0  0  6  10  12  16  18  22  24  26  27  28  30  31  32  34  36  40  42  46  48  52  58  60  66  70  72  76  82  88  90  96  100  102  108  112  118  126  3002 

Household appliances


Teaching objectives:

To enable students to do the following:

1.      talk about household appliances

2.      describe processes

3.      exclaim


Language focus and difficult points:

Words and expressions:

… …

Sentence pattern:

What … ! / How … !

It’s almost the same as an ordinary TV.

First, … . Next, … .  Then, … .  Finally, … .

What’s the use of this button? / What’s that button for?

How’s it different from an ordinary TV, then?






1.      to learn the words and expressions, tuning in and have a brief introduction of the text

2.      to learn the text and discovering language

3.      to learn listening & speaking in Developing Skills

4.      to learn Reading & Writing in Developing Skills

5.       Revision and exercises














An English song: Two thousand miles to go


Step 1  Look at the pictures and tell the names of the household appliances


Ø         Household appliance:

Ø         Washing machine

Ø         Digital TV              remote control          inch

Ø         Vacuum cleaner

Ø         Air-conditioner

Ø         Refrigerator

Ø         DVD player

Ø         Dishwasher

Ø         Microwave oven

Ø         Toaster

Ø         fan


Ø         Turn on

Ø         Turn up

Ø         Select

Ø         Press 

Ø         Power

Ø         Volume



Which of these household appliance can you use to:

l         wash clothes?

l         clean your house?

l         watch movies with better picture and sound?

l         brown your bread?

l         control a household appliance?

l         play DVDs?

l         clean your dishes?

l         prepare food quickly?

l         keep your food cold?

l         make the air in your room colder or warmer?


Step 3  Talk about the usage of the household appliances in pairs.


1.       Listen to the tape recorder of the text twice. (books shut)

2.       Answer the following questions:

a.       Where are Li Hui and his cousin?

b.       Li Hui’s family have moved into a new housing estate, haven’t they?

c.       What have they bought for their new flat?

d.       What are they?

e.       Which appliance is Li Hui’s cousin interested in?

3.       Listen and read after the tape.

4.       Do Comprehension Check


IV. Homework:

Oral work:

Read the words and text

Written work:

1. Copy the words and expressions

2. Comprehension check in workbook






























I.                    Revision:

Read the words and expressions


1.       Read the text once, then check the Comprehension Check

2.       Language points:

the same as

e.g. Your computer is the same as mine.

       Her hair is the same colour as her mother’s.


press  vt.

e.g. He pressed the doorbell.

       Just press this button, and you’ll start the air-conditioner.


turn on / off

e.g. He turned on his desk lamp and started to do his homework.

       Shall we turn on the television and watch the news?

       Please don’t turn off the radio.


select  vt.

e.g. I’d like to select some cards for Christmas.

       We selected eleven people for our class football team.


turn up / down ( the volume )

e. g. I can’t hear very well.  Could you turn up the volume?

       The room isn’t warm enough.  Would you please turn up the air-conditioner?

It’s too noisy.  Please turn down the TV.


way of life

e.g. Do you know anything about the American way of life?

       Modern technology has caused great changes to people’s way of life.


What … ! / How … !

e.g. What a bright student he is!

       How bright the student is!

       How well you look!


First, ….  Next, … .  Then, … .  Finally, … .

e.g. A: Could you tell me how to use the washing machine?

      B: Sure.  First, put in the clothes and soup powder.  Next, press ON to turn on the power.  Then, press START to start washing.  Finally, press OFF to turn off the power.


3.       Read and role play the text.


III.               Discovering language:

1.       Read the dialogue and answer the questions: (TB P.150 )

2.       Rewrite the sentence:

a.  T: Our classroom is very tidy!

S1: How tidy our classroom is!

S2: What a tidy classroom ours is!

b.  T: Shanghai is developing fast.

        S1: How fast Shanghai is developing!

c.       T: We’ve read an interesting book.

S2: What an interesting book we have read!

