0  5  9  11  15  17  21  23  25  26  27  29  30  31  33  35  39  41  45  47  51  57  59  65  69  71  75  81  87  89  95  99  101  107  111  117  125  3002 

                            Unit 13    

No.83 Middle School   2004.09.19

Teacher : Liu Xiangzhen  


1.Main idea of Unit13:Invitation to birthday part.

2.單詞問題:(1)How do English people celebrate their party.

           (2) Do you think English birthday party is nearly the same as Chinese recently? Why?

           (3) Customs of Chinese birthday party.

           (4) Customs of English birthday party.

           (5) Can you imagine what the birthday party like in the future? Maybe a gift is traveling.


(1) Useful expression and words

(2) Trough Ann's birthday party, make Ss Know know to imitate somebody

to your party. How do they celebrate birthday party.

(3)  Differences between Chinese party and English party.

4. 本單元材料和資源:依據(jù)本單元教材內(nèi)容,安排用多媒體教材,判作彩圖,如蛋糕水果所需要的生日禮物。











Lesson 53   Unit 14      in   Book   2A


Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability : Review the simple past tense.

Process & method: Ss communicate with each other and conclude the learning method.
Task-based approach.

Moral, attitude and value: arrange their own life well.


Main & difficult


 The simple past tense.


Teaching tools

Tape recorder and computer.


Teaching procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities




Perform an action

What am I doing?

What did I do then?

You’re making a cake.

You made a cake.

The difference between the present continuous tense and the simple past tense




1.       walk around and give help as needed.

2.       Encourage them to think creatively about the pictures.

1.       Ask and answer in pairs.

2.       picture

3.       Bob and friend Wilson walked to school. They talked about going to a basketball game..





On the Blackboard



What time did Bob get up?  He got up at ….

How did he go to school yesterday? He went to school on foot/…….



Unit 8  Lesson 30


  From Chun’an Middle School




  Zhang Wei from Hangzhou Jianlan Middle School



Teaching material:

  JEFC Book 2A



Teaching aims:

1.Improve the students' reading ability.

2.Strengthen students’ understanding of the Simple Past Tense.

3.Enable the students to know the life of businessmen.

4.Enhance the students’ ability of communication and cooperation.



Teaching aids:

  Multimedia computer.



Teaching methods:

1.Task-based teaching and learning.

2.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

3.Four skills.



Teaching tasks:

  Task1: Answer questions after watching the video. (Students read the questions before watching the video.)

  Task2: Finish an exercise about the passage.

  Task3: Use Simple Past Tense to make sentences like the models.

  Task4: Use the language we have learnt to do a group work.



Teaching procedures:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


Step1.Warm-up activities:

Show some pictures of the champions; play the music of the Olympic games.

Brief self-introduction to the students.


Enjoy the music and the pictures. They may talk about it at the same time.


With the help of the pictures and music, the teacher can make the class active.


Play a guessing game. Show the picture step by step.


Ask what sport they like and their parents like.


Ask students’ parents’ job. Tell them today’s topic.


Show some pictures to introduce businessmen and their daily work. Then another businessman--Uncle Mike


Try their best to guess who Miss Zhang like best (Liu Xiang)




Give different kinds of jobs.


Elicit people’s job.









Elicit “businessmen” and

the topic.


Show two questions.


Play the video.

Show more questions.

Play the video again.


Ask the students to read the passage.



Ask “Where was Uncle Mike last week/ three days ago…?”


Ask the students to talk about the pictures, then report.


Read the two questions


Watch the video.


Watch the video again.


Read the passage individually ,then read it together.


Use “He was in…”to answer together.



Talk in pairs then tell us something about my uncle.


Practise students’ability of listening. Have a brief understanding of the passage.


Help the students know more details.



Review the Simple Past Tense.



Help them to grasp the Simple Past Tense and retell the passage.


Step4. Writing:

Ask the students to finish the exercise.


