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科目  英語

年級  高一

文件 high1 unit17.doc

標(biāo)題  Unit  17

章節(jié)  第十七單元

關(guān)鍵詞  高一英語第十七單元




at present  common  until recently  year by year  one day  similar  deer  increase  one after another等…



構(gòu)成形式:be +being +done (過去分詞)

如:The life of the milu deer is being studied at present.

     More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park.

(二) It作形式主語的句型:

    It is hoped that…


1. Where are you traveling to?



  How are you getting there? =(How will you get there? )你打算怎樣去那兒?

  How many of you are making the trip? =(Why will you make this journey? )你們?yōu)槭裁匆?/p>


可以這樣用的動詞有:go, come, leave, arrive, stay, start等。

2. make/ take a trip/ journey  意思是“去旅行”。

  go/ be on a trip/ journey也是“去旅行”。

  We will make a trip abroad next month. 我們下個月要到國外去旅行。

  She will take a long journey to London next year. 明年她將去倫敦做一次長途旅行。

  They are planning to go on a journey around the world. 他們計劃做一次球球旅行。


  Travel in the mountains can be slow and dangerous. 在山區(qū)旅行有時又慢又危險。

  Travel broadens the mind. 旅行能使人見多識廣。

  We traveled all over the country. 我們游遍了全國各地。

  It is much faster to travel by plane. 乘飛機旅行速度更快。

  I love (to go) traveling. 我喜歡旅行。

3. …so that the number of these deer in China can be increased.

句中的“deer”是單復(fù)數(shù)同形的名詞,單復(fù)數(shù)相同的名詞還有“sheep, fish.”.例如:

  How many deer are there in the Zoo? 動物園里有多少只鹿?

  “How many sheep can you see in this picture?” “Only one (Sheep).”


  “How many fish have you caught?”

  “I’ve caught three fish.”




  There are many kinds of fishes in the sea.

4. That sounds a great idea.



  He looks very happy. 他看上去很快樂。

  This kind of cloth feels very soft. 這種布料摸起來非常柔軟。

  The dinner smells good. 這飯菜聞起來很好。

  His explanation sounds all right. 他的解釋聽起來似乎有理。

  This soup tastes too much of garlic. 這湯嘗起來大蒜的味道太重。

5. Good luck with your trip. 祝你們旅途順利。

“Good luck”是表示祝愿的交際用語,有“走遠(yuǎn)”,“交好運”的意思。常用在分手道別時。在“Good luck”后可跟介詞短語“to sb”或 “with sth”,表示“祝某人走運”或“祝某事順利”的意思。例如:

  Good luck to you. 祝你走運。

  Good-bye: Good luck with your performance. 再見!祝你演出成功。

6. The milu deer is a Kind of deer that used to be common in China long ago.


“used to ”是表示“過去”的意思。例如:

  I used to smoke but not now. 我過去抽煙,但現(xiàn)在不抽了。

  He used to get up at seven, but now he gets up at six. 他過去七點起床,但現(xiàn)在他六點就


  There used to be a bus-stop at the corner of the street, but now there isn’t.


  He used to be very strong when he was young. 他年青時,身體非常健壯。

另外,“be used to do”意思是“被用來做某事。”“be used to sth/ doing sth”是“習(xí)慣于某事”或“習(xí)慣做某事”的意思。注意分辨它們之間的差別。例如:

  Wood can be used to make desks and Chairs. 木頭可以被用來制做書桌和椅子。

  He is used to hard work. 他已習(xí)慣于艱苦的工作。

  I’m not used to being spoken to in that rude way. 我不習(xí)慣于別人那么粗魯?shù)貙ξ艺f活。

  I’m not used to the weather here in Beijing now, but I think I’ll get used to it soon.


  Until recently, the only milu deer alive in the world belong to the Duke of Bedford in England.


A: until可作介詞或連詞。作介詞時,后面常跟名詞或副詞,構(gòu)成介詞短語。作連詞用時,引導(dǎo)一個時間狀語短語。作連詞用時,引導(dǎo)一個時間狀語從句。例如:

  He studied in the library until 12 o’clock. 他在圖書館一直學(xué)習(xí)到12點。

  Please wait for me here until I come back. 請在這兒等我,一直等到我回來。

  Let’s wait until the rain stops. 咱們等到雨停吧!