3.       (WB P.78 ) Language focus EX. II


IV.               Homework:

Oral work:

Read and recite the words and expressions.

Written work:

Language Focus in WB

























I. Revision:

1. Recite the words and expressions

2. Role play the text


II. Developing skills:

1. Review numbers and the names of the counties

2. Listening:  Listen to the dialogues, and complete the table about household appliances.

²        Listen to tape recorder twice

²        Check

²        Listen to the tape recorder again


3.       Speaking:  Pair work: talking about how to use the household appliances after the model.

²      Read the phrases in the box and the model

²      Work in pairs

²      Ask a few pairs to act out in class

²      Ask the Ss to talk about some other household appliances


III. Homework:

Oral work:

Read and recite the text

Bring a small household appliance or find an introduction of a household appliance from home,

Give instructions about how to use it

Written work:

Skill Focus in WB

















Period Four



I. Revision:


1. They have bought new household appliances for their new flat.

2. Li Hui’s cousin came to visit their new home this morning.

3. What a big TV is!

4. This new model of digital TV is made in Japan.

4.       Do you know how to use this machine?

5.       The new digital TV is almost the same as an ordinary TV.

6.       First, press this button to turn on the TV.  Next, you can use the remote control to select the channels.  Then, press these buttons to turn up or down the volume.  Finally, you use this button again to turn it off.

7.       The picture and sound are far better on a digital TV than on an ordinary one.


II. Developing skills:

Ex.3  Bring a small household appliance from your home.  Work in groups of four and take

      turns to give instructions about how to use it after the model.


Ex.4.  Reading

Notes to the reading:

 get rid of

e.g. It’s time to get of all those old toys.

   You should get rid of your bad habits.


 by hand

e.g.  This wooden sweater is knit by hand.

These toys are all made by hand.


 With the help of

e.g.  You can find more information with the help of the Internet.

     With the help of the medicine, he got better very soon.


III. A survey:














Additional words and expressions


VCR/ videocassette recorder                answering machine

(blank) videotape                         cable TV

video camera                            Iron

stereo system                            hair dryer

speaker                                 electric fan

tape recorder                            electric razor

tape / cassette                            coffeemaker



1. Do Chinese families use more household appliances than before?

2. What does that mean?  Does it mean that Chinese people’s lives are getting better and better?

3. Is our country developing very fast?

4. What shall we do to help our country develop even faster in the future?


Writing: Write six to eight sentences about household appliances.

       Complete the exercises in Lesson by lesson practice




























I. Warming up:

A  report on the survey


Skill Focus in WB

1.       Listen to the following dialogues and choose the vest answers

2.       Suppose your partner does not know how to use the following appliances.  First complete the instructions below with sentences from the box.  Then practise in pairs after the model.

3.       Work in pairs and talk about household appliances in your homes after the model.

4.       Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.


III. Homework:

Review L.3



Teaching objectives

To enable students to the following:

l       Talk about robots

l       Ask for clarification

l       Use indefinite pronouns: somebody/someone,  anybody/anyone,  nobody/no one,  every body/everyone,  something, anything, nothing, everything.


Words and expressions:

From the text:

tidy up


make the bed

perform and operation ( on sb. )

with pleasure

difference(s) between

Something/anything/nothing+ adj.

be different from

from the reading

be full of

all kinds of

keep doing sth.

carry out

Sentence patterns:

There’s something/anything/nothing interesting about it.

Robots are different from ordinary machines.

What’s the difference between robots and ordinary machines?

Do you mean…?

With pleasure.

1.     New words and expressions & Tuning in.

2.     Text & Discovering Language

3.     Developing Skill ? Listening & Speaking

4.     Developing Skill ?listening& Reading & Writing

5.     Comments on the exercises



Warm up:

Could you describe your favourite robot.

Include the robot’s name, appearance, character, ability

Tuning in:

Answer the questions below. Use the picture and word cues.