Fill in the blanks


Practise students’ability of writing and check if they grasp the content of the passage



Give some models to the students, such as “Uncle Mike was in Hong Kong the day before yesterday, but now he is in New York. ”


Talk with the partner for some ideas. Make sentences like the model.


Practise using the Simple Past Tense.


Step6. Expansion of the passage:

Get the students to complete a communicative task. Talk in groups of four about “What do you want to be when you grow up?”




One of the groups works as a writer, one works as a reporter, discuss together.



Help the students use English to express themselves fluently.


Step7. Homework:

Write down the report in the exercise book.

Finish workbook page114 Ex. 2



Review the knowledge they have learnt in class.







    我執(zhí)教的這堂課是JEFCBook2A的第八單元第30課。所面對的學生是初二的學生。粗看這課時,覺得困難不是很大,又是我比較喜歡的話題。當我深入這課時,發(fā)現(xiàn)這課總體內(nèi)容比較散,包括了一篇“My uncle”的作文以及過去時態(tài)的復習操練內(nèi)容。而這篇文章的主要內(nèi)容是介紹了Lily的叔叔,一個商人的日常工作情況,第二段則用過去時態(tài)介紹了Uncle Mike去的不同地方。如何把這些內(nèi)容以一條主線串起來呢?我找到了一個切入點,以商人貫穿整堂課。


我覺得導入部分還是比較簡潔的。通過一個猜人物的游戲,使學生產(chǎn)生濃厚興趣,而所猜的人物也是大家非常熟悉的劉翔,這樣就可以馬上討論到劉翔的職業(yè)-a runner。然后就可以自然的過渡到同學父母的職業(yè)。我開始預計所叫到的學生總有不少是商人,然而叫了幾個都是其他職業(yè),所以我臨時加入直接詢問有多少人的父母是商人,這樣就完成了導課。然后再通過介紹Lily的Uncle,一個商人進入到課文。我覺得導入部分利用大家耳熟能詳?shù)娜宋锛敖跓狳c能激發(fā)學生學習興趣,這點還是比較有特色的。


對于過去時態(tài)內(nèi)容的處理,我主要采用文字和圖片形式,引導學生用He was…來回答問題。而對于過去時態(tài)的操練,我還是以Uncle Mike為例,運用過去時和現(xiàn)在時的對比來使學生加深印象,同時給學生一個任務,即以例句形式來造句。我覺得這也是比較有特色的一點。





Unit 13 Come to the party!



 [ ][h][n][r][d ][ ]



 birthday party invite discuss celebrate sandwich candle doorbell laugh  hold on  have a party leave/take a message act out  at the moment  turn over  take out  living room



 Can you come to my party?

I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.

Would you like to come?

Mary I speak to Ann, please?

I’m afraid…      I’d love to…

I’m very sorry, but I can/can’t…

Could you ask him to…?     It doesn’t matter.

I’m sorry to hear that.

There’s no time to think…


語法 邀請和應答

Would you like/love to…?   I hope you can.

Thanks for…       I’m sorry, but I can/can’t…


May/Could I speak to Ann, please?

Certainly,/I’m afraid, not.

OK. It doesn’t matter.



ANN: Hello, Bruce. What a beautiful day!

BRUCE: Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it?

ANN: I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.

BRUCE: Party? What party?

ANN: It's my birthday, and I'm going to have a party. Didn't you know?

BRUCE: No, I didn't.

ANN: Oh, dear. I forgot to tell you. Would you like to come?

BRUCE: Sure. I would love to come. Thanks a lot.

KATE: Hi, Ann!

ANN: Hi, Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?

KATE: Oh, thanks very much. I'd love to. What time is it going to start?

ANN: Half past four. Don't forget to tell Jim. I hope he can come too.

KATE: OK. I'm sure he would love to come.



安: 你好,布魯斯。天氣多么好!

布魯斯: 是的,今天的天氣真好!

