the cactus called. The moon only stared coldly as it goes on its way. A lizard crawled by, leaving a little trail in the sand with its tail. "What worthy thing can I do?" the cactus called. "You?" the lizard laughed, pausing a moment. "Worthy deed? Why, you can't do anything! The hawks circle ways overhead, tracing delicate patterns for us all to admire. The moon hangs high like a lantern at night, so we can see our way home. Even I, the lowly lizard can decorate the sands with these beautiful brush-drawings as I pull my tail along. But you do nothing but get uglier every day."

    And so it went on year after year. At last the cactus grew old, and it knew its time was short. "Oh, God" it cried out, "I've wondered so long, and I’ve tried so hard. Forgive me if I’ve failed to find something worthy to do." But just then the cactus felt a strange stirring and unfolding. At its very tip, like a sudden crown, a glorious flower suddenly opened in bloom. Never had the desert known such a blossom? Its fragrance (香氣) perfumed the air far and wide and brought happiness to all passing by.

    The butterflies paused to admire its beauty, and even the moon smiled when it rose to find such a treasure. The cactus heard a voice. "You have waited long," the God said. "the heart that seeks to do good reflects My glory, and will always bring something worthwhile to the world, something in which all can rejoice (得到喜悅) --even if for only a moment."

    1. What does the underlined word "sailed" in the second paragraph mean?

        A. surfed on the water                   B. flew in the sky

        C. moved on a ship                     D. dived into the water.

    2. Whose attitude to the cactus is the worst?

    A. The hawks'.        B. The moon's.   

    C. The lizard's.      D. The butterflies'.

    3. In which paragraph can you find the topic sentence of this passage?

        A. The first.         B. The second.     C. The third.        D. The fourth.

    4. What attitude should lonely ordinary people have in order to build harmonious society?

        A. Aiming high and do admirable things like hawks.

        B. Learning from the cactus to be worried and ashamed of itself.

        C. Acting as the lizard to be proud of itself and look down upon others.

    D. Having a heart that seeks to do good and never gives up.

    1-4 BCDD


    In a society where lung and breast cancers are leading causes of cancer death worldwide, early detection of the disease is highly desirable. In a new scientific study, researchers present astonishing new evidence that man's best friend, the dog, may have the ability to contribute to early cancer detection.

    Researchers show scientific evidence that a dog’s extraordinary smelling ability can distinguish people with both early and late stage lung and breast cancers from healthy people. Researchers first discovered this in the case report of a dog warning its owner to the presence of a melanoma (惡性黑素瘤) by constantly sniffing the skin lesion (損傷). Later studies published in major medical magazines proved the ability of trained dogs to detect both melanomas and bladder cancers. The new study is the first to test whether dogs can detect cancers only by sniffing the breath of cancer patients.

    In this study, five household dogs were trained within a short 3-week period to detect lung or breast cancer by sniffing the breath of cancer patients. The experiment consisted of 86 cancer patients (55 with lung cancer and 31 with breast cancer) and 83 healthy people. All cancer patients had recently been diagnosed with cancer and had not yet undergone any chemotherapy treatment (化療). The dogs were presented with breath samples from the cancer patients and the healthy ones, captured in a special tube. Dogs were trained to give a positive identification of a cancer patient by sitting or lying down directly in front of a test station containing a cancer patient sample, while ignoring healthy samples.

    The results of the study showed that dogs can detect breast and lung cancer between 88% and 97%. Moreover, the study also proved that the trained dogs could even detect the early stages of lung cancer, as well as early breast cancer. The researchers concluded that breath analysis may become a potential of cancer diagnosis.