Read the expressions according to the pictures.

tidying up a room

preparing food

doing and experiment in space

doing a dangerous job

making the bed

performing an operation

Answer the questions in pairs:

1.     What’s the robot in each picture doing?

2.     Which ones are home-help robots?

3.     What can robots help people with?

4.     Are robots different from ordinary machines?

Vocabulary list:



tidy up



make the bed


perform/ perform an operation


pleasure/ with pleasure

difference/ be different from







Read the words together.

Listen to the text and read after the tape one sentence by one sentence.


Oral: Recite the new words and read the words and text after the tape for 45 minutes.

Written: Copy the text and complete the comprehension check.



Warm up :

Children’ rhyme

Life can be good,

Life can be bad;

Life is mostly cheerful,

But sometimes sad.

Life can be dreams.

Life can be great thoughts;

Life can mean a person

Sitting in court.

Life can be dirty,

Life can even be painful;

But life is what you make it,

So try to make it beautiful.

(with a piece of music)



Dictate the words and expressions


Read the text after the tape.

Complete the comprehension check and check out the answer.

Language highlights and useful phrases.

Tidy up

Example: She tidied up the room this morning.

You’d better tidy yourself up now.


Prepare/prepare for…

Example: He is preparing his lessons for the examination.

Please prepare the table for dinner.

She has prepared a lot of information for her project.


Make the bed

Do you make the bed yourself after you get up?

Although she is young, she is able to make the bed by herself.


Indefinite pronouns:

How to use indefinite pronouns .

Which of these pronouns do we use to talk about people?

Which of these pronouns do we use to talk about things?


Someone/somebody/everybody/everyone (肯定)


No one/nobody (否定)



Nothing/no one (否定)

Group work:

Make the positive sentences, negative sentences and questions with indefinite words.

Make the sentences with “ be different from”, “tidy up”

“prepare for”, “with pleasure”, “Do you mean”+


Role-read the text.


Written: comprehension exercises in the book.

 Page 70 exercises in the workbook.

Copy the text and translate it.

Oral: Read the new words and text about 45 minutes and recite all the words.


Warm up:

Personal Robot PaPeRo,

Creating better human-machine interface 界面through
"living with robots"


NEC's new robot PaPeRo is smaller and lighter with many improved features on our first generation prototype - 'Personal Robot R100'. PaPeRo's stand-alone architecture means it can easily be taken out of the laboratory, which allows the robot to be taken home, and to many other locations where we can conduct two main types of research. First, the technology issue, such as improving its recognition and sensing ability, and the other, is relationships between humans and robots. Through this fieldwork, we are hoping further the possibilities of introducing robots into our lives.




Dictate the words.

Role-read the text.


Developing Skills

l       Listen to the dialogue at a robot shop and complete the information about a new model of home-help robot below.

l       Analyse the table, read some words: advantages, uses, cost

l       Listen to the tape twice and check the answer.


Work in pairs and talk about robots after the model. Use the word cues below.

Practice the following main sentences.

l       “With pleasure”

l       “Do you mean….”

Read the words, phrases cues in pairs.

Role-play in pairs.

Read the passage and decide if the following statements are true or false.

Listen to the tape.

Read after tape one sentence by one sentence.

Check out the answers.



Do exercises in the workbook.

Read reading for 45 minutes.

Recite the text.



Fourth Period

Warm Up:

Read reading.


Dictate the text.

Group work. Suppose you are robotic scientists. You want to develop different types of robots to meet the needs of various kinds of people. Discuss and decide what types of robots you should develop.

Step 1. Discuss your ideas in groups of four after the model. Use the table cues. Then complete the different uses of robots.


Let’s develop a robot to help students practise English, shall we?

Yes, let’s. Maybe we could also develop a robot to help policemen control traffic.

I agree. Shall we develop a robot to help firemen put out fires, too?

Yes, why not? I feel we also ought to develop a robot to help scientists do experiments in space.

Discuss the users and uses in groups and complete the table.

Report your group discussion to the whole class after the model


Read the words and phrases.

Read reading after the tape.

Check out the statements

Pair work ask and answer the questions according to the reading in pairs.


Read reading.

Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Fifth period

Warm up:

Read reading.

Additional words:

Listening comprehension.

Listen and check two listening exercises in the workbook.

Comment the exercises in the workbook.








Unit Four Science in English

Lesson Two Seasons

1.      Talk about seasons


2.      Patterns:

(1)    So / Neither am / do / have I.

(2)    What’s your favorite season?

(3)    I like summer better than spring.

(4)    I like winter best.


3.      Comparisons



















Daily talk

Learning the new words and phrases by questions and answers.

1.       How many people are there in your family?

2.       How many students are there in your class?

3.       How many days ate there in a week?

4.       What are they?

5.       How many months are there in a year?

6.       How many seasons are there in a year?

7.       What are they?

8.       What’s the weather like in spring / summer / autumn / winter?

9.       What’s your favourite season?

10.   Why do you like spring / summer / autumn / winter best?

11.   Is it warm in spring?

hot in summer?

cool in autumn?

cold in winter?


So       am          I

do         they


Neither    did

does        she / he / it

12.   I like sports in winter.  What about you?  (So do I.)

13.   He is a teacher.  (So am I.)

14.   You won’t go to school on Sunday.  (Neither will I.)

15.   You have two books.  (So have we.)

16.   We often go to the beach and swim in the sea.  And you?

(So do I. / Me too.)

17.   We can make snowman in winter.  What about you?  (So can we.)

18.   You can go skiing in winter.  (So can we.)

19.   We can’t swim in winter.  (Neither can we.)

20.   Is it a good time for outdoor activities in spring or in autumn? 

21.   What is spring / summer / autumn / winter like?

22.   Are birds singing in spring?

23.   Flowers are blooming, aren’t they?

24.   What are your favorite outdoor activities?

25.   Do you like summer better than spring?

26.   You prefer summer to spring, don’t you?

27.   Who can tell me how many long holidays we have in a year?

28.   What are they?

29.   You can go sightseeing during the long holidays, can’t you?

30.   Where do you go for the holidays?

31.   Have you been to Harbin for holidays?

32.   What is the weather like there?

33.   What is the highest / lowest temperature there?

34.   Christmas day is coming, isn’t it?

35.   Will you have a long Christmas holiday?

36.   Where will you go for the holiday?

37.   I will go to Guilin for this holiday.  What about you?  (So will I.)

38.   Can you tell us something about Li Hui, Linda, Li Jin and Julia’s talk?

Reading the new words after the tape.

Reading the text


   Can you have a discussion about your plan for the long Christmas holiday?

Comprehension check (p143)

1.       Recite the text and talk about seasons

2.       Copy the new words and text and discovering language

Daily talk

Review the text by questions and answers.

1.       How many people are there in our text?

2.       Who are they?

3.       Where are they?

4.       What are they doing?

5.       Which season does Li Hui like best?

6.       What’s Li Hui’s favorite season?

7.       What’s your favorite season?

Now let’s talk about seasons in groups, shall we?

1.       I like spring.

2.       I am a student.

3.       I went to the park yesterday.

4.       I don’t like English.

5.       I didn’t go to school yesterday.

6.       I am not a teacher.

7.       I haven’t seen the film yet.

8.       What kind of verbs do we use after “so” and “neither” in the above sentences?

9.       Do we put the verbs before or after the subjects in the above sentences?

10.   Do we use “so” in response to a positive sentence?

11.   Do we use “neither” in response to a negative sentence?

12.   How to use “so” and “neither”?

Developing skills

Now let’s talk about all there clothes

Where to put them, in shop window 1 or 2?

When to wear these clothes in winter or in summer?

Filling in the blanks:

1.       How many months are there in winter?

2.       What’s the weather like in these months?

3.       What kinds of clothes do we wear in these months?

4.       What kinds of activities do we have?

5.       How many months are there in summer?

6.       How is the weather in these months?

7.       What kinds of clothes do we usually wear in these months?

8.       What kinds of activities do we have?

Give responses to what you have heard with so… I or neither… I.