  Until then, no one but me knew anything about it. 直到那時,除了我還沒有人了解此事。

  They talked about the project until very late. 關(guān)于這項工程,他們一直談到很晚。

B: the only milu deer alive =the only milu deer that were alive (僅有的活著的麋鹿),句中的alive是形容詞,作“活著的”解。通常用作表語。當(dāng)作定語時,則要放在所修飾的名詞后。例如:

  He was badly wounded but was still alive. 他受了重傷,但還活著。

  Who’s the greatest man alive? 誰是當(dāng)今最偉大的人物?

  There are not many pandas alive in the world today. 現(xiàn)在世界上活著的熊貓并不多。

類似的表語形容詞還有:awake (醒著的), asleep (睡著的), afraid (害怕的), alike (相似的),等等。

8. at present =at the present time目前,現(xiàn)在例如:

  We do not need any help at present. 目前,我們不需要任何幫助。

  They are preparing for the examination at the present time. 現(xiàn)在他們正在為考試做準(zhǔn)備。

9. Since then the number of milu deer there has greatly increased.


  1) the number of …意思是“……的數(shù)目”,a number of …意思是“一些”,例如:

  The number of students in their class is fifty. 他們班的學(xué)生人數(shù)是50人。

  A number of students are playing football on the playground now.


  2) increase在句中是被用作不及物動詞,作“增加”解,它也可用作及物動詞,詞意相同,例如:

  Because of the wildlife project, the number of milu deer has increased.


  Travel increases one’s Knowledge of the world. 旅行使人增加對世界的了解。

  He increased his speed to overtake the lorry. 他加大速度以超過前面的卡車。

  At all these centres it is hoped that one day they will have enough animals to set them free

  and let them live in the wild again. 在這些研究中心,人們希望有一天他們會有足夠多的麋鹿可以放出去,讓它們重新回到野外去生活。

1) It is hoped that …本句中it是形式主語,真正的主語是that引導(dǎo)的從句。意思是“人們希望…”相當(dāng)于(people hope that…)。例如:

  It is hoped that the number of milu deer will greatly increase very soon.


  It was hoped that the helicopters would land on the roof of the building. But the smoke was

  too thick. 原本希望直升飛機能在大樓樓頂著陸,但是煙太濃了。


  It is said that …(Somebody says that…)據(jù)說…

  It is believed that …(People believe that …)人們相信…

  It is supposed that …(People suppose that …)人們認(rèn)為…

  It is reported that …(Somebody reports that …)據(jù)報導(dǎo)…


  It is said that our new school-house will be built here. 據(jù)說我們的新校舍將建在這里。

  It is reported that seven people lost their lives in the traffic accident yesterday.


  2) one day既可指“將來的某一天”,也可指“過去的某一天”。例如:

  It is hoped that one day the milu deer will be set free to the wild.


  I’m sure you’ll be able to come to visit our country one day.


  One day on my way home, I met professor wang.


11. So once more there will be milu deer living in the wild in China.


  1) once more =once again作“再一次”,“重新”解,例如:

  Don’t be so disappointed. You may try once again.”


  Will you please explain it to me once more?


  2) 句中的living in the wild in China是分詞短語作定語,修飾前面的名詞deer,相當(dāng)于一個定語從名(…that live in the wild in China)。例如:

  The girl standing by the window is my classmate. =The girl who is standing by the window is

  my classmate. 站在窗戶旁邊的那個女孩是我的同班同學(xué)。











第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  共140分)



英  語

本試卷分第Ⅰ卷(選擇題)和第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題)兩部分。第Ⅰ卷1至8頁,第Ⅰ卷9至10頁。試卷滿分150分,考試時間為120分?荚嚱Y(jié)束后,將第Ⅱ卷和答題卡一并交回。第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  共95分)


1.  答第Ⅰ卷前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號、考試科目涂寫在答題卡上。

2.  每小題選出答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案標(biāo)號,不能答在試題卷上。

3.  本卷共65小題,共95分。

第一部分  英語知識運用(共三節(jié),滿分50分)

第一節(jié)  語音知識(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)


1.machine   A. shine       B. holiday       C. police        D. alive

2.anxious   A. attentively B. strange       C. control       D. twinkle

3.enough    A. mountain    B. southern      C. through       D. ground

4.resign    A. recognize   B. sense         C. useful        D. treasure

5.month     A. breathe     B. clothes       C. teeth         D. smooth

第二節(jié)  語法和詞匯知識(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


6.―_______we go out for a walk?