    1. What's the best title of the passage?

       A. Can dogs smell cancer?             

     B. Dogs and treatment

      C. A new research on breast cancer     

     D. An interesting experiment on lung cancer

    2. In this scientific study, five household dogs, ____ lung cancer patients and       healthy people are involved.

        A. 86; 88            B. 31; 97          C. 55; 83           D. 86; 83

    3. The last sentence of the passage means       .

        A. doctors won’t be worried about detecting cancers any more

        B. dogs will be the only way to detect cancers

        C. breath analysis can be used in diagnosing cancers in the future

        D. dogs can use its smell to identify people

    4. The research found that dogs could help detect cancers by_______.

    A. being captured in a special tube     

    B. sniffing the skin lesion

    C. sniffing the breath of the cancer patients

    D. sitting or lying down before a cancer patient

               1-4 ACCC


        From early times, man has been interested in art. People have often worked together to collect and save the world's art treasures.

        Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries. It is the biggest art museum in the world.

        The Louvre has not always been a museum.  The first building was a castle. In 1190, it was the king's castle with high walls and a round tower. It had a river to keep out the enemies.

        Over the years, the number of the buildings around the castle grew. By 1350, the castle no longer needed to be extended. The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens.

        During times of peace, new treasures were brought in. During the days of war, many treasures were stolen, and the buildings were damaged.

        When Francis I became king of France in 1515, he brought in many artists from other countries. One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy. Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is the best-known painting in the museum today.

        In 1793, the Louvre became a public museum, just as it is now. It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy, Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces.

    1. How long has the Louvre been a public museum?

       A. For over 800 years.                      B. Since 1350.

       C. Since 1515.                            D. For over 200 years.

    2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

       A. Da Vinci once stayed in France.

       B. "Mona Lisa" is kept in the Louvre.

       C. The Louvre was once a church as well as a palace.

       D. The Louvre is a place of interest to different people from all over the world.

    3. We know from the passage that ________.

       A. French kings and queens ordered people to build another buildings as their palace home in 1350

       B. many treasures were brought into the Louvre in 1190

       C. Francis I came into power in 1515 and damaged some buildings

       D. Some works of art in the museum have been collected from many countries

    4. The passage is mainly about ________.

       A. an art museum called the Louvre

       B. an Italian artist named Leonardo da Vinci

       C. a king of France named Francis I

       D. the best-known painting in the Louvre

         1-4 DCDA


    No. 5


    The latest buzzword in the tourism industry is “ecotourism”―responsible, environmentally sound vacationing.Ecotourism, or “green tourism,” means taking care of natural resources, protecting endangered species, and preserving and contributing to local communities.

    Armed with this “checklist,” I booked a vacation in an “ecoresort.” The brochure looked appealing---a hotel right on the beach, with a large swimming pool and golf course, in acres of unspoiled rain forest.

    Unfortunately, the only way to get to this resort was a 12-hour flight followed by a long taxi ride.I was relieved to see the hotel at the end of the road.It was a low-rise building, made out of local stone.But as I later found out, in order to build the resort, the wealthy owner had bought up 30,000 square kilometers of unspoiled rain-forest.

    Sunbathing by the glorious swimming pool, enjoying the sound of sprinklers on the golf course, I suddenly realized that this was an area where water is scarce.

    So far, not so eco-friendly.I decided to try some of the trips to nearby conservation projects, to give the resort another chance to convince me.

    Although it was the breeding season for turtles, we didn’t see any.Apparently the large groups of tourists who arrive at the beach to see the turtles laying their eggs have driven the turtles away.A boat ride to a marine park was also disappointing.The noise of the boats means that the alligators (短吻鱷) are afraid to lie in the sun.The tourists, expecting to see some action, throw stones at the alligators in the water, in the hope of getting them to move.

    The trip to the “authentic” local village was pleasant.The resort has turned the local homes into picturesque cottages.However, they are so charming that tourists are buying them, and the locals now live in small towns of badly built houses in the poorest areas of town.

    All in all, my vacation didn’t meet any of the standards for ecotourism.But there are many projects around the world where you can have a genuinely “green ” experience.My next trip is to a mountain village, as a paying guest in a local family’s home.

    I will miss the swimming pool and the golf, though.

    1.What caused the writer to choose this resort?

        A.The advertisement which looked attractive

    B.The resort which was a 12-hour flight away
















    政 治





















    命題學(xué)校:鄂南高中     命題人:王再盛


    考試時間:2007.3.29    下午15:00―17:00