1.       My cousin is very interested in outdoor games and sports.

2.       I’m not going sightseeing during my summer holidays.

3.       I often go to the beach in summer.

4.       I don’t like making snowman.

5.       I’ve booked a package tour for my winter holidays.

6.       I haven’t surfed the Internet for a long time.

1.       Ex. 4 5  (p146)

2.       Reading

3.       Write a composition











Daily talk


1.       New words of Part II.

2.       Where is New Zealand?

3.       Where is Britain?

4.       Where is China?

5.       How many months are cold in Britain?

6.       What about New Zealand?

7.       What do the people in New Zealand do in December and January?

8.       Where do they go for their holidays?

9.       In which season does it snow?

10.   What kind of clothes do the people in New Zealand wear in June, July and August?

11.   Now let’s do task 1, task 2 in pairs, shall we?


Writing on the blackboard.


Check up the “Comprehension” in workbook


Check up Ex.1 of language focus.



Exs in WB




Daily talk


Check up Ex 2 3 of language focus


Skill focus

Listening 1

Work in pairs and talk about your favorite activities for different seasons.

Conduct a survey.


Ex 4 5




Daily talk




Preview the next text




Daily talk



“Christmas is coming”


Go over the text




Teaching Plan

Teacher: Bai Yinghua, No. 79 Middle School

Unit One

Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability:1. Aa~Nn 14 English letters

                   2. English vowels (20)

(front, central, back and diphthongs )

3. Some short and easy words.

                  3. Some greeting sentences.

Key words: Greeting

Moral, attitude and value: how to greet people

Culture conscious: to teach Ss how to begin English study. 

Main and difficult points

1. How to pronounce and write Aa~Nn 14 English letters

2. How to pronounce, write and use phonetic scripts

3. What should Ss say when they greet someone.

Teaching tools

A multi-media computer

Tapes, cards and pictures



1.       Divide this unit into 2 lessons, the first lesson contains: lesson 1, first part of lesson 2 and first part of lesson 3. the second lesson contains: the second and third parts of lesson 2 and lesson 3, and the whole lesson 4.

2.       when we teach Ss English letters, we should teach them not only the writing and pronunciation of English letters, but also let the Ss write some words which has these English letters and remember them.

3.       when we teach Ss English scripts, pay more attention to the pronunciation of each script. And make differences between Chinese ones and English ones.

4.       let Ss prepare some word cards, phonetic script cards, so that they can practice at anytime.

5.       when we teach Ss greeting sentences, we need more practice and exercises to grasp them in different ways to enlarge Ss’ vocabulary.

6.       give Ss effective homework related with more practice.

Evaluation tools

1.       evaluation forms, teacher to Ss, student to student.

2.       give value conclusions to every Ss after class.

3.       set files for every Ss.

Personal teaching

1. A letter means ten more words

Eg: Aa => apple, father, map, bag, name, class, and, are, grade, cake, car, at, thank, teacher  …… (Ss do this part by themselves.)

So Ss can learn and grasp the words before they learn them.

2. cards making

different kinds of card have different kinds of functions.

Script cards letter cards word cards.

1.       此單元為初中英語(yǔ)教學(xué)的起始單元,對(duì)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)的最基礎(chǔ)教學(xué),應(yīng)該更具有穩(wěn)固性,更具有吸引力。

2.       通過(guò)此單元的教學(xué),初步掌握學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)水平和能力。

3.       針對(duì)學(xué)生的狀況,對(duì)自己的教學(xué)方法和方式及時(shí)的進(jìn)行調(diào)整。


















Teaching Plan

Teacher: Zhang Bin  No.79 Middle School



Lesson 7&8 (Unit 2)

Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability 1 know the letters from U to Z

                  2 know some simple words with the letters

above in them

                  3 learn some phonetic symbols

                  4 can use everyday English easily.

Process and mothord: set an example to let them use daily English, then they practice using the language.