―Yes. Let’s.

A. Must         B. Shall          C. Dare          D. Might

7. The goal_____ providing education for all children _____ 2015 was decided ______ the World Economic Forum in 2000.

  A. to; in; at   B. of; at; by     C. of; by; at    D. to; by; for

8._____ Moonstone was _____ large diamond from India.

  A. The; a       B. A; the         C. A; a          D. The; the

9. When the cooking class changed to Tuesdays, I had to _____ so that I could ____ my daughter from her piano lessons.

  A. drop in; pick out              B. drop off; pick up

C. drop out; pick up              D. drop by; pick out

10. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite _____ to perform skillfully yourself.

   A. other       B. another        C. some          D. any

11. By the time you get back, great changes ____ in this area.

   A. will take place               B. will have taken place

C. are going to take place       D. will be taken place

12.―Who will come to help the victims?

―A group of girls ______ themselves volunteers from the Red Cross.

A. calls        B. call         C. to call        D. calling

13.―What do you think of chemistry?

―In my opinion, chemistry is ____ physics.

A. a subject so difficult as    B. a subject as difficult as

C. as a difficult subject as    D. difficult as a subject as

14. The students expected there _____ more reviewing classes before the final exams.

A. to be        B. is   t        C. being          D. have been

15. John said he’d been working in the office for an hour, _____ was true.

A. and that     B. it           C. and which      D. this

16._____ has recently been done to provide more English books for the students, a shortage of reading materials remains a serious problems.

A. What          B. Though what   C. In spite of what D. That

17._____ in health, he insisted on doing the experiment.

A. As he was poor               B. Poor as he was

C. Poor was he                  D. Poor he was though

18. He is so easy-going a man ________ everyone wants to work with.

A. whom         B. that         C. as             D.×

19.―Did you get a ticket?

―Yes. Otherwise I ________ the concert last night.

A. didn’t attend               B. wouldn’t attend

C. hadn’t attend               D. couldn’t have attended

20. Films, _____ the one you told me about yesterday or the one that will be on, _____ not worth seeing.x

   A. including; is                B. as well as; are

C. besides; is                  D. such as; are

第三節(jié)  完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discovery: we are built not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were 21 to show that we all have “a body clock” 22 us, which controls the 23 and fall of our body energies, 24 us different from one day to the next.

The 25 of “a body clock” should not be too 26 since the lives of most living things are controlled 27 the 24 hour night-and?day cycle. We feel 28 and fall asleep at night and become 29 and energetic during the day. If the 24 hour-cycle is 30 , most people experience unpleasant 31 . For example, people, people who are not 32 to working at night can find that 33 of sleep causes them to 34 badly at work.

35 the daily cycle of sleeping and 36 , we also have other cycles which 37 longer than one day. Most of us would 38 that we feel good on some days and not so good on 39 ; sometimes our ideas seem to flow and at other times, they 40 do not exist.

21. A. able         B. anxious           C. careful          D. proud

22. A. inside       B. around            C. between          D. on

23. A. movement     B. supply            C. use              D. rise

24 .A. showing      B. treating          C. making           D. changing

25. A. invention     B. opinion         C. story           D. idea

26. A. difficult     B. exciting        C. surprising      D. interesting

27. A. from          B. by              C. over            D. during

28. A. dull          B. tired           C. dreamy          D. peaceful

29. A. regular       B. excited         C. lively          D. clear

30. A. disturbed     B. shortened       C. reset           D. troubled

31. A. moments       B. feelings        C. senses          D. effects

32. A. prevented     B. allowed         C. expected        D. used

33. A. miss          B. none            C. lack            D. need

34. A. perform       B. show            C. manage          D. control

35. A. With          B. As well as      C. Except          D. Rather than

36. A. working       B. moving          C. living          D. waking

37. A. repeat        B. remain          C. last            D. happen

38. A. agree         B. believe         C. realize         D. allow

39. A. other         B. the other       C. all other       D. others

40. A. just          B. only            C. still           D. yet

第二部分  閱讀理解(共25小題。第一節(jié)每小題2分,第二節(jié)每小題1分;滿分45分)

    第一節(jié) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。


   Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our lecture hall but in the Yale University Art Gallery.