安: 我希望你能參加我下星期天的聚會。

布魯斯: 聚會?什么聚會?

安: 我的生日聚會,我計劃舉辦一個聚會。你不知道嗎?

布魯斯: 不,我不知道。

安: 哎唷。我忘了告訴你。你愿意來嗎?

布魯斯: 當然。我愿意來。非常感謝。

凱特: 你好,安!

安: 你好,凱特。星期天是我的生日。你能來參加我的生日聚會嗎?

凱特: 噢,非常感謝。我當然想去。聚會什么時候開始?

安: 4:30。別忘記告訴吉姆。我希望他也能來。

凱特: 好的。我相信他會來的。


 birthday,party,hope,beautiful,invite,discuss,celebrate,sandwich,candle,doorbell,present,laugh,smile,hold on,have a party,take/leave a message,with a smile,act out,fill out,at the moment,living room,in the study,take out,turn over,a little late,thank you for


1.But I’m afraid  I may be a little late.恐怕我可能要晚一些。


 ①He may be at his office.他也許在辦公室。

 ②May I borrow your ruler?我能借你的尺嗎?

(2)a little用法有:


    There is a little boy near the river.河邊有個小男孩。


     I have a little food with me.我隨身有點食品。


    The skirt doesn’t fit me,it’s a little small.這裙子不合我身,它有些小。

    She can’t lift the box. It’s a little heavy.她舉不起盒子,有點重。

2.Would you like to come?你愿意來嗎?

  Would you like to do sth.或 would you like sth.用來征求對方意見或邀請。為:

  Would you like a cup of tea?你愿意要杯茶嗎?

  Would you like to go with me?你愿意和我一塊去嗎?

3.There’s no time to think!沒時間思考了!

  ①There’s no time to do sth.沒時間做某事了。如:

    There’s no time to have breakfast.沒時間吃早飯了。


    Do you have anything to say?你有要說的嗎?

    We have a lot of things to do.我有許多事要做。

  ②no=not a或 not any.

    We have no sweaters for you.我們沒有運動衣給你。

4.…said Ann with a/big smile.安帶著笑臉說。


   “Thank you for your inviting” I said.“but I have to ask my mother.”



  ①to go out with no hat on不戴帽子出去。

  ②With a word:“Goodbye”, he left  he office.說了聲“再見”,他離開了辦公室。

5.Happy birthday!生日快樂!

 (1)當別人祝生日快樂或夸你時,應答語常用:Thank you.

 (2)當別人在某節(jié)日場合向你祝賀時,應答語常用:The same to you.如:新年到來,兒童節(jié)時。

6.I’m going to have a party.我要開個聚會。


  have a look看一看,have a class上課,have a swim游泳,

  have a rest休息,have a good time玩得高興,have a meeting開會

  have a walk散步,have a talk談話,have breakfast在吃早餐

  have lessons上課

7.I’m sorry to hear that.聽到此我很遺憾。


8.Can I take a message?我能帶個口信嗎?

     take a message后接介詞短語for sb.(為某人)或 to sb.(給某人)

     ①Can I take a message for him?我能為他捎個口信嗎?

 ②I asked him to take a message to my sister.我請他給我妹妹帶個口信。

9.There was nothing but a card in it.里面除了一張卡外什么也沒有。


  I can live anywhere but here.除卻這里,無論哪里我都能住。


1.Don’t forget to tell Jim.別忘了告訴吉姆。

 (1)forget“忘記”,反義詞為  remember“記住、記得”。它們的用法有:

  ①forget to do sth.“忘記做某事”(把要做的某事給忘了)。如:

   I forgot to buy meat..我忘記買肉了。

  ②forget doing sth.“忘記做了某事”。(做過某事但忘記了)。如:

    I forgot telling him.我忘記告訴過他了。






    The baby can say but can’t speak.這嬰兒會說但不會講話。

      He’s talking about a car show.他正在講一個車展。

      He’s always telling stories.他總是講故事。

2.I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.我希望你下周日能來參加我的聚會。

  英語中向別人提出邀請,常用I hope you can…或Would you like/love to…?(參觀上文2)。應答語有:

  ①表示愿意時常用:Thanks for…或I’d like/love to或 I’m glad  to或I’d very happy to或 How nice等。

  ②表示不能或不愿意常用:I’m  very sorry, but…或I’d like/love to, but...或Thank  you,but…或 sorry,I can’t.