Moral, attitude and value: to be polite to others

Main and difficult points

1 remember some new words

2 recognize the phonetic symbols clearly  

3 use everyday English

Teaching tools

A multi-media computer and some pictures

Teaching procedure









Know the

Six letters

Ask a student to

write a letter on

the  blackboard



on their










Remember some

simple words

with the letters

we learn











Read and


recognize them









Excuse me, where

Is the guest?

Are you---?

Good! I am--,

Welcome to ---!

Can you spell

Your name?


See you later!

over there


Yes, I am






See you!




and do






1--- ___you Mary? ---No, my name ___Kate

A Are, is  B Is, am C Is,is D Are,am

2―Where is “T”---_____

A This is here  B No, it’s not here

C It’s here  D Here it is

3 ?Hello, boys and girls --_____

A Good morning, teacher B Hello,teacher

C Thanks, teacher D How are you teacher

4 ?Sit down, please.---_____

A Hello  B That’s a book  C Thank you

D Fine, thanks

5 ---Nice to meet you!--_____

A Fine, thank you B How are you

C I’m fine, too  D Nice to meet you,too





Remember the letters, phonetic symbols and the news words;

Make a dialogue with everyday English 













































 The Object Clouse (1)












































 Came about others












 as soon as









sb can




















 He says(that) …


































 I. Revision








  1. Are you a member of the League? Yes.






he say?






(that) he








  2. How long lave you been in the…for…






(that) he




been in…for…





  3. Do you want to join the League? Yes.





















































 The Object Clause






















 Reading comprehension


































 keep doing sth, offer ob sth













 Practice doing sth













 enjoy able, comfortable


































 I. Revision








  1. Have you ever seen a train / a plane?


  2. If you want to take a train, which station do you have to go to, the bus station or railway station?

  3. Are there may {

people at the railway station?






shops selling all kinds of drinks, food or fruit?




    So we say it is very lively.






  4. Have you ever traveled {


} train {


} air?



on a

on a



  5. Which is more popular, traveling by train or by air? Why?












































 The Object Clause (1)
























































 What a pity!













 The score is 2-1













 his own team


































 I. Revision








    Ask and answer the questions of Lesson 14


 II. Presentation








  1. Did you have a football match?






  2. Did your own football team win (the match)?


  3. What was the score?






    The score was 3-2






























(that) he




to join…







  4. What will you do if you want to be a…?






(that) he




work hard





 II. Presentation









  1. Part 1









   1) Who is the telephone from / to?






   2) Why does he call Mr Song Jia?






  2. Guers: headmaster, mount, except
















sb can









  3. What




Mr Green Say?












  4. When is Mr. Green free?



 III. Practice









    Part 2









 IV. Homework











































































































































































 II. Presentation









    Jim Green went to Sichuan Province on a train




    Why did like to take a train there?






  1. much cheaper and safer






  2. far more enjoyable and comfortable






  3. stand up and walk around






  4. talk laugh and play cards, read magazines






  5. keep watching the beautiful scenery out of the window






  6. Not a


} trip / ride / journey












  7. a sleeping car






  8. like a moving party (a moving story)






 III. Read









    Guess: offer sb sth






          practive doing






          the click of the rails






 IV. Practise









 V. Home work





















































































































































































  4. If someone missed the match, what would you say to him?



    What a pity?






 III. Read and act









  1. Why did Jim and Lin Tao have to stop talking?



    The bell rang



  2. What did Lin Tao say


when he mot Jim?





about the football {
















the football match?




  3. What did Jim say about {

Mount Emei?




his trip to Mount Emei?







his photos?