   We spend our one-hour class discussing two or three of the paintings, many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class.

   The professor begins by selecting one work of art. After giving us a quick background on the artist, he’ll open up for class discussion. Everyone is strongly encouraged to give opinions to the work. Not every piece we study is necessarily famous or striking in appearance and subject matter, yet we always manage to make some interesting observations.

   In America, professors always take every opportunity to push textbooks aside and expose students to real world experiences.

   With some creativity, almost any can be applied to such beyond the classroom learning.

   My art history class trips to the gallery are but one example.

   Many other disciplines also offer opportunities to learn outside the classroom, for instance, business, psychology, art, journalism and biology.

   A friend of mine from Yale taking an advanced psychology course spends every Saturday working with mentally disabled children. Her mornings are spent playing with the kids and studying their sometimes uncontrolled behavior. Then in the afternoon she writes a report on her observations.

   Students generally appreciate these unique learning opportunities. They’re almost always fun and interesting, and professors like them because students learn so much in just a few short months.

   No one denies the value of classroom learning. But it can only take students so far.

   Slides and textbooks may do a good job of carrying facts and dates, but creativity and originality of thought cannot be taught. They can only be got through first-hand experience.

41. The writer studies art history________.

   A. in a lecture hall           B. in an art gallery

C. in a simple way             D. in a practical way

42. In American universities it is popular for professors to ______.

   A. create textbooks by themselves

B. teach their lectures through real world experiences

C. ask their students to memorize the texts

D. share their experiences with the students

43. The writer introduces one of his friends’ experiences to us in order to ______.

   A. give us an example          B. praise the professor

C. praise his friend           D. advise us to study psychology

44. The writer holds the opinion that _________.

   A. learning outside the classroom is the best way

B. teachers should develop students’ creativity

C. professors had better shorten their lectures

D. students should put their textbooks away


Soccer is played millions of people all over the world, but there have only been few players who were truly great. How did these players get that way―was it through training and practice, or are great players “born, not made”? First, these players came from places that have had famous stars in the past―players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate. In the history of soccer, only six countries have ever won the World Cup―three from South America and three from western Europe. There has never been a great national team―or a really great player―from North America or from Asia. Second, these players have all had years of practice in the game. Alfredo Di Stefano was the son of a soccer player, as was Pele. Most players begin playing the game at the age of three or four.

Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood―a poor,

crowded area where a boy’s dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, or businessman,

but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example, Liverpool, which

produced the Beetles, had one of the best English soccer teams in recent years.

Pele practiced in street with a “ball” made of rags. And George Best learned

the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off a wall in the slums of


All great players have a lot in common, but that doesn’t explain why they are

great. Hundreds of played in those Brazilian streets, but only one became Pele. The

greatest players are born with some unique that sets them apart from all the others.

45. According to the author, which of the following statements istrue?

   A. Great soccer players are born, not made.

B. Truly great players are rare.

C. Only six countries have ever had famous soccer stars.

D. Soccer is the least popular sport in North America and Asia.

46. The word “tricks” at the end of paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.

   A. experience      B. cheating      C. skills        D. training

47. In the last paragraph the statement “only one became Pele” indicates that___.

   A. Pele is the greatest soccer player

B. the greatest players are born with some unique quality

C. Pele’s birthplace sets him apart from all the other players

D. the greatest players practice with “balls” made of rags

48. The author thinks a soccer player’s success belongs to all the following factors EXCEPT______.

   A. his family background            B. his neighborhood

C. his practice                     D. his height


Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able

to tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.

   The American Lung Association (ALA)has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu, and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart. That’s because the prescription drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.

   The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three viruses―flu A,B and C. There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine, which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu, according to the ALA. 