3.May I speak to Ann,please?請安接電話好嗎?

1)英語中表示請求、請示可用 May/Could I…?(禮貌的請求)Can I…?


     Yes,do please或 Yes或 Certainly或Of course或 That’s OK或That’s all right.


      I’m sorry but…或You’d  better not…。


     ①This is Ann speaking/Ann here/Ann speaking/speaking我就是安。

     ②I’m afraid she’s out/not here.她不在。

     ③Certainly/Wait a minute/just a moment please.請稍等。

 4.December 21 was Becky’s fourteenth birthday.十二月二十一日是 Becky的十四歲生日。


   Today is my sixteenth birthday(正確)

   Tomorrow is my eight birthday(錯誤)

  5.There on the desk she found her present.在桌子上她發(fā)現(xiàn)了她的禮物。

   這是個倒裝句。正常語序為:She found her present on the desk.

   here there常使句子倒裝。如:Here comes the bus.車來了。




此題需要注意本單元的交際用語,前提為:You didn’t go to Ann’s birthday party.

因為當Ann問你:Did you have a good weekend?第一空句應根據(jù)下文判斷回答I’m afraid  not.接下來問Why…?應回答:Oh,I’m sorry. I forgot it.再接下來一空句應為具體原因的說明:I didn’t pass the exam last night. I had to work at the weekend.然后對方祝愿I hope…,下一空句應回答:Thank you,I will.當然,這些答案并非唯一,要視具體情況而定。


Teaching Plan

Teacher:Zhao Jun No.83 Middle School


Lesson7(Unit2, BookⅢ)

Teaching aims

Knowledge:1.such,fail, practice, business, so far

          2.The present perfect tense

Ability: Train listening, reading, speaking and writing

Moral, attitude and value:

1.       Love life and enjoy your life

2.       Protect the environment around you

Culture: Get more geographical knowledge about the world

Main and difficult points

The present perfect tense with the adverbials of time

Teaching materials and methods

 Multi-media ,computer



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities




1.such, fail, practice, business,
so far

2.revise the last lesson

1.Let some students dictate the new words

2.ask some questions according to lesson 6





2.answer the questions

Make the students grasp the new words and remember the old lesson




Play the tape ask some questions

Answer the questions

Listening ability




Have them ask and answer in pairs



Have them answer the questions 

Ask and answer in pairs about the short dialogues


Answer the questions on the book

Learn and use the present perfect tense


Workbook and the prepared exercises



  Such / so     I have been here for….

He has gone to….

How many…h(huán)ave you…?


Workbook and new words


1.       本節(jié)課通過復習使學生對第6課的知識進一步深化和記憶。

2.       注意區(qū)分have been to 和have gone to












(Lesson7 BookⅢ)







       No.83 Middle School


Lesson 10

Language Focus: harm the environment; improve our environment; make our world more beautiful; a piece of beautiful music; come to my ears; pick up; collect rubbish; produce; as soon as; keep our city clean; wherever; Ifs a pleasant way to… ; It's one's duty to do something

Properties: Pictures: Overhead Projector; Recorder

Teaching Procedures:
 I. Showing aims
  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:
  1. To master some useful expressions.
  2 .To understand the reading.
  3. To think about low to protect the environment.

 II. Revision
  1. Check the homework.
  2. Revise the dialogue from Part 2 in Lesson 9. Get some of the students to act it out in front of the class.