 IV. Practice









 V. Homework



































































































































































































































mount, except









}been in…




















}to join…














































sb can















 1. Pleare write to me as soon as {









you can








 2. I’ll go as quickly as{










I can









 3. He can as fast as{











he could
























































































































































































































































































































 the railway station



far more enjoyable and comfortable



 all kind of



much cheaper and safer



 lively province



read magazines



 offer sb sth



keep watching



 practise doing



not a {


} trip / ride / journey


 the click of the rails











like a moving party
















































 1. None of us know (s) him








   No one

} knows him




















 2. Every one

} of us knows him
















 3. I’m ill, He often comforts me, so 2 feel comfortable a comfortable chair




 4. I enjoy taking a train, and I think it’s enjoyable



 5. He told us a moving story







 6. He offered {

me 10 yuan for the book







to buy my book for 10 yuan


























































































































































































































































} a football match
















   your own football team








   The score was 3-2








   What a pity!



















































































 1. He fell ill. ×→ He felt ill








 2. He felt sleep. ×→ He fell asleep








 3. He will call (call) you as soon as he arrives (arrive) there




 4. He said he would call (call) you as soon as he arrived (arrive) there




 5. He said he was going (go) there {

by car







in his car







 6. all kinds of books










   this kind of book(s) =


} of this kind






a book






































































































































































































































































Teaching Plan

Teacher: Sun Lili,No.52 Middle School

Lesson 29(Unit 8,Book Ⅱ)


Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability:1.The Simple Past Tense ? be

                    2.Statement forms of SPT


Process and method: Students grasp the new tense smoothly and can use it


Moral, attitude and value: hand in the homework


Main and difficult   points

1.       The difference between the Simple Present Tense and the Simple Past Tense

2.       Learn how to use the Simple Past Tense


Teaching tools

A multi-media computer


Teaching procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities














The date and the absentees

1. Who’s on duty today?

2.  What day is it today?

3.       What day is it tomorrow?

4.       What day was it yesterday?

5.       Who isn’t here today?

6.       Today is Tuesday.

7.       Chen Hong is away.


1.       I am.


2.       It’s …


3.       It’s …


4.       It was …


5.       (the duty report)


6.       Yesterday was Monday.

7.  Chen Hong was away yesterday.

Know verbs change when talk about the past









(The dialogue in the text book)

learn the Simple Past Tense

1.Yesterday I was ill, but today I am better.



2. Act out the dialogue with your partners

1.       Yesterday you were ill, but you are better, you are healthy.


2. …

Can use the Simple Past Tense easily and freely










A: Where’s your homework, Jim?

B: Sorry, Mr Hu. I was not ____ yesterday.

A: Yes, I __. You were not here yesterday. Were you ill?

B: Yes, I was a ___ ill.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. I __ you are better now.

B: Yes, I am. Thank you.

A: You’d ___ finish the work today, and bring it tomorrow.

B: Certainly.



1.       We are all here, ___ Jim is away.

A. or  B. and  C. but  D. so

2.       The teachers had a meeting __ two hours. They talked __ English teaching.

A. for, for  B. for, about  C. about, about  D. about, for

3.       The lift ___ her down to the first one.

A.     brings  B. takes  C. bringing  D. taking

4.       When you go out, please remember __ the door.

A. closing  b. close  c. will close  D. to close

5.       You must look after ___ and keep ___

A. you, health  B. yourself, health  C. you, healthy  D. yourself, health

Check the result of learning

Lesson 29

1.What day is it today?          

What day was it yesterday?

2.       hope  remember  composition

3.       I’m sorry to hear that.

4.       I hope you’re better now.

5.       keep healthy

Write the answers to Wb Lesson 29, Ex.2 in the exercise book.

Review the past tense of be






Teaching Plan

Teacher: Sun Lili,No.52 Middle School

Lesson 30 (Unit 8,Book Ⅱ)

Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability:1.Some times phrases used in The Simple Past Tense

                    2.Some Drills to use The Simple Past Tense

Process and method: Students base on their own contribution, organize the language themselves, and use The Simple Past Tense freely

Moral, attitude and value: Pay more attention about the people near themselves

Main and difficult   points

1.       know some time phrases in The Simple Past Tense

2.       know how to change The Simple Present Tense into the Simple Past Tense

Teaching tools

A multi-media computer

Teaching procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities







The time phrases of The Simple Past Tense

1.       last Monday

2.       three days ago

3.       the day before yesterday

4.       last night

(make sentences by using these phrases freely)

Know how to use the new tense smoothly




From the text to know more about the new tenses

1.       pre-read(from the book there are three questions, let the students answer)

2.       listen to the tape and answer the questions

1)      What is my uncle?