But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and common

cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for. Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms.

   The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu. It advises parents to call the doctor if their small children have flu-like symptoms.

   Both cold and flu symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter medications as well. However, children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome(綜合癥), a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.

   There is course, no vaccine for the common cold. But frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with people who have colds can reduce the likelihood of catching one.

49. According to the author, knowing the cause of the misery will help_____.

   A. shorten the duration of the illness

B. the patient buy medicine over the counter

C. the patient obtain cheaper prescription drugs

D. prevent people from catching colds and the flu

50. We learn from the passage that_______.

   A. one doesn’t need to take any medicine if he has a cold or the flu

B. aspirin should not be included in over-the-counter medicines for the flu

C. delayed treatment of the flu will harm the liver and central nervous system

D. over-the-counter drugs can be taken to ease the misery caused by a cold or the flu

51. Which of the following symptoms will distinguish the flu from a cold?

   A. A stuffy nose.          B. A high temperature.

C. A sore throat.          D. A dry cough.

52. If children have flu-like symptoms, their parents_____.

   A. are advised not to give them aspirin

B. should watch out for signs of Reye syndrome

C. are encouraged to take them to hospital for vaccination

D. should prevent them from mixing with people running a fever


People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines(圣地). Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their picture taken in front of famous places. But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.

Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. Residents of cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year in the rain. This is the reason the Mediterranean(地中海)has always attracted them. Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean resorts and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason: sun!

The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries. Italy’s 30,000 hotels are booked solid every summer. And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks, and roadsides. Spain’s long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit yearly, or one tourist for every person living in Spain.

But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can handle. The Mediterranean is already one of the most polluted seas on earth. And with increased tourism, it’s getting worse. The French can’t figure out what to do with all the garbage left by campers around St. Tropez. And in many places, swimming is dangerous because of pollution.

None of this, however, is spoiling anyone’s fun. The Mediterranean gets more popular every year with tourists. Obviously, they don’t go there for clean water and solitude(獨處).They tolerate traffic jams and seem to like crowded beaches. They don’t even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is, the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as the sun shines, it’s still better than sitting in the cold rain in Berlin, London, or Oslo.

53. The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that____.

   A. they want to see historic remains or religious spots

B. they are interested in different cultural traditions and social customs

C. they would like to take pictures in front of famous sites

D. they wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home

54. Why cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam are mentioned in Paragraph 2?

   A. To show that they are not good cities in terms of geography and climate.

B. To tell us how wealthy their residents are.

C. To suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beauty.

D. To prove that they have got more tourism than they can handle.

55. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. All the 37 million people living in Spain are tourists.

B. Every year the number of tourists to Spain almost equals that of the people living in the country.

C. Every person living in Spain has to take care of a tourist.

D. Every Spanish is visited by a tourist every year.

56. According to the passage, which of the following factors might spoil the tourists’ fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches?

   A. Polluted water.              B. Crowded buses.

C. Traffic jams.                D. Rainy weather.


Any observant(善觀察)person has noticed that a wild animal will allow a man or

other potential enemy to approach only up to a given distance before it flees. “Flight distance” is the terms used for this interspecies spacing. As a general rule, there is a positive relationship between the size of an animal and its flight distance―the larger the animal, the greater the distance it must keep between itself and the enemy. An antelope(羚羊)will flee when the enemy is as much as five hundred yards away. The wall lizard’s (壁虎)flight distance, on the other hand is about six feet. Flight is the basic means of survival for mobile creatures.

Critical distance apparently is present wherever and whenever there is a flight reaction. “Critical distance” includes the narrow zone separating flight distance from attack distance. A lion in a zoo will flee from an approaching man until it meets a barrier that it cannot overcome. If the man continues the approach,  he soon penetrates(洞察)the lion’s critical distance, at which point the cornered lion reverses direction and begins slowly to walk angrily to the man.

Social animals need to stay in touch with each other. Loss of contact with the

group can be fatal for a variety of reasons including exposure to enemies. Social distance is not simply the distance at which an animal will lose contact with his group―that is, the distance at which it can no longer see, hear, or smell the group―it is rather a psychological distance, one at which the animal apparently begins to feel anxious when he exceeds its limits. We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group.