 III. Pre-read
  Part 1. In small groups, get the students to discuss the questions.

 IV. Presentation
  Show some pictures of the environment, and have the students look at the pictures and ask: What environment is beautiful? What environment is polluted?
Get the students to talk about the pictures and speak out their own idea. Teach some words: rubbish; spit. . . Have the students guess the meaning by guestures and pictures. Ask some questions like:
  Have you done anything to harm the environment?
  What have you done?
  Have you ever done anything to improve the environment?
  What have you done?
  Have the students discuss the questions in small groups, get the whole class to share their answers.
  Read through the text and find the answers to the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook.

 V. Reading
  Part 2. Speech Cassette. Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answers to questions of Exercise I in the workbook, then check the answers in pairs.
  Books open, play the tape again and have the students read the text along with the tape. Note some useful expressions:
  A piece of beautiful music;
  Pick up;
  Collect rubbish;
  Keep our city clean;
  Take care of;
  Throw . . . onto. ..;
  Spit in a public place;
  Cut down;
  Protect our environment;
  Make a contribution to. . . .

 VI. Workbook
  Exercise 3. In pairs, have the students make dialogues for each picture. Ask some pairs to read their dialogues to share with the class.

 VII. Summary
  Exercises for class
  Write a passage about how to make our city beautiful. Using the following verbs:
  Throw, spit, cut down; pickup, collect, plant, protect

 VIII. Homework
  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.



Lesson 16 ( Unit 4, Book 3 )

Teaching aims

The Object Clause ()

Main and

difficult points

1. know all the words of traveling

2. know how to tell the traveling

3. learn how to Change the Object Clause

Teaching tools





The object

1. What do you think is the

1. I think the fastest way to



        fastest way to travel?

           travel is by plane.



  What did he / she say?

  He / She said the fastest way




slowest way to

       to travel was by plane.



2. What

is the



2. By {




most expensive




    way to travel?




least expensive




    way to travel?

  On foot



safest way to









  What did he / she say?

  He / She said that…



Practice in pairs

four students together


Listening practice


Listen to the tape and write




down the message on page 112.







It {


} him 2 hours to watch TV {








will take




has taken








1. Tom is the cleverest boy in my class



2. My friend teaches in Dalian Maple leaf school



3. I have been to Canada



What do I say?



What do you think is…

What is the {

slowest way to travel?

I think that…

most expensive way to travel?

What did he / she say?

least expensive way to travel?

He / She said that…

safest way to travel?

Write something about a train ride or plane ride



1. 本節(jié)課是一節(jié)復習課,整節(jié)課的設計都貫穿著賓語從句的陳述語序,易于理解。

2. 今后打算使學生在課堂的有效時間內(nèi),多聽、多說、多讀、多練,培養(yǎng)學生較強的











































































































































Teaching Plan

Teacher: Zhu Yujie , No.13Middle  School


Lesson 20 ( Unit 5, Book III)


Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability: The Object Clause

Some phrases

Process and method: The students can read the new words and some phrases, make some sentences by themselves. According to the text.

Moral, attitude and value:  Love our country.





 The Object Clause:

Make some sentences by themselves.

Can talk about ask and answer.


Teaching tools


Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities









1.The teacher tells the students what the teacher did in  summer holiday. And ask students say something about their holiday make a dialogue like the teacher.

“I had a good time on summer holiday I often go swimming in Xinghai Park ,watched TV ……”

2.Listen to the tape and do exercise on page 118.


The students listen and do it.



The students talk about their holiday.

 I ……

 Understand the students talk













Listen carefully

















While task


Read and act.






Part3 and 4


Please read it and find out some phrases.


The teacher asks.





Please read it and make a dialogue

The student find it each s other .


The student answer:

on holiday;

have s great time;

gat a chance;


The students prepare

 by themselves

Do you know there is a train to Wuchang?

Yes ……

Know the words of Lesson 20.