2)      Is he busy?

3. study the text and learn the language

1.       I think ….









1)a businessman



Study the text in details





1.       We can see the ______on TV.

2.       We _______ to the Great Wall last week.

3.       She enjoys ______ at home on Sundays.

4.       They ______ here last night.

5.       His ________ is better than mine.




1.       It ___ ___ two hours to ___ ___ the magazine.

2.       You’d ____ ____ a ____ ____.

3.       It’s ____ ___ than ____ ___ yesterday.

4.       There was ___ ___ ___ the computer.

5.       The businessman often ___ ___ and ___ ___.

Check the result of learning

Lesson 30

1.       grow up

2.       have a meeting

3.       enjoy doing

4.       a lot

Finish off the workbook exercises. Write down 5 sentences from Wb Lesson 30, Ex. 2 in the exercises book.







Lesson 37  (Unit 10, BookⅡ)


Teaching aims

Knowledge and ability: 1. Some words related to the concert.

                   2. Some drills about how to interview.

                   3. Improve the ability of oral English.

Process and method: Improve the ability of listening and speaking and try to express the report clearly.

Moral, attitude, Know something about many kinds of culture and value: in some places all over the world and know something             about the culture in some places

Main and difficult points

1.       Know all the words of the Swedish Rock Band.

2.       Know how to report news.

3.       Master the Simple Past Tense.

Teaching tools

Text book and recorder

Teaching procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






The words of the Swedish Rock Band

1. How many kinds of music do you know?

Say something about it

1.       Pop music.

2.       Rock music.

3.       Jazz music.

4.       Country music.

5.       Classical music.

Know words of many different kinds of music.

Say something about it.





①.   Dialogue 1. Say something about the report. Then introduce different kinds of music.

②.   There was/were

1. Ask some questions: eg.① Do you like music?

②What kind of music do you like? …

2. Then introduce many kinds of music.

3. Practice there be (was/were…)

①.    Learn Part 1. A dialogue about a Rock Band.

②.    There was(wasn’t)/were(weren’t)…

Practice the dialogue in pairs.




1.       How to interview.

2.       How many kinds of music do you know ? Say something about it.

3.       Practice the dialogue in pairs

4.       Make up a new dialogue in pairs.




1.       There are many _________ stars in the sky at night

2.       There _______ any rice in the kitchen. Please go and get some.

3.       The _________(瑞典人) are my friends.

4.       The ___________(新聞工作者) from CCTV ask that scientist many questions.

5.       Some __________(樂隊(duì)) often give concerts here.


Blackboard design

Lesson 37

1. rock band      4. tonight     7. famous   10. Beatles

2. concert        5. singer      8. song

3. give a concert   6. journalist   9. Swedish


Make up a dialogue about a report



Lesson 42 (Unit 11, Book 2)

Teaching aims





1.      Some words related to seasons


2.      Some drills to introduce the seasons


3. Improve the ability of oral English


Precess and method: Ss base on the seasons organize the language and try to express clearly

Moral, attitude and value: Love nature


Main and difficult points:

1.Know all the words of weather, seasons


2.Know how to tell the seasons


3.Learn how to write a letter


Teaching tools:

A multi-media computer


Teaching procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



Prêt ask

The words of seasons

1.      How many seasons

2.      What do people do in Spring

There’re four seasons in a year


Try to remember the different seasons






The text

Introduce seasons

Give an example of introducing the seasons

There’re four seasons

Spring is…

Can introduce seasons easily and fluently





Exercises: Which is your favourite season?

What do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?







1.      Flowers start to ______() out in spring.

2.      It never rains_______(大)in our city.

3.      The days get longer and the nights get _____(短)in summer.

4.      Could you help the farmers with the rice _______(收割)?



                     Lesson 42

Spring       Weather                  Activities





1.      Say something about the seasons

2.      Write a letter.