Social distance varies from species to species. It is quite short―apparently only a few yards among some animals, and quite long among others.

Social distance is not always rigidly fixed but is determined in part by the situation. When the young of apes and humans are mobile but not yet under control of the mother’s voice, social distance may be the length of her reach. This is readily observed among the baboons(狒狒)in a zoo. When the baby approaches a certain point, the mother reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it back to her. When added control is needed because of danger, social distance shrinks. To show this in man, one has only to watch a family with a number of small children holding hands as they cross a busy street.

57. Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of Flight Distance?

   A. Distance between animals of the same species before fleeing.

B. Distance between large and small animals before fleeing.

C. Distance between an animal and its enemy before fleeing.

D. Distance between certain animal species before fleeing.

58. If a lion sees its enemy in critical distance, it will ____.

   A. begin to attack              B. try to hide

C. begin to jump                D. run away

59. The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the last paragraph show _________.

   A. social distance is not always needed

B. there is no social distance among small children

C. humans are different from animals in social distance

D. social distance is sometimes determined by outside factors

60. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

   A. Critical Distance            B. Spacing in Animals

C. Relationship between Animals D. Psychological Distance

第二節(jié)  根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從對話后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項(請將所選答案填寫在Ⅱ卷答題欄中)

W: How is your mother feeling these days?

M: Much better. She should be back in a few days. 61

M: That’s wonderful. 62

M: I think I need at least a week to take care of her and do some cleaning.

W: 63 In this case, you can not only do your job, but also have more free time.

M: 64 She is 72 years old.

W: 65 Please take good care of her. All of us in our office expect you to be back and wish your mother to recover soon.

M: Thank you. Mary. You are really kind.


A.     You are a thoughtful person.

B.      When will you be back on our job?

C.      Yes, but I’m really worried about my mother.

D.     When will she be back home?

E.      The operation was successful and the doctors say she will recover soon.

F.      Why don’t you hire someone to do it?

G.     Can’t you get some special training to look after your mother well?

第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題  共55分)


1.  用鋼筆或圓珠筆直接答在試卷上。

2.  答卷前將密封線內(nèi)的項目填寫清楚。

3.  本卷共三節(jié),共55分。

第三部分  寫作(共三節(jié),滿分55分)

第一節(jié)  單詞拼寫(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)


66. Mr. Zhang received a letter of i______ and went to London

for the medical conference.                                                      


67. Asia is the largest of all seven c______ on the earth.           67._______

68. Three days of heavy rain f_______ many villages.             68._______

69. It was g______ of your brother to lend us all that money.        69._______

70. Her rich experience gave an a________ over the other

people applying for the job.                                             


71.Our government is aiming to build a “________(和諧)society”        71._______

72.Everyone thinks he is a_________(有前途)director.                 72._______

73.Chinese characters are the most beautiful, ______(比較)with the  

   words in other languages.                                      73._______

74.At the sound of the gun, birds in the flew away in all ____(方向).       74._______

75.You may use_____(面部)expressions, hands movements and

anything to get your meaning across in learning a new language.                      


第二節(jié)  短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)






    It’s very kind for you to write to me and let me know about          76.____

your beautiful city. Now I feel like to tell you something about my        77.____

hometown ―Jiangcheng.

    The city located on the bank of the Changjiang River. It is beautiful   78.____

place for people to live in. Its economy has been developed rapidly        79.____

in the past ten years. New factories, houses and roads had been built.       80.____

More schools and hospitals are available for its people. Therefore, there     81.___

are still some problems, such as water and air pollution or heavy traffic     82.___

in rush hours. In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop our economy      83.___

scientifically. I also think that the growth of its population should be        84.__

brought under the control so that we’ll have a better hometown tomorrow.    85.__

第三節(jié)  書面表達(滿分30分)


計表,請參照該表寫一篇題目為“Report on the Survey about Our School Uniform”的



















No idea




1.  報告須包括本調(diào)查表中的主要內(nèi)容,可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),使內(nèi)容連貫。

2.  詞數(shù):100―120左右。



李光  作于 2006年4月3日 












   語 文




   第1卷(選擇題 共30分)





