Post task

1.       What did you do?(I don’t know )

2.       Whose coat is this?(I want to know)

3.       How much are they?(Can you tell me)

4.       Does your father go to work every day?(Could you tell me)

Where did she sit?(Please tell me)

Do Wb.




Blackboard design

1) think of , think about ,think over

2) have a great time            

3) on holiday

4) get a chance                

5) It sounds that ……

6) It takes ……                

7) Could you tell me whether that’s a fast train or not ?

8) Could you tell me how much a double room costs ?


1.       Recite the new words of Unit 5

Do Wb.5,6,7.




Teaching plan


Liu yuhui No.31 middle school




Lesson22 (Unit 6  Book Ⅲ)

Teaching aims

Learn the text under the sea.

Let the ss learn to know the sea and protect our environment.

Main and difficult projects

Understanding and using some sentences.

Teaching tools

Picture recorder.

Teaching procedure.


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



Revise the present perfect tense by having the ss ask their own.

Have you ever…questions.

Ask and answer.




Show a picture of some fish and coral under the sea.

According to the picture let them understand some words like: colorful, undersea, pollute-pollution.

Try to guess the

meaning of the words.






Step 3:


SB page 21 part 1. Have the

Students work in small groups to discuss the question:

1.      What can you find under the sea?

2.      How important is the sea to the life?

The answers may be:

The sea gives us much food.

It helps give us rain for our crops. It gives us pearls for jewelry etc.

Step 4:


Get the ss skim the text for the main idea. Play tape and have the ss read along. Ask the ss  to underline the unfamiliar words in the text. Then let them look the words un the dictionary.

In groups look up the words and discuss the meaning.

Step 5:

Group work.

Let then discuss five ways of keeping the water clean.

Discuss and write then down on their notebook and share with the class.

Step 6:


1.      Copy the text once try to retell.

2.      Finish off the workbook.







Teaching Plan

Teacher : Chen Jie ,No.46 Middle School


Lesson 31 (Unit9 Book3)








Knowledge and ability: 1. some words related to western Christmas

                    2. some drills about the using of the infinitive

                    3. improve the ability of the culture difference understanding

Process and method :  1. revise the content the story from SB

                   2. ask and answer using the infinitive

                   3. the activities of post-reading  making up a short play

Moral,attitude and value: understand the difference between western country and eastern country


Main and diffcult points


1.       know how to use the infinitive




2.       learn the Christmas


Teaching tools



 A multi-media computer

Teaching procedure


Teacher’s activities














The words of Chrimas



Pretend to be curious about where  student is going tomorrow. On receiving the answer .Say I asked Jim where to go.



Ask and answer one by one using the in finitive



Focus on the using of the infinitive with an infinitive word. And know the using of it















The festival of western country and eastern country

1.       Ask the student the question like :How do you celebrate the festival? Then let students change to The teacher ased how to celebrate the festival.

2.       Read the text

3.       Make a play

Ask each other the question with what.how .when.est.

Then change to what to ……,how to ……..

Using the infinitive more exactly.




1.I have brought you something nice_____(eat) from Xinjiang.

2.Jim has something important _______(say) this morning.

3.Lin Tao has got a lot of books ____ (read) for the exam.

4.There are many things for Jim ____(buy)for Christmas.





Model: Jim tells me what he’ll eat for lunch.

      Jim tells me what to eat for lunch.

1.       Jim tells me where he’ll get milk.

2.       Jim tells me how many letters he’ll write.


Check the result of learning


Blackboard design

  • <cite id="28ged"><delect id="28ged"><tr id="28ged"></tr></delect></cite>

    When to go to the Christmas.

    How to celebrate Christmas.

    Lin Tao asked Jim

    Jim told Lin Tao



    Practice the using of the infinitive.

    And using it to write a short composition about the difference between eastern and western country’s festival.


    1 本課從授課內(nèi)容來看比較容易,可以由前課的內(nèi)容引出,







